Being that I am neither mathematically smart or a scientist and am mearly a chef my opinions on this matter are obviously worthless...but.....
I agree that the maths behind any theory are just a recreation of nature and can not be absolute.
If I am wrong then fair enough but am I not correct that darwin's theories had a huge input to quantum mechanics and did he not study nature !!! !!!!!
also in addition all maths are based on equations if in any instance the major equations are disproved then all the math means nothing. imagine if you will that e=mc2 is wrong.....where does your math stand now, yet nature will hold its value indefinately ??
also in addition all maths are based on equations if in any instance the major equations are disproved then all the math means nothing. imagine if you will that e=mc2 is wrong.....where does your math stand now, yet nature will hold its value indefinately ??
also in addition all maths are based on equations if in any instance the major equations are disproved then all the math means nothing. imagine if you will that e=mc2 is wrong.....where does your math stand now, yet nature will hold its value indefinately ??
sorry for the repitition my phone lost the plot !