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Everything posted by CharonY

  1. Biogas is typically methane. Algae are unable to do so, but certain bacteria (methanogens) are.
  2. Some crickets are omnivores so theoretically it could be the case. But it would not be microbes, but rather other insects. That being said, I think fungi would be more likely as a (speculative) food source.
  3. Only a handful of insects are able to digest wood (with the help of symbionts), but crickets are not one of them.
  4. I think in most lab water systems an UV lamp is surrounded by water behind a quartz sleeve. But I think I have heard of coiled FEP tubing surrounding a bulb.
  5. It is actually related in so far as it can be suspected that having a lower income puts you at higher risk of poverty. Women do earn less and the question has been asked whether they are also at higher risk to drop to poverty levels. And the data at least does not contradict the notion. In fact, it is almost a trivial correlation as poverty is directly tied to income. It was more to support the notion I had earlier that due to the fact that women make less, there are age-related effects, including increased poverty (the UK data suggested that and so does the US). Now it is possible that with that data it is not possible to see whether welfare can catch these cases as welfare may kick in only when that line is crossed, anyway, so my previous statement on that may be inaccurate (I am not familiar with all the programs).
  6. Of course, that is one of the reasons for these studies, to figure out if and how the state should step in. The question with policies is actually quite complicated as research is needed to figure out whether the implemented policies are effective. The issues can be rather complex as in some cases the persons in need may not know that they are eligible for certain sources. I have not read through the available data, but just by googling census data this showed up. I.e. that especially at higher age the percentage of people below the poverty line is about equal aged under 18, starts go become higher between 18-64 and is ~1.7 times higher for females in retirement age. At least up until 2013 it seems that whatever policies were in place it at least not efficient in bridging the difference. It has to be that for both genders the percentage of dropping below the poverty line has increased over the years. Just for fun I have extracted the poverty data over the years to see whether there are significant changes in the ratio between men to women since 1966. For the pre-retirement group the situations seems to have improved over time. The average relative risk of females is about 1.4 that of men, and where ~1.5-1.6 before the 90s. and have then dropped down to about 1.3. For the retirement group it looks worse. Average is about 1.7. However, the lowest values were before the 70s (`1.4), have then increased to almost 2 in the mid-90s and have fluctuated between 1.6 and 1.8 since then. One would need more detailed data to figure out whether it is really related to children, though.
  7. The way you described it you can't. From the topology of a regulatory network you cannot deduce that somehow these fulfill certain roles or provide selective advantages. Obviously if the target genes are found to encode stress tolerance genes one could assume that the network is path of a stress-response system. But again, if you show co-expression, the only thing you can state is that those genes are likely regulated the same way. Elucidating the physiological role requires further information
  8. Oh dear, I would have hope that you would actually look at the various links provided by yourself and the other posters. These would include all statistics that account for that and other factors. Usually they are summarized under explainable factors (adjusted for hours worked). The CONSAD study (just a few posts above) concluded that factoring in things including lower pay, part-time work etc. a gap of 5-7% persists.Likewise an AAUW study found that after adjustment ~7% remained unexplained. I have also no idea why you think that the employment rate on has any bearing on the adjusted full-time income. It basically states that women with children are less likely to be in the workforce throughout all age groups. And that is what it has been mentioned in many studies (and touched upon your own link) that women may suffer from loss of income due to child care. And if you cared to look at the big picture it demonstrates that in the US (and now we added UK) an income gap persists that to ~5% is not explainable by known confounding factors (such as time worked, experience etc., and I know I am repeating myself but apparently this is the theme of this thread). The overall gap is much higher, however, witch dropping off the workforce due to children being one of the reasons. This has consequences especially for elderly (as also reflected in the statistic you provided). Thus the gender gap, regardless of why it exists (never mind the unexplainable part), still puts a higher burden on women than men. Child care was one of the factors that were used parts of the gap. And here the question is again whether it is alright to have an unequal distribution of the burden. Of course one could argue that it should be the role of women, and many may agree. Yet it also means that their purchasing power is likely to be lower and then it becomes more attractive not to have children. That is also partially in the provided statistics as it shows that women without children are employed at a similar rate as men, whereas disparity shows when children are involved. But again, these are all arguments buried back in this thread already.
  9. Well, there is "Stem Cells for Dummies", I have not read it, but it could be something in that area. Indeed. You can grow them in the sink, as the saying goes.
  10. Many more firmicutes are sporulating, You probably confuse the classes of Clostridia and Bacilli with the respective genus. The other classes with known spore formers are Erysipelotrichia and Negativicutes. In each of these classes there are multiple spore-forming genera. I am not sure whether the last class, Thermolithobacteria, have spore-forming members, though.
  11. Most of the discussion here was focused on the US, and the data shown were mostly taken from the US labour statistics. In Europe there are quite a few difference, with some countries doing quite well in terms of parity, whereas are not so well. Of course it depends on metrics. In general, however the trends seems to be that the gap widens with age. This also visible in the UK statistics, and as you can see, the advantage of women is at most 1%, between 22-39 whereas in all other groups we are in the double digits (except 18-21). And while we are the UK, the chart also show that in the public sector the gap is wider than in the public, which typically has a lot of rules in terms of salary. And when looking at all the other charts it also shows that if you look at the workforce at whole or in specific sectors wage gaps 5-25% are seen, even with overtime excluded. The highest gap again visible in skilled trades. So basically iNow has a point that one would have to slice the data heavily to find one element where the gap is no visible. Now as others have mentioned that a large chunk of the gap is due to the fact that women tend to go into low paying jobs, invest more time in household and child care etc. One could state that these are choices but it creates issues. The largest being that women are more dependent on their partners as going into low-income jobs (e.g. to accommodate childcare) means increasing poverty at old age. This is a bad trajectory especially as pensions are also heavily impacted. This is especially true for unmarried or divorced women (the latter being dependent on respective laws). So even it is a choice, the question remains whether these traditional roles can be maintained in modern economy and also why the choices are made. One discussion point is that it is an old gender role that is perpetuated by society but ultimately leaves them more vulnerable than men. Some people say that the women have to put up with what men are expected to do, but ignore that this in top of fulfilling roles expected from them as women. Especially having a child (or even having the ability to bear children) has an enormous impact on income, and one has to ask oneself whether this should be the case. Now back to Europe, I do not know the statistics for most countries by in Germany various studies have showed about a 7% unexplained gap when adjusted for position, hours worked, and experience. This, again, does not take into account that very few women rank among top earners. I think the situation in the US is a bit better where estimates are closer to 5%. That is, even if we take into account all the things that make women to go into lower paying job, work less etc. they still have pretty in almost every country (in which these calculations were made) a disadvantage.
  12. Even if that is the case, it would not matter. It is almost certain that nothing will be longer around than bacteria.
  13. I think it is only because 253.7 nm happens to be one of the strongest emission lines of mercury-vapor lamps. It has little do with the application itself. Incidentally much of the older experiments were conducted with what happened to be easily available in the lab...
  14. The assumptions of a maximum around 260 nm is based on the adsorption maximum for purified DNA in liquid. The actual germicidal effect varies quite a bit. For coliphages were more sensitive to about 214 nm, Bacillus spores closer to 265 and Staphylococcus somewhere around 270. In most cases anything between 200-280 is considered germicidal for practical purposes, though.
  15. If you think evolution has a peak, then you are in for a surprise.
  16. Are you sure that this is not just someone testing a wordsalad bot? Almost all threads have a similar structure. A title that has little content and basically has almost nothing to do with the question. Then a question that assumes some kind of relationship between two random things. "Crystals and precipitous consciousness" Crystals are hard and thinking is hard. Are headaches caused by crystalline cells in brain? Is that the philosopher's stone?
  17. I have LEDs in that wavelength for imaging purposes but they probably would not be suitable for your application. There are manufacturers out there (found just by googling), but I have no idea how expensive they would be. Typically they are a bit longer (270-280 nm) but that would not make a whole lot of difference for germicidal purposes. crossposted
  18. This logic does not hold well with non-free living cells. Remember, in their natural environment (i.e. as part of an organism) their normal regulation limits their growth. Simple selective conditions do not necessary yield the more normal cells and under most you would enrich for fast growers. And selecting for non-growth, well, you immortalized them in order to overcome this, so that does not work either. There are more complications including that if you start with omni- or pluripotent cells you will end up with a varied cell population. Finally, there is nothing that you can do with regard to mutations. This happens in the body as well as the dish. What you typically have to do is to characterize them e.g. microscopically and discard them once they behave differently.
  19. I do not understand what you mean with "artificial selection". If they are immortalized you just put some cells into fresh media, let them grow, rinse and repeat. General issue is that if they are very old they may gain mutations that may affect experiments. The only way is to start over either from originally frozen aliquots or establish a fresh line. With HeLa I am not entirely sure. In fact I am not even sure whether it is known what type of mutations originally disrupted their cell cycle control. The issue is that it has by now accumulated a massive amount of viruses and has likely mutated over the years even further. In fact there are many parallel HeLa strains that behave rather differently due to the respective defects they accumulated. In some cases they have even duplicated chromosomes, for example. That is one of the reasons why HeLa is not that popular as a model system anymore. It is still popular if it is not important that they do not behave like normal cells, as these cells are extremely easy to keep alive.
  20. HeLa or other cell lines? For the latter there are numerous approaches. One of the more popular ones are immortalized using hTERT (human telomrease reverse transcriptase) often with e.g. Bmi1 which silences tumore repression proteins. So to answer your question, yes the telomerase is one target. As usual our control is pretty rough though (i.e. overexpression in this case). Often these cells are closer to primary cell lines in their behaviour and are preferentially used over isolated cells from tumors such as HeLa. There other ways to break cell cycle controls which includes the use of viruses such as SV40. It generates a protein that binds to the famous p53 and Rb which are regulators of cell cycles. Also, one can achieve the effects by the use siRNA on the same targets.
  21. Explain how muscle mass affects jobs that do not require them? Also can you demonstrate that being physically stronger is tied to higher income? How much stronger are CEOs, for example? Edit for not being able to English.
  22. Maybe. Although I do understand the reluctance. The same could be said for the simplification of pretty much any other language.Also it is interesting to see how the characters were formed. For example nán (male) 男 is put together from "field" (田) and power (力). Or look at woman (女) which becomes "tranquil" when under a roof (安, ān) and "safe" when ān is put in with everything under a roof (Ānquán, 安全). Or add "tender" (夭) to woman (女) and you get (妖) well, can be something bewitching/supernatural/enchanting, depending on context. Pinyin would lose all the history of the words and make it something else entirely. In fact, that has happened in Chinese history already, starting when the Qin empire standardized the language and writing system. As a consequence there are still different languages/dialects spoken throughout China, but they often do not have the corresponding writing anymore. The surviving written forms are Mandarin and Cantonese, which, in turn are an amalgam of various dialects.
  23. Yes, as long as intensity, exposure time and wavelength are in the right order of magnitude it will work. How it is achieved is of secondary nature.
  24. It also depends a bit whether you use traditional or simplified. In the former you can see more easily what the characters is derived from.
  25. Windows 10 as a whole compares quite favorable overall to e.g. 7 in terms of resource use and footprint. Privacy is a major concern. However, this is basically true for almost all modern devices as they heavily tie in into cloud, mail and other services provided by MS, Apple or Google. Probably the only way out is to run linux on computers and use phone only for calls... http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/08/windows-10s-privacy-policy-is-the-new-normal/ One can disable services such as cortana to minimize sending information, but if you use any kind of mail service, well you are sending them info regardless.
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