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Everything posted by CharonY

  1. Well, true enough. What I was thinking about was more in terms of whether they could afford a moon base. I.e. if the economy as a whole is solid enough food vulnerability would not make other ventures impossible. If on the other hand famines were rampant (to provide the other extreme) matters would be different, of course.
  2. In a global market having to import food is not the same as not being able to feed people. Edit, assuming this is a news article it would be great if the respective article is being linked or referenced.
  3. I believe it is from a study in rats (or maybe mice) where they found a global imbalance in alelle expression. I cannot remember the reference but it was recent and I think Crowley, Zou and Sulivan were among the authors (was a whole bunch). I forgot the details though. As such there could be a difference between paternal and maternal contribution. However since it is only one study so far. quite more is needed to look at effects.
  4. In the article it was also mentioned that it was found that doctors generally prescribed less pain medication to minority groups. Potentially as it was (wrongly and now perhaps ironically) assumed that they were more prone to drug abuse. I believe the study they were referring to (or at least one of them) is: Shah et al. Med care 2015 53:12 1000-9
  5. Apparently drug overdose is the biggest killer not only in the middle-aged white male group, but also in the younger segment:Link
  6. In both defiance of the gods carries a heavy penalty, though. Another interesting parallel is that the Roman adaptation of the Helleinistic tradition has incorporated legitimacy of the ruling class via religion, a similar logic used especially in the Christian culture.
  7. There are loads of aromatic metabolites that are synthesized throughout the plant cell. Many enzymes are targeted to plastids, others are stored in vacuoles, some others may appear not to be targeted etc. It is just an extremely broad range of molecules you are referring to.
  8. So, cancer?
  9. That does not make it clearer. There are cross-influences between Hellenistic and Buddhist traditions, there are influences of ancient Egyptian in the Hebrew bible which. Obviously there are strong source connections between all the Abrahamistic traditions. Considering the history connecting these religions, how do you define ancient vs modern? Or do you merely mean those that do not have a large amount of followers anymore? But since you mentioned influences, this does not seem to be the case, no?
  10. Indeed. Traditionally the Hellenistic religion is placed around 300 BC, I am not sure about the timeline of contemporary writings, but Abraham was supposed to be living around 2000 BC. From the viewpoint of OP would then Judaism be grouped to ancient religions? And while we are at it, what is the timeline? When we got contemporary writing on the respective religion? Or the first evidence of it being in an organized form? For that matter, when we use Hellenistic traditions as ancient, why is Buddhism grouped as "modern"? The founder was estimated to have died ~ 500 BC and the 1st Buddhist council has held shortly after. In fact there are claims that Hellenistic monarchs were in contact with Buddhist equivalents of missionaries. So by all accounts, if the Hellenistic tradition is ancient, so is Buddhism. And then what about Hinduism? The premise is somewhat confusing, but I think it is safe to say that it is also very wrong. That being said, the expression of religion and their influence on everyday life have obviously changed not only between religions, but also within with societal changes.
  11. I would just take a look at the spec sheet, but I doubt that they have somehow added proof reading to the polymerase. And as hyper said, one base is way way below the resolution limit of agarose (but not acrylamide) gels.
  12. CharonY


    I do not think that is the case. Take the 16s rRNA sequence from any bacteria, run against nt and you will only find bacterial hits.
  13. CharonY


    Uh, there is something wrong if a bacterial isolate has a 18s rRNA... But other than that, do you have a specific question?
  14. CharonY


    Note that blast links are only maintained for a limited amount of time. But it is not terribly surprising that using blast you could get hits to bacterial 16srRNA (which I assume is what you got). After all, the sequences are very conserved. However, if you are saying that if you blast bacterial sequences they are more similar than that of Geodia to bacteria then something is wrong. Is the bacterial sequence you used well annotated (or only partial, environmental isolate, etc?). Typically you would expect maybe around 15-25% deviation from the next best 18sRNA and maybe 1% from other bacterial sequences (roughly). Edit: crossposted
  15. Nutrition or cellular growth is not the issue here. Rather there is the amount of differentiation and complexity of physiological structures. In order to form organs or similar you need at minimum signal gradients that sufficiently guide differentiation of cells and to shape morphology. While similar things apply to plants their structure is much simple and allows for many more errors. Also there is the evolutionary history. Organs were evolved in various stages and the development cycle cannot just jump to the final form. That is why certain structures have to be formed first, even it seems to be an unnecessary path from a structural view point.
  16. Or more typically a vector construct containing a modified gene product.
  17. As John noted, the title is bad. Sperm is not created, but rather genetic material is transferred from not fully differentiated cells. As such fatherhood is never in question (as in typical ivf).
  18. Re Inuits: it is important to note that in Inuit the life expectancy is markedly lower than the rest of the population. E,g, in Nunavut, Canada the life expectancy of Inuit is at 67.7 for males and 72.8 for females. The averages for the total Canadian population is at 77.5 and 81.3, respectively. As cancer is typically highly correlated with age it is likely that this will skew statistics. However, a difference in diet seems to be correlated with different types of cancers. Saliva pH can change due to a lot of factors, including gingivitis and periodontitis. These, in turn can be correlated with other health issues. But even if pH is diagnostic for cancer (which, to my knowledge, is not as it has a ton of false positive detections) it only means that it could be a symptom. I.e. changing the pH does nothing to the underlying disease. For example if you force yourself to stop coughing pneumonia would not vanish. Finally one should add that companies rarely research in detail the biology of diseases. This is more fundamental research and is typically carried out in research institutions which are funded by public money. And those funding agencies are very interested in easy means to improve human health. Unfortunately, most of the time these things do not work well. On the positive side, as long as one does not neglect methods that have been shown to work, minor modification to diet are unlikely to do harm, either. It is only when one goes alternative without any foundation (with Steve Jobs being a famous example) that things do not turn out so well.
  19. Assuming it is not just a hobby, I strongly suggest first to talk to your advisor about the experiments you are going to conduct. It is very important for them to assess which parts of a project you are comfortable doing and where they need to coach you or at least which reading material they should provide. Otherwise it is very tricky to figure out what went wrong until it is far too late.
  20. I guess same reason why the subsections are oddly constructed. There is not enough dedicated traffic/posting to justify a re-organization.
  21. In the link there was no indication that the crowdsourcing is any way affiliated with the Church lab.
  22. This idea would have several issues. First is creating or finding an RNAse that is expressed in large amounts and does not otherwise interfere with cellular functions. That alone is pretty much kills the idea. Then, you would have that somehow inserted in all haematopoietic stem cells (the progenitor cells) in order to ensure that all T-cells carry that gene. That being said, there are attempts at gene therapy strategies which typically aim for the immune system to recognize compromised cells (such as infected, or cancer cells, for example). Other attempts which included trying to render cells resistant were less successful in animal models.
  23. Looking at a recent PNAS article (Deaton and Case vol. 112 no. 49) at least in the middle-aged white male segment it appears that the highest issue (higher than suicide) is drug abuse (alcohol and drug poisoning). This effect was mostly observed in low income/education groups (highschool degree or less) whereas for the group with college education mortality was actually declining. Overall, especially opioid use are far higher in white males compared to other ethnic groups. Also IIRC more people were reporting chronic pains. Whereas these are somewhat related, I do not know.
  24. That is weird. Cynicism usually works fairly well as isolator.
  25. If you are talking about manual labour, in the USA, according to the BLS 17% work in service (including e.g. nurses, chefs, janitors, etc), 9% in maintenance and construction, 12% in production, to give some examples. There are more groups that I have not gone through, but even with those we are closer to 30% rather than 0.3%. While some of these jobs may or are already automated (which is the reason why production is so low), it would require quite a bit of tecnological advances to be able to replace that many jobs. Also, the replacement may not always be cost effective. As others, I fail to see how getting rid of the base would result in in any kind of benefit. After the inevitable collapse of the economic system (after all, people with lower income put most of their money into the economy) the few remaining rich (deserving is certainly not something I would put in) would be left with some rather uncomfortable toilet paper.
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