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Everything posted by CharonY

  1. How is that? Your assertion was that there was a change in usage, implying people roll climate change into AGW, but the opposite is the case. People increasingly use AGW specifically when looking at human influence.
  2. Why do you think anyone changed anything? AGW is a subset of global warming, which is a subset of climate change. AGW is being increasingly used over the years.
  3. Oh, good uses for decent macros as well as telephoto lenses then . Cheers!
  4. I think you are right, there has not been an executive decision on NASA yet. So far only the other moves that are still somewhat vague (but puts the researches a bit in a limbo).
  5. That seems to be in line with the gag order against the EPA and USDA. So yeah, we are now going to solve problems by ignoring them.
  6. Together with waging a war on media this is really frightening. Cutting off access to information is a powerful way to get people do whatever the heck is you want without having to deal with the fallout.
  7. Genome editing implies changes on the genome level. One technique does it, the other does not.
  8. CharonY

    Donald Trump

    Actually I would rather interpret it as that many Americans are disenfrenchised or uninterested in politics period. The reason being that a) presidential voter turnout was low at least in the last century or so, with a high point in 1960 of ~63%. In that regard the turnout was actually relatively high (lowest was in the 20s with less than 50%. In recent years turnout has been steadily increasing since 1996 with a dip in 2012. b) midterm elections consistently had worse turnout, not even reaching 50% (2014 was 35%). So the turnout in tiself does not seem to be terribly diagnostic. (Edited, looked at the wrong numbers). Edit: that is to say even in extreme times such as during WWII turnout was not much higher, as such it would have been somewhat informative if the turnout 2016 had been. Though Obama 2008 did show a peak. It has been discussed that this is also a part of the electorial voting system, in which non-swing states often report low turnouts as the political minority simple does not bother anymore.
  9. But Trump has explained that him losing the popular vote is only because of the millions of fake votes. Sure it is a lie, but that makes him more trustworthy, since at least it is a bold faced lie, right? Regarding the vote margin, though, I think Tilden vs Hayes was another similarly contested election, including voter suppression, violence and all the good stuff. But hey, Trump did say that he wanted the old America back... (of course the positions of republicans and democrats were kinda reversed in many instances at that time, too).
  10. You are repeating words but do you know what they mean? What, for example is an exosome and what is the relationship specifically with RNAi? Have you checked the difference between silencing and knockout? And do you then understand why these are two unrelated mechanisms?
  11. CharonY

    Donald Trump

    I would not exclusively focus on hate. While it is the most egregious element, I would hope that most didn't actually buy into the hate, yet were at least indifferent (if not sympathetic) to it. There is quite a bit of undirected rage at the establishment, represented by career politicians. What many have not realized is that in business you get to lie, too.
  12. CharonY

    Donald Trump

    Specifically, Trump really only won the white women with no college degree vote (by a massive margin 27%). Clinton, on the other hand won the white women's vote with college degree (again, by ~ 7%). In all cases, minorities (college degree or not) overwhelmingly voted Clinton , with the margin being larger actually without college degrees (65% and 59%, respectively). Ethnicity is probably pretty easy to explain, considering the tone of the campaign, but it also appears that education mellows out the poppulist appeal.
  13. Laser placement should not influence resolution. At best it affects ionization. A longer path does allow better mass separation, in principle, at least. Also,not all TOFs use laser ionization.
  14. That makes sense.
  15. That's a bit vague, isn't it? I mean, it would depend a lot on what the parameters are. Of course turning off will lower cost, but I assume that how much is neede to heat up during the day? That would obviously depend on how well insulated your home is, as well as the outside temperature differential.If the home is in freezing conditions, turning it off can lead to pipes freezing, for example. It also depends how efficient your system is. For example, if in your house with your weather condition the HVAC runs for a total of 30min throughout the night and then an additional 5 mins to reach day temparature, then turning it off will save you money if it requires less than 35 mins to reach the desired temp in the morning. This is under the assumption that the HVAC (as most do) run cycles between fully on or off.
  16. Not to mention anecdotes that on first sight are rather unusual. Nobel immediately after conclusion of a project? 100 mio project with only one head? No credits of the co-workers? In any of the publications?
  17. That doesn't make sense. CRISPR is not a RNA delivey tool (and hence does not apply to OP at all). The linked paper actually explains the differences.
  18. Some insurers in Germany provide incentives for e.g. joining sport clubs or gyms, vaccinations, etc. under the assumption that these may actually reduce the cost for the insurer in the long run. I am not sure whether these measures have shown any benefits, though.
  19. There are several databases that can assist you in that, though of course without actual experimental verification they all will just be predictions based on sequence similarities. Uniprot is a general database that aggregates a lot of this information. If you want to implement something yourself you can look into protein family/domain databases such as pfam, prosite, etc. But again, usually you would knock out the whole domain, or at least a sizeable chunk of it. Figuring out the required minimum mutation to deactivate a given activity is quite a bit trickier.
  20. it isn't. Most prominently vitamin deficiencies are associated with a rice diet that has insufficiently supplemented with other food sources (most notably vitamin A). This finding was one of the rationales to create a fortified rice strain ("golden rice"). I am not sure whether there are studies with a rice-exclusive diet, but any deficiencies are likely to be more pronounced
  21. Actually it is a bit different. In many countries, ER is indeed for emergencies. However, since uninsured may not be taken in by regular family physicians, some are forced to go to ER for non-emergency treatments . The reason is that by law they are required to provide service, even when reimbursement is not guaranteed. That contributes to crowding that you may not see in other countries. Also, that may also lead to unfortunate decisions by misjudging the severity of a condition.
  22. Not in emergencies, no. But as a direct result of that ERs are often overcrowded and if not recogized, especially uninsured may spend too much time waiting or get sent home without proper diagnosis. There have been a few prominent (fatal) cases in the news. One should also note that typically nurses and MDs do try to help anyone that gets put in front of them. However, the system can lead to the issues described above where the staff makes unfortunate decisions.
  23. Not fact: http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2017/jan/06/jesse-watters/claim-john-podestas-email-password-was-password-la/ At this point regarding the hack we have three positions: Assange and associates that claim that it was not the Russians (and not being able to prove that without revealing sources). Associates have also claimed that they were not received due to hacks, whereas Assange has not mentioned that (to my knowledge) A second position is that they were due to hacks (evidence of intrusion has been reported repeatedly) and the they may have been the source of the emails. Analysis of cybersecurty have been conducted by intelligence as well as private cybersecurity firms including crowdstrike as well as others. A third position is that the evidence in the intelligence brief is not conclusive enough to tie the hacks to Russia, and need to be declassified (Greenwald et al.). By the same token one would also assume that Assanges assurance would need to face the same level of scrutiny. Also you are contradicting yourself, if someone else used the account, even if badly protected it would not be lawful. So at least you concede that the source of the mails were obtained illegally and the only point of contention is who the perpetrator was?
  24. From what I understand the hallmark of HIIt is achieving anaerobic exercise, independent of the actual form. Also it is also a form of cardiotraining. In fact, looking at lit you will find predominantly swimming exercises for animal models and either bikes or treadmills for human subjects to study the effects of HIIT. I was a bit curious and checked out some more lit, but it seesm that weight lifting is mostly looked at from a rehabilitation aspect. I.e. rebuilding muscular function, reducing dysfunction. Other studies that look at cohort outcome conclude that weight lifting may result in, well pretty much what you expect, increase in fat free mass, reduced fat, better bone health. Though they are also modestly associated with injury risk when performed at higher leves, which is probably true for all sports. So far I have not seen anything that makes it somewhat special to other exercise forms, and the general conclusion is that well, any kind of exercise is certainly better than none.
  25. How do you define "fine tune"? What specific adjustment would improve physiological responses and at which point would you consider it a disruption? Most publications discussing disruptions of gamma band oscillations by THC are fairly recent do you have a key publication that directly refutes that? We can start with this one here: Cortes-Briones et al Neuropsychopharmacology 2015 40(9). With the free version here.
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