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Everything posted by Przemyslaw.Gruchala

  1. Hot particles go up on Earth. They are moving faster than cooler particles. The coldest particle should be motion less. But in practice motion less particle, at rest on Earth, is still moving around Sun, and around galaxy. Imagine temperature as absorbed (virtual in SM) photons orbiting particle. Because they are orbiting around particle (it's excited), it's taking more space/volume than cooler equivalent. There can be less quantity of such particles per 1m3 volume than cooler equivalent. If hot particles would go down, it would means that surface of planet is the hottest place and constantly increasing it by newly warmed particles from other areas. And nothing would exist at surface other than melted material or plasma. I don't think so it can be applied to galaxies. On planet temperature is spreading across multiple particles, by constant collisions of them, virtual in SM photons are jumping between one particle to other particle when they're colliding. Galaxies don't collide so often. The more pressure (the more particles per 1m3 volume), the more probable is collision of some of them.
  2. You need to become god in the next incarnation..
  3. Gamma photons with high energy are created very rarely (in comparison to f.e. visible light). After all they're created during annihilation. Electron with positron must collide to create gamma particle, etc. You end up with single particle with energy equal to the energy of electron/positron. I have no idea how you get such conclusion..
  4. See visualization below. Imagine that highlighted polygons on the left has 1 cm width, 1 cm height. One photon goes out, second is starting intersecting with 1 cm x 1 cm plane, after traveling 550 nm, it's also no longer intersecting with plane. To have average 1 photon with wavelength 550 nm all the time intersecting with plane 1x1 cm we need in volume 1x1x1 cm, 1cm/550nm number of photons. 1e-2/550e-9= 18182 photons with 550 nm. (and we still didn't count those that were reflected, and those that are parallel to plane)
  5. on each edge? It's 2d plane..
  6. 2e+30 / 4e+9 = 5e+20 seconds needed to convert everything. 5e+20 / 3600 / 24 / 365 = almost 16e+12. 16 trillion years to convert everything. But nuclear reactions are supposed to end after 4e+9 years. Space should be full of such objects that don't radiate anything anymore, or so little they're not detectable by devices. That's true, sphere with radius sun+150 million km is containing just "how massive sun was 500 seconds ago". In mine post I was thinking about 14 billion * 365 * 24 * 3600 * 300,000 km spheres.. radius = 1.32e+23 km So the same regular particles, if believing Broglie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matter_wave Not cylinder but rather cone. Cylinder would be correct only when radius of Earth and Sun would be equal.
  7. Everything is "sensible" to gravity, because it's bending of space..
  8. You can't observe photon that wasn't absorbed by your eye. By observation you're absorbing photons from world. Photon detector in double slit experiment is so good in absorption that whole effect is disappearing.
  9. Correct. But when photon has any mass, relativistic mass equation is not showing something unreal, relativistic, it's showing real mass. Absorbed photons are really in particle that absorbed them. They could join with it for real, or orbiting it (due to bend space around massive particle). Particle will be in such case shrink in one direction and expanded in other direction - in which it's currently moving, looking like american football "ball". The faster it's moving, the more expanded in direction of movement, and the more photons it has absorbed. With v = 0.866c it absorbed so much photons that their overall mass is enough to create 3 protons and 1 antiproton after collision with proton at rest: m = m0 / sqrt( 1 - v^2 / c ^2 ) where m0 = 938.272 MeV * 2 = 1876.544 MeV m = 1876.544/sqrt(1 - 0.866c^2/1.0c^2) = 3753.088 3753.088 / 4 = 938.272 In practice we need slightly more than 0.866c, the rest will remain in their K.E. (absorbed photons). Imagine positive particle in Ultimate Theory, it has general equation: P N+N+3/N (made of N+3 positives and N negatives, N is natural number) what is absorption of photon/energy? It's equation: P N+N+3/N + P N2+N2/N2 = P N3+N3+3/N3 where N+N2=N3 adding neutral particle(s) to positive charged particle. Electric charge remain the same, but overall energy/mass is higher. Then emission of photon will be: P N3+N3+3/N3 -> P N4+N4+3/N4 + P N5+N5/N5 where N3=N4+N5 Neutral photons or neutral particle is emitted from our positive particle. P N2+N2/N2 can be also noted as N2 * P 2/1. P N5+N5/N5 can be also noted as N5 * P 2/1. if 1 Hz is the smallest frequency, then N2 and N5 are Standard Model photon wave frequencies. Collision of proton with other proton at v=0.866c will be: P N+N+3/N + P N+N+3/N + X * P 2/1 = P N+N+3/N + P N+N+3/N + P N+N+3/N + P N+N+3/N+3 proton + proton + energy = proton + proton + proton + antiproton X = N+N+3+N+N+3 X is quantity of photons P 2/1 with the smallest frequency needed to absorb to accelerate proton to speed 0.866c.
  10. Let's think about consequences of giving any non 0 mass to photon: Imagine star with radius r, sphere with radius r+c is how massive star was 1 second ago, sphere with radius r+10*c is how massive star was 10 seconds ago. sphere with radius r+4 billion * 365 *24*3600 c is how massive star was 4 billion years ago, when it started emitting light. etc. With maximum speed of any particle c these are limits of sphere size. It doesn't matter if light was absorbed by planet, meteor, comet etc. or attracted by black hole, it's still inside of our sphere radius. (the same thought experiment can be applied to whole galaxy) Stars are emitting light and other particles and are making lighter, less massive, with time. But what they emitted during their life span is still influencing entire Universe. Our galaxy is emitting particles to space, but other galaxies are "giving" us their own particles that traveled space million and billion years from the all directions. It also means that the entire Universe mass would be exactly the same as in the beginning. And there is no sense in searching for Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
  11. But beam splitter is made of regular matter. So it causes absorption and emittion of photons in transparent material when photons collide with protons and electrons. Same input wave frequency is causing same result after split. Actually what you said in #51 is valid for beam splitter like below one: Imagine situation- we have two lasers, same frequency, same wave length, we're overlapping their beams that they're indistinguishable straight line. Will you be able with beam splitter (or other device) tell exactly how many lasers we overlapped in the first place?
  12. In pion 0 decay to electron and positron example that he gave in #9 post it's very easy, second particle is exact mirror of first one, in the all parameters.. Imagine it in computer program: you're reading bit from memory, it can be 0 or 1. When you read 0, you know that opposite of it will be 1, if you read 1, you know opposite of it will be 0. Or chess- you can pick up white or black, once somebody pick up from hidden hand white, you know what will be second hidden hand result in advance.
  13. If f.e. two neutral particles with equal momentum and direction have positions with distance between them smaller than f.e. reduced h/2, how would you experimentally find out they're two not one?
  14. And SM photons with different frequencies might be caused by different overall masses.. SM photon with frequency 1 Hz might be made of 1 real photon. SM photon with frequency 2 Hz might be made of 2 real photons. SM photon with frequency 10000 Hz might be made of 10000 real photons. And so on. They can interact each other attracting neighborhood photons from the same packet (SM photon). They all have the same speed of light, so the only thing we observe/detect is different frequency. And frequency is result, not source.. E=h*f E=p*c h*f=p*c, p=m*c, f=1 h*1=m*c*c m=h/c^2 for 1 Hz
  15. It must collide with other particle to give it part of energy. Which will be observed as acceleration of that particle, and changing frequency and direction of photon.
  16. Let me guess- CIA destroyed WTC and Pentagon too.. ?
  17. You should better ask NASA why they don't use entanglement to transfer commands to devices or satellites on 2nd end of Solar System such as Voyager and pictures or movies from them back to Earth, if it really allows transfer of information instantaneously at so big distances.. What for waiting for radio waves minutes, or hours?
  18. Lack of nuclear reaction and fusion. p+ + p+ + some energy -> p+ + n0 + e+ proton colliding with other proton with enough kinetic energy can produce proton, neutron and positron. Proton and neutron will join to deuterium. Other time neutron will again decay to proton, electron and neutrino. Electron and positron will annihilate producing photons. Other combination is: p+ + e- + some energy -> n0 Proton with electron and some energy will convert to neutron. Which will join with surrounding proton and construct deuterium. Heavy particles are going to core. Lighter particles reverse, to outer areas. This process is making sure that core is not collapsing. But only until there is enough matter to continue nuclear reaction.
  19. Which means nothing has to say, because Standard Model has no gravitation included.
  20. We are speculating what happens very close to particle. Something that happens in almost radius of proton, or electron. force = mass / ( distance * distance ). if distance between two particles is very small then any mass will be dominating over anything else. mass=1, distance=1 force = 1/ (1*1) = 1 mass=10000, distance=100 force=10000/(100*100)=1 mass=1000000,distance=1000 force=1000000/(1000*1000)=1
  21. I just pointed out obvious thing that it's not just electron that's absorbing photons... Somebody from that statement can conclude that only electrons are absorbing photons, and protons/atom cores don't. Actually I should also mention positrons, and antiprotons as well as electrons and protons, to complete list.
  22. Above explanation can be true only if we experience that ionized hydrogen, alone protons without electrons, is not slowing down photons.. Is there some experiment showing this? Otherwise if proton can absorb photon then you should say: "It slows down due to interactions with the electrons and protons in the medium. The photons themselves always move at c, but they are absorbed and reemitted by the electrons and protons in the material." ps. Proton can even absorb electron and some additional energy and convert to neutron.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_capture
  23. E=p*c p=E/c Honestly this way everything can be explained..
  24. Or dual-star system- center of mass won't be in any of star, but somewhere between them.
  25. If we assume that Einstein was right (otherwise why to use his special relativity equations in the first place?), then gravitation is not force, but bending of space. Either macro scale and micro scale object should bend space, accordingly to their masses. Either proton, electron, neutrino and photon should be bending space. Bending of space in cosmic scale is result of sum of bending in micro scale. In that case electron orbiting around proton is simply traveling straight line from it's own point of view, but space around proton is bend, therefor we're observing it's orbiting proton..
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