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Everything posted by kurple

  1. Thanks for all the replies. To be honest I didn't think this forum was as active before today lol. New question. After getting a very specialized degree/PhD/whatever, for example neuroscience, how likely is it to get a job? I always thought researchers get millions of dollars and a really cool underground secret lab from the government like from movie, "The Invisible Man". (jk, but seriously) How do degrees land a job? For example Physics or any major that are "kinda" more focused on research. Any personal stories to share?
  2. In regards to research how exactly does it happen? When can I start? Who gives our these labs/funding? How likely is it to get funded? How do people go about joining them, on the reserve side how do I go about joining an already established one? Is research your thesis (for PhD)? If you graduate without completing your research do you stay in the university or something else? On that note will the research get scraped? Still a lot of questions to ask lol. Sorry folks.
  3. Yeah I've noticed that neuroscience isn't a freshman course and I'm required to take biology and sometimes psychology for a school's neuroscience course. I've looked into 3 schools so far: Harvard, MIT, and John Hopskins. Right now the most prospective mentor I'm looking at is Susumu Tonegawa in MIT. So I'm really hoping I get accepted there (it's a far cry). If all fails I got a back-up plan in my local community college to knock out prerequisites while I work on a better application. I really learned a lot from this thread. Thank you all for helping. But one thing I'm still missing is a post from an actual neuroscientist to give me a personal insider on how to go about things, his own research, and which prospective schools he was also looking at. You know a "mentor"? lol.
  4. neuroscience as both a class and a major. Honestly I don't know what the appropriate class I'm suppose to take in order to research into what I wanted to. Neuroscience is the closest thing I can get.
  5. Thanks for sharing your experience with this topic. I'll search around for a professor/researcher who is researching in the topic that I'm interested in and try to look up their school. To tell you the truth nobody really "inspired" me into this subject; I inspired myself. That's why I'm not very keen on how or where to search for professors/researchers to mentor me. I'll try for a few days and report if I find anyone. I should really be looking for a school soon for fall semester or I might not even make it. Which brings me to my next question: Am I too late to be looking for schools at this point? It's already december and some schools have already closed registrations. And I've noticed that some schools require "biology, physics, inorganic and organic chemistry, and calculus" (standford for example) before I take neuroscience. So is neuroscience actually a class people take in their 3rd or 4th year? I know I'm asking a lot, but honestly there's no one I can talk to about this "obscure" subject.
  6. So are you implying that I look for professors instead of schools? Unfortunately I don't know many people in this field, but thanks for the advice I'll go look for some. You mentioned I can get a decent foundation in neuroscience nearly anywhere, but I'm still in the dark about this subject. Can you give me an example of what you did or something?
  7. Hi I'm still in high school and I'm wondering: If i want to go to into neuroscience research which courses I should take? and where? On the top of my head I know I want to take courses about: - the physical parts of the brain (cellular/molecular neuroscience) - what instruments we currently have to study the brain (neural engineering, EE?) - a course to learn more in depth about instruments/tools so I can make my own if I have to (EE?) As for schools I'm looking at John Hopkins, MIT, and Harvard (lol as if I'll get in). I know, the list is very limited lol. Sorry my own research is so limited, but honestly I just want to start somewhere and get a better feel of things. What I'm personally into is observation of synaptic modification. Basically I want to study about memory. I'm not trying to become a neurosurgeon or anything like that. I guess my plan is to rely on grants of my research? I still have a lot of researching to do as to how I'll maintain my job lol. If I can get some better lighting on things it would really help.
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