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Everything posted by CharonY

  1. And here I thought Taurus.
  2. How is that philosophy, or even coherent?
  3. Have you read any of the papers I cited above?
  4. Would you put money down to decrease crime and improve public health?
  5. Since BS is one of the most empowering attributes, I hope you felt much more productive when you found out. Also a trait predominantly found in leaders.
  6. Ah, Myers-Briggs, the good ole horoscope replacement for people and companies that are too clever for horoscopes.
  7. Did you do protein determination determination esp. on the filtered fractions? Protein extraction is often a matter of practice, though complete loss esp. in case of something relative sturdy such as collagen is a bit unusual. Since you did not even see a smear it appears that you lost it completely rather than having degradation, which is more common.
  8. CharonY

    Not again...

    Not that it matters, but 41, actually.
  9. In that case there was no reason for you to bring it up in the first pace, was there? If you wonder about the psychology of the Orlando killer, it will be difficult to the a psych evaluation post mortem. His circumstance can lead to some speculation especially with more details coming to light. However, it will take some time until the data is collected and released. I am not sure how that relates to the current political climate, though. If your question is about the psychology of hate, in a more generalized manner, I would think that no one on this board (that I know of) has the expertise to provide a decent answer. There are tomes out there on various aspects, ranging from self-hate, hate in psychopathic individuals to mob behaviour. There also books geared toward the genera public on this subject, though I am in no position to comment on their quality, as for example This one
  10. Ranging from 250 mL to 2L. About half the price from the regular brands.
  11. Depends on a lot of factors, including how much wind you got. Residential wind turbines cost (without tax incentives) in the order of 2-8k per kW with a lifetime of ~20-30 years (though repairs and maintenance would have to be factored in). Obviously it will not be possible to offset the cost within a year. But whether it is possible through its lifetime will also depend on use and cost of alternative sources.
  12. I disagree, and to me it seems like whitewashing history. Religious reasons have been at the heart of many aspects of intolerance against homosexuality throughout history (starting ~ 4th century) and still continue. Legislature has only been relatively recently been decriminalized often against religious opposition. It is that tolerance has arisen despite, not because of the religious tradition (also claiming a Judeo/Christian tradition is a bit of modern whitewashing itself, considering how Jews were marginalized in Christian societies, but that is another matter). But just to make things clear about the timeline: In the US only 2003 all state sodomy laws, which were clearly targeted at homosexuals were abolished.In Germany it was only after the reunification that homosexual acts between males was decriminalized. And if you want to see positive examples in the the Muslim world in comparison: homosexuality was decriminalized in 1858 in the Ottoman Empire. It is clear it is not the type of religion but rather a matter of how religious the population is. And, as the example of the Ottoman empires shows, it is not even the only factor. Either way, drawing a direct line between Christianity and tolerance is a significant stretch. People can be tolerant because of a religion, but they can also be intolerant because of that. Luckily there has been a modernization of values which emphasizes personal freedom over moral doctrine, which traditionally has been under the auspice of religion. And before anyone starts, no we did not magically get those modern values (including equality) simply by sudden enlightenment. For that I like to remind everyone that colonialism was conducted during the age of enlightenment and includes the development of modern racism. Instead it has been a multifactorial process that is still ongoing and will continue as long as people think about the human condition. Also, I wonder why this thread is in the medical section.
  13. There is a whole branch of quantitative psychology which develops methods to measure certain attributes and develop statistical models of psychological processes. Other data are semi-quantitative using case-control setups. This method is very pervasive in biological sciences, where quantitative analyses can be very challenging due to biological noise.
  14. Actually it is one of the things where both religions agree quite well. But I am still not sure what point you are trying to make. You are conflating social acceptance with hate. The hate part is only at the fringe of each side of the argument, although often it is a loud fringe.
  15. As a matter of fact, we got cheapo Chinese borosilicate flasks for some undergrad lab courses and they worked fined for heating on plates. So you can go cheap, provided you got the right material.
  16. I think there is not much neck sticking out from a science view point. The events are classified based on some criteria, such as the loss of more than 3/4 of species withing a short geological period. Then, it only becomes a matter of looking how the current loss compares to historic ones and is pretty much a the job of certain biological disciplines. That we are facing massive levels of extinction was pretty much known for quite a while, but as usual has been ignored as it (seemingly) does not have an immediate impact on lifestyle and overall convenience. But since the last decade or so, modern data is being compared to fossil information. Even a cursory glance at the literature clearly shows that this claim is not very contentious. However, as there is no big push for conservation, (in contrast to climate change) it remains out of public interest. And again, it sounds bad, but he have known and ignored it for a long time. Chances are that climate chance could act as an accelerator of biodiversity loss as many species might be overwhelmed by the combined stress applied to them by anthropogenic influence plus changing environmental conditions.
  17. CharonY

    Not again...

    While we are at it:
  18. Actually active transport is only required to create an imbalance. Otherwise you can just use porins and let diffusion take over. It is not clear to me how that relates to anything in OP. But, to be fair the OP is quite confused as well as it seems to imply that water cycles are not controlled by physical phenomena but somehow by clouds sensing where they are needed. This why we do not have deserts, I presume.
  19. Well, on the intersection between chemistry and medicine there is pharmacology. While not specifically aimed at neurobiology (and far more applied in focus) it leads to some obvious career choices. If you want to go mental health there is usually the psychiatry path, which leads to an MD, and what is often called mental health studies. The latter can lead to counselor-type jobs. However, all these areas are less neurobiology-oriented, which typically is more related to more fundamental research. There is little that covers the whole scope, obviously. If you are more interested in low-level mechanisms, neurophysiology, -anatomy etc. it tends to be more biological. High-level functions are more related to psychology or the medical area (depending on specialization). It would be easier if you could identify a job that you could envision doing and work your way backwards from there.
  20. Well, the issue with books is that depending on the author, especially if they are not specialists in the area, may be selective in sourcing their info. Thus having a book on a given subject does not necessarily reflect the current scientific consensus (i.e. what the bulk of existing data suggests).
  21. CharonY

    Not again...

    There are now reports out there that claims that he may have struggled with his own homosexuality. But so far it does not seem to be well sourced.
  22. Was it borosilicate glass at all that you got? Maybe somewhat ironically, Pyrex kitchen glass ware (as opposed to lab glass ware) at least in the US, tends to be less resilient soda-lime glass.
  23. CharonY

    Not again...

    On top of increasing violence, these actions also diminish the influence of moderate forces as it creates a "you are with us or against us" attitude. That, in turn, leads to further destabilization and hence, increasing influence of radical groups.
  24. Take a look at the IUCN red list for raw data. And if one actually reads the literature, it is quite obvious that the situation is severe. Taking the Cretaceous–Paleogene event as a benchmark, the extinction rates are over 70 times higher if looking at data starting from the 80s.
  25. CharonY

    Not again...

    Ultimately that would also mean a stronger interaction between mental health care providers and law enforcement, with all the problems that may cause,
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