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  1. Another way to look at Dark Matter. (Ether) The idea of particles eventually becoming so small they would have little to no direct influence on this universe. Particles so small they would appear to have no mass at all or perhap negative mass and create the 3d space everything we see is in. Missing mass? Not at all, just tied up in particles to small by far to detect in any way other than indirectly. How can it take time to cross empty space unless space is dark matter? If you use this explanation for dark matter I think you'll find wave particle duality explains itself. Like sound traveling through air. Force traveling through dark matter is perceived as light. No photons being flung all over the place. No magic gravatons either. I'm kind of think of gravity as being a decentralized displacement and not a push or pull. I could go on and on about everything but was hoping for someone to tear this apart first Have fun
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