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Everything posted by CharonY

  1. The easy bit first: the A250/A230 ratio suggests guanidine isothicyanate contamination (from the Trizol). To clean that up add another precipitation/ethanol washing step. Regarding the additional band: it is hard to judge w/o really seeing the gel. However, note that of course chromosomal DNA, especially if sheared, will not have the correct size as indicated by the marker. The marker is only accurate for completely linearized DNA. Also, did you use a denaturing gel and how long was the DNAse treatment? For better troubleshooting the complete protocol as well as a picture would be beneficial.
  2. CharonY


    Yep, that is one of the differences I noticed here. In Germany a professor is comparable to a department head. E.g. where I did my phd my prof had ~150 people (phds, graduate students, undergrads and staff) working for him. He was the only one possessing the title of a professor out of the whole bunch. As such a German professor is way high in the academic food chain. In the US and I suppose also in the UK a professor is more a teacher. That's kind of the things that appear to be similar internationally but in fact are not. Got me kinda irritated that everyone here was called professor until I noticed that they weren't even tenured ;P
  3. CharonY


    Almost all PhDs I know (including myself) do not use the Dr. It is sometimes used when one looks kinda youngish and gets introduced to other senior scientist with whom one is not really familiar with. This is just to distinguish PhD students from the postdocs but after that one tends to be on first name terms. I actually ever only use my Dr. while communicating with medical doctors. Otherwise I never use it, even not with students (well, unless someone particularly gets on my nerves). On the other hand, senior professors are usually addressed as Prof. or Dr. by students anyway, so they usually do not need to enforce it. In Germany there are no assistant or associated profs, btw. So only the department head gets the title of a professor. From what I have seen in the US so far professors are called Dr. by the staff and students up until they start working in their labs. Then it is often first names again (or at least last name w/o Dr.).
  4. Basically you can assume that every portion of your body that is sufficiently wet (yes, including the stomach) harbors bacteria. If they are not pathogens it is generally a good thing as they limit the resources for pathogens by merely being (and living) there.
  5. Some good points were put forth here. Basically the textbook definitions of life (usually at least requiring a membrane enclosed plasma, metabolism and the ability to reproduce) are more a description of known life forms than a true definition applicable for the actual identification of life. This is a severe limitation as definitions go. In the end it borders more to a philosophical question as ultimately "alive" is not a measurable quality but rather a denominator of a bunch of qualities that we intuitively associate with something we call a living organism. In practical terms, though, there are not many examples of "borderline" examples that exhibit only some of the ascribed properties. The most known ones are viruses that don't have metabolism nor membrane (capsules usually do not count). And just as a sidepoint, someone mentioned that respiration falls under excretion (I think). It does not. Now carry on
  6. A number of intracellular proteins are glycosylated and the function of the glycosylation are manifold. They can , for instance, be necessary for intracellular trafficking (in eukaryotes, of course). Also, many signal molecules are dependent on correct glycosylation. One can, of course argue whether it is intra- or intracellular signalling (dependent on what step you look at). A classification is also complicated for glycosylated DNA binding proteins. Technically they are not necessarily signaling molecules, however the glycosylation might affect their binding ability and as such there might be changes in gene expression levels, for instance.
  7. OK, melting point analyses won't give you much information as the 16s region is highly conservered and you will not see noticeable shifts between most bacteria. What you want to measure is the fluorescence curve obtained in from your machine. If the product is amplified you will see an increase in fluorescence. You will then determine the crossing point to determine relative abundance. In order to see what bacteria you got you'll have to sequence the PCR products and build trees from the sequence alignments. Alternatively you can use highly specific primers (but then you might run into trouble if you got bacteria with yet unsequenced rRNA sequences.
  8. Do you want a list? Also, for quite a number of modifications, involvements in intracellular signaling have been proposed, but not conclusively shown.
  9. also the question is whether you really need purified 16srRNA. Most applications just use total RNA (a separation of mRNA and rRNA is possible, but tricky and there will be losses). Generally the fastest way is one of the gazillion total RNA kits (e.g. from Qiagen or Ambion). Depends on the budget, though.
  10. Well, a private lab might face more scrutiny in the "professional" world. One should consider, however that certain genetic manipulations might fall under certain safety regulations. So you might have to register your lab officially somewhere.
  11. Also consider that the lumen of your gut is just a hole sometimes stuffed to the brink with bacterial cells (bacteria are the largest proportion of feces), whereas the rest of your body has a lot of cavities mostly filled with liquid (and relatively few cells).
  12. Logically, I'd assume (as mentioned earlier) that peer review does not have a stifling effect at least the effect should be neglible (on impact) compared to funding limitations. Of course if you publish more, your chances are better to get a grant, but then the grant proposal is getting peer-reviewed, anyhow. And if both peer-review steps are limited, how should funds be distributed? That being said, especially noble prize winners usually won't have problems in getting grants, as such I cannot see the advantage of club of nobles (they get into important positions anyway). That's just my 2 cents after reading stuff while not sleeping. Hate the weather.
  13. That's a bit tricky, as it really depends on the bacterium. In B. subtilis I remember a size cut-off of around 50kDa for globular proteins. However, glycosyltransferase involved in cell wall assembly are pretty exposed anyway and especially during active growth I'd assume that they should be rather accessible.
  14. If you include shotgun-sequences there are far more than a few hundred. Most are not well annotated, though. But to your primary question, the prices have been going down rapidly in recent times. However, you have to consider that you do not only need the naked DNA, but you have to build libraries first. Anyhow one of the cheapest ways for bacterial genomes atm is the use of a 454 sequencing system, and it will work fairly well if you already got genomes of somewhat related bacteria. The costs will be around 20-25k$ if you do it yourself. Personell costs will add to it if you pay someone else to do it though. I assume that it will almost double the price, but I am not sure. I could find that out, but I assume that the question was academic in nature? Forgot to add, the sequencing itself (assuming that DNA of sufficient quality and quantity is already present) will take around a week with the 454. Time for assembly varies, of course
  15. Yup, you got it right. Regardless of background, the important thing is to know which information is missing and where to get it. That's why I described the cell wall setup rather than saying "outside", which probably wouldn't have helped much in the long run. Now regarding penicillin and bacterial cell walls. Unlike the plasma membrane the cell wall is basically porous. As such it is for the most part not a barrier for instance for antibiotics. Be advised, however, that many Gram-positive bacteria (those that possess a cell wall system as described above, Gram-negative bacterial cell walls are setup differently) often a additional layers on top of the cell wall (e.g. mycolic acids and surface layer proteins) that might act as barriers.
  16. Of course no one ever directly counted the cells. However adult humans consist of roughly 10 e12 cells. In the intestinal tract alone (where the highest amount of bacteria are found) there are around 10e14 bacteria. The composition of bacteria varies greatly according the given habitat, of course.
  17. This is very easy. Imagine the setup of a the bacterium. Staphylococcus is Gram-positive. So you got the plasma membrane then you got a multi-layered cell wall consisting of peptidogylcans. So the function of the protein in question is involved in the cross-linking of the cell wall. So where, logically, does the active part of the protein has to be located?
  18. The thing you may have missed is that the endonuclease creates sticky ends. So you digest the plasmid and the vector carrying the insert with SexAI individually. Then you mix the digested fragments. Due to the overhangs the insert can then attach to the digested plasmid and then get ligated.
  19. Well your OP is a bit vague in what you want to do. So I just assume you want to make a simple experiment involving bacteria (that is the cheapest way). So it splits up into the following areas: Cell incubation and harvesting: you got to grow your cells. An incubator that actually holds the temp is not that cheap, roughly you got to invest at least 2000$. I am not including running costs of the media. If you want to make it on your own, you need a way to sterilize it. Otherwise buy premade media (kinda expensive, though). You need at least a microcentrifuge at various points. Uncooled ones start at around 3000$. Make recombinate DNA: cheapest way is to amplify a gene and clone it into a vector. For this you need a thermo cycler (~5000), an electrophoresis system (to check the DNA) consisting of a chamber and a power unit (~1000, cheaper if you build the units yourself). Introduce DNA into the cell: one the easiest way for you would be to buy competent cells. They are kind of expensive, but then you do not need an electroporation system or a cooling centrifuge (~7000$). You have to decide whether you prefer high initial or running costs. Finally you need a pipetting system and all the consumables (including chemicals and kits). In real labs the latter is often the costliest part.
  20. You overlook the second important function of red blood cells. What other gas plays a role?
  21. If integrated into the hosts genome it is not longer directly infectious. Only the complete virus particle (RNA + Capsule) is. A chunk of genomic DNA even if containing viral sequences cannot infect you.
  22. Well, check the properties of the respective amino acids (into what category do they fall, respectively) in each organism. This should give you the right idea.
  23. The guys identifying the less specific restriction by EcoRI (the Boyer's lab, I think) termed the activity EcoRI* to distinguish it from normal enzyme activity. The asterisk was then later on translated to "star".
  24. Annotation means assigning information to a stretch of DNA. Basically you only have the naked base pairs. Then you make ORF predictions (that is, identifying regions that might get transcribed), with further analyses you can then call it a gene and assign a function to it. The whole process, especially the latter part is called annotation.
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