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Everything posted by abisha
they are at a Edge of discovering clues if this is truly possibility or a thesis going wild. Me on the other hand, have hard time believing in a multi verse, but within the theory their is sounding logic. their is also a high probability we are a Universe within a universe *kind of blackhole Universe* i can life with that.
Think i understand becose their is no direct line it's called teleport,(distance irrelevant) rater then a phonecall. guess the information they send along side it must be tiny. but still it's quite incredible achievement.
good afternoon, so what exectly do they mean with Teleport?, i read not long ago they successfully teleported something. but i do not understand, on this forum many say that information can't travel faster then light. so what's the deal? and what get teleported?.
I not sure what the question is. but i think you ask that a object that gets in contact with a MBH, it's relativity will not be adjusted. they are to small for any effects to apply also they unstable at all times. if you wanna stop time, i sugest you freeze it.
this question is weird. first let me explain the event horizon is just "wrapt space" it's not mass nor have any body. even if the blackhole is 2 lightyears, the distance by event horzon and the sigulariy is just empty space. second the sigularity is just tiny no matter how "large" the blackhole appears. only way to srink a blackhole is by time, it loss energy on it's own by hawking radiation.
Why are Physics Speculations so Popular ?
abisha replied to Mike Smith Cosmos's topic in Speculations
yet, those science that do, chances the world. example, Inventor of the Time crystal. which was claimed Imposable. -
Why are Physics Speculations so Popular ?
abisha replied to Mike Smith Cosmos's topic in Speculations
I don't think it's practical. how do you expect to come with new ideas, theories, or even concepts?. do you think people that made history books, where not visionaire, they can look outside the box for their current age. i think science, need to chill down, and recalibrate or being stuck for centuries on old theory -
time to ditch big bang inflation theory, for a new one. I call it the Blackhole inflation theory, both are relative same basics. only few key structures are remade first this bigbang have troubles with *what become with* i watch a lot of documentary's they all point out to 3 possible futures. now a blackhole inflation theory, don't have trouble with what was first. example, blackhole do not need matter to create a massive gravity well and can be foundation on gravity problems what exist in today's theory's. second, It can explain why higgs can be unstable without ever being enable to explode whole Universe. third, what become, is not a issue we exist inside a blackhole universe from a other universe that have most likely other physics, and can possible even explain QM I based this on higgs, for being unstable.
Assume entanglement really exist. then it's easy task too create a Quantum morse code device. when tested with several hours of light speed distance. now some hypothesis. if a code is send but without conformation at the receiver, probability still exist. the received information travels back at speed of light too the sender. *entanglement exist* but if the receiver send a massage right back to the sender, will Quantum entanglement cancel out? no room for Probability. so will entanglement cancel out in this scenario?
Constuct Rules. Constuct Moves at the same speed as Light. Reason If moveing slower, light will escape the Constuct If moveing Faster, nothing within the constuct will have existed. force gravity It created outside the constuct, the constuct moves around a other object. with this simple idee, theory of everything is completed. Time arrow. all clocks within the constuct is set to 0 meaning it do not exist when a object is in motion it get pressured against fibers of space so how is this constuct?, is it flawed?, or sounds about right?
but if the bible was write by men, why do it pretend to know the will of god and even worse, their exist many books that suppose to know the will of god. Bible, Koran, Hebrew bible, etc.
What will extraterrestrial intelligence look like?
abisha replied to Moontanman's topic in Speculations
humanoid form is the only construct of having enough room for a brain, and sensor equipment, while holding enough strength in fighting predators. with other words the ultimate predator. any form that do not fit in the humanoid form, will ether be to heavy, or to weak constructed to escape gravity. or not have the necessary building blocks to operate machinery. -
if i recall the functions of a brain is cross-linked. left controls right, right control left. around 1 at 10.000.000 people have a parallel Link, witch case them to function abnormal left=left right=right. your heart is on the left side, the function is on the right side of the brain, so doing the most dangers area of inquiring.
What will extraterrestrial intelligence look like?
abisha replied to Moontanman's topic in Speculations
normal i don't post on this sort topics. Extraterrestrials exist, just plain fact. we most likely will never ever meet them, but i bet they will look a lot like humanoids. simple explanation, they find DNA components in asteroids, the very idea of true alien Extraterrestrials is plain insulting. Physical will depending a lot of their home world. what also can have a possibility to exist are Robotic Extraterrestrial -
oke it might be far fetched But a HD is a plate made of magnetic material when data get write on the disc it exists out of and random Binary numbers and not focus the magnetic plate but if i write program that format the whole disc into only focused binary number say makes any number 1 the whole plate get in basically magnetized and so doing can damage the head that get pulled to the disc so basically software that can damage Harddrives Pyisical. is this just nonsense or is it really possible?
I think the question is irrelevant, when the human brain can't comprehend the answer. a person studied in this field, can understand terms and formula's, they can even draw you a picture how a body wraps space and time But when it comes to explain the "true reality" their brain gets locked. it's like a dog try to understand how a airplane can fly, we simply not yet ready for it.
2 identical items can't not exist. most easy way to understand this. for one second you see the Universe as a computer game. chef you are Unique item 001A , when i copy you, and in the same construct and past your program, *in theory a identical item*, your second self become Unique item 001B. unique 001B, can't never be unique 001A, or one of those must never exist at all. so in reality, matrix movie looks more like reality, then reality looks to us.
they talk about sun color, on earth. not above atmosphere, I read somewhere sun is on Earth around 3500 Kelvin *depending on time*
2000 years ago, it was more red *copper* 3000 Kelvin. Now it's more yellow, around 3500 Kelvin. when ages pass it will become more and more blue.
I have my own vision about how extra dimensions will look like, Here i try explaining. Picture 1, rather awkward we just see the galaxy like we all know, yea i am a crapy artist. but something is weird, and can't be explained that dark black dot. anyone knows what it is, yet their is not a single person alive that can really explain what it is. that blackhole is related to so called big bang,their is no way around it we are born out of singularity but who say's we ever left it? we may be trapped inside a Blackhole in a Another Universe where other laws and new or modified physics, like 2 so why do i think something so strange like this. their is a lot of matter, and their is no really a logic to big bang Sure laws where made after the bigbang but that's just theory if a singularity was born outside this universe, a bigbang makes much more sense and explain where new matter comes from, if where all eliminated by dark matter.
thank you Atom, it will take some time to proccess this. this was especially helpful The effects of Relativity are what are left over after you've already accounted for light signal delay. The difference between this and what Relativity predicts is that other factors (time dilation, length contraction, etc) other than just the Doppler effect have to be taken into account. You can include Doppler shift into your calculations, but it will be a Doppler shift that takes these other factors into account and will give a different result.
no thing exist as *massless space* vacuum decay also, do to Higgs boson 125 GeV.
have you read it all?, i used a *signal* as waving to make the subject more easy to understand.
hi all. i have a sertain problem, with Relativity. thats the following. Suspect A + B, they know each and both start at the Center both a carry a atomic clock, *pocket size* and ofcourse set to match both are in the Center, they start waving at each other at a intervall of 10 seconds a wave. now, they moveing away of each with a super fast car, but still waving at each with speed of 100.000 Meters a second *damn fast car* the journey will take around 3 mins for both drivers, each will see 18 times a waving. now here comes the trouble. Subject A, getting Tiered of waving, and sudden stop waving. It will take Subject B 120 seconds to know Subject A have stoped waving. So how do Reality Deals with Subject A, if het jumps on his Car and start driving to Subject B?, it will take reality 120 seconds to carry the Information he jumped on his car? even worse Subject A is already very Close to Center, who's Clock will go faster or slower? and why