Well there is actually quite a a bit research regarding introns and their function and it is now more or less known that they do carry information that will not directly transform to proteins (that is, get translated). And it ain't some central "dogma". The only dogma i am aware of is the information flow from DNA to mRNA to protein (although in case of reverse transcrpitase activity the information of mRNA might actually lead back to DNA).
Same goes to so-called "junk" DNA. For quite a few of them ideas begin to develop what they might be fore (and as such the term junk is clearly a misnomer). Especially the research on small RNAs has led to the discovery of new regualtory roles (or in some cases, splicing functions).
Check this for instance http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=14550267