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Everything posted by CharonY

  1. Jackson33, to be honest I am not quite sure whether religious education is a special case in Germany. Fact is that religion is taught at school (mostly christian that is), but if you are not Christian or religious you do not need to attend (most often philosophy or sometimes ethic classes are offered instead). I have to add that in Germany religion classes are less a introduction in christian values (though oddly they do, or used to split between protestants and catholics) but rather a general introduction into different religions (though usually with a main focus on christianity), including history, for instance. Strange thing is that the split between State and Church is less pronounced, people tend to be less religious as whole (or used to, at least). However going to school is mandatory in Germany. You can, of course homeschool as much as you want, on top of the mandatory schooling. This is to ensure a certain level of education.
  2. What do you want to do with it? If you mean agar plates, they are made with agar, not with gelatin.
  3. From swansont's link This is weird. I mean, what do religious or moral instructions have to do e.g. with science classes? The real goal is more likely to monopolize the information the kids get.
  4. A PhD tends to lock you into a more academic career. A PhD willing to do a master's or bachelor's job does not look like a good fit to most employers. If the goal is to score a job in the private sector a PhD in computer science is really not beneficial.
  5. Thinking about it, I cannot help but feel that the food and agricultural industry would let the plant vanish in quick order (or monopolize it).
  6. Have you looked at the titles of the science books?
  7. Nope. The thiosulfate reacts with silver and forms a complex with it. Complexated silver is reduced slower than free.
  8. I was just curious how homeschooling may be conducted in the US and found some publishers for books that are designed for homeschoolers. One of them is just.. uhm. http://www.homeschools.org/viewCurriculum/grade6/grade6.html http://www.homeschools.org/viewCurriculum/highSchool.html Uhm, I hope there are better sources.
  9. This is true, btw. for many chemicals that are in common use. For many organohalogens, which are virtually everywhere only relatively recently concerns have been raised due to their potential as endocrine disruptors. Same could be said for most chemical that have been eventually banned. It is a rather rare case when safety limits have been explored in much detail before release.
  10. The basic principle for theses stains is that silver is reduced to metallic silver which is then deposited on the analyte (e.g. proteins). Control of the kinetics of this reduction is crucial to avoid significant reduction in the matrix (i.e. PAGE). By pretreatment of the PAGE the amount of free ions that may precipitate (especially during pH shift). This slows the reduction kinetics and allows a more specific staining (as the analytes are preferred nucleation sites). Note that there are dozens of different flavors of silver stains out there some with significant modifications.
  11. I assume you mean silver staining as in silver staining of protein gels? It is mainly used to reduce background staining. It is based on the complexation of silver that reduces unspecific precipitation.
  12. From what I remember the aggregation of misfolded prions pertains to the onset of the diseases but is not a crucial factor in driving the conformational changes itself. Once in the infectious form, they rapidly aggregate (but not before).
  13. Sorry this is not true. Folding is not considered information containing as it just alters the state of the protein/prion in question. For the same reasons you would not consider the substrate in e.g. allosteric inhibition as information. Moreover the misfolded prion is not more stable than the other form. If that was the case there would only be misfolded protein. Both states are stable but the misfolded prions facilitate the conversion from one state to the other.
  14. I believe that there are far less safeguards for any industrial impact on ecology. Of course the EPA (in the US) and related agencies have that on their agenda, though again mostly through the lense of human health rather than purely ecological impact. Compared to what general pollution (and deforestation etc.) has already done the the environment I doubt that biotechnology (except in scifi novels) will have such a large impact to begin with.
  15. CharonY


    Which chemosynthetic process generates oxygen?
  16. More likely digest of biomolecules...
  17. I am not sure what you mean. Essentially they have to ensure that it does not pose any acute damage to human health (or argue that it is not reasonable to believe so). The rest is not under regulation.
  18. Changes will occur. Only they may not persist.
  19. This sounds a bit convoluted to me. Also I do not understand why EOF is a prerequisite of electrophoresis. It is true however that under conditions where electrophoresis occurs EOF does too. EOF is based on the fact that in a conductive medium a double layer forms between the the medium and the container/capillary if surface charges are present. If you got a NaCl solution, for instance and a negatively charged capillary, the Na+ ions will accumulate near the surface, creating a diffuse charge layer with a given length (the Debye length). These charges (Na+ in this case) will move in an electric field, dragging the bulk fluid with them. Obviously in systems where the volume is big compared to the surface EOF will be very small and confined to areas near the walls, whereas in capillaries or microfluidic systems they may be major driving forces. In a normal system this can interfere with electrophoresis as they add another flow to the net movement of the analytes. Depending on the direction of the respective flows they can accelerate the movement (if the flow is in bot cases in the same direction) or slow it down (if both point to different directions. The larger the system the smaller the interference is, though. In cases where the EOF is stronger than electrophoresis, the net movement will reverse.
  20. 1) if you are one of 1000 unmemorable students the letter is worthless to begin with 2) you underestimate the ability of people to recognize their own writing plus rarely does one write out hundreds of those per semester. 3) you assume that you only have to get by the admission center. However, you forget that you will at some point join a group. The group leader/prof may also get to see your letter (especially if he/she is not desperate for bodies). And he/she may know the other guy. If the letter is well forged but not memorable it goes back to 1) if it is not well forged both will be furious (I know I would). For the minute advantage one may or may not gain the risks involved are tremendous.
  21. ZolarV, nope it does not work that way, sorry. Generally plants are not dependent on external C sources too much (with exception) however all plants tend to lose carbohydrates (and other compounds) by exudation through the root. They have mechanisms to recapture some of it (in competition with microorganisms, of course). As far as I am aware that is limited to low MW sugars, though. Protocorms will definitely take up e.g. glucose, trehalose or mannitol (some commonly used C sources) but I doubt it will be able to utilize anything more complex than that (unless bacteria are around to digest it, but then they will feed, too).
  22. CharonY

    NYC Salt Ban

    I would assume that that one would not pass. But it makes me wonder, what are the requirement to put a bill up for vote?
  23. Ugh. That is a way to get kicked out. It is not that people do not talk to each other, you know?
  24. Hmm an interesting thought. Though one could argue that at this point the communistic country would still not considered capitalist as the goods would dissipate within its own country instead of accumulating in limited hands. If I recall my highschool history lesson correctly the ownership of the capital rather than the trading itself was an issue. But then I am really not knowledgeable enough in the fine points.
  25. Technically, you can't. You are right in the assertion that democracy and communism are not on opposite ends. However, in capitalism the means of production are in the hand of individuals, whereas in a communistic society they would be shared by everyone. As the powers were also supposed to shared by everyone (though I do not know how that was supposed to work out) there wouldn't be any ruling class or group. In a sense communism was also supposed to be a democratic society. Again, I am only talking about the theory as originated by Marx and Engels not how it eventually played out. China, in that sense, is not communistic, but authoritarian (despite being widely capitalistic) as others have pointed out.
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