Plans are in place for a Europa mission as well, but more study of the technology needed to get below the surface is in progress. The I dea behind the Titan mission is to use the moon as a template of early earth atmospheric conditions. Much of the interest is the possible liquid state of the surface, and the chemical reactions possible because of it. Carl Sagan ran a series of experiments with a simulated Titan atmosphere, charged by electicity (simulated lightning) and the results were a complex organic compound (tholins) that had major simularities to RNA.
It is possible, though not extermely likely, that the surface has the basic components of life. I am hopeful, but not overly enthusiastic that we will find something of great interest there. I do agree that the underlying oceans of Europa may have at least as much chance of creating life, due primarily to the heat created by tidal fluctuations created by Jupiter, but far more Data is required before a mission would have an acceptable chance of success.
Edit- RTFA= Read the Freakin Article