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Everything posted by nui015590122

  1. I'm sorry.....But I have question and try to make it interest here..I think this is genius website and has many smart people!!!! trury!!! I don't know i sale what is on my site.I think may be someone here can help and told me about that all websites are scam or not and I will improve my website==>http://deleted Thank you very much..
  2. my site below has review many websites about hho ,car water for gas,electric clean energy etc....may be helpfull for this thread..
  3. yeah.hhhh i agree with big314mp too..
  4. hi!! i hope this site may help many people.....Has anyone tried other kit? You don't have to try something to understand that it works. I've seen facts on the news and all over the Internet, that running a car on water IS possible. Even that I haven't tried doing it, it doesn't mean that it's impossible. this is not spam but i want many people to see other choice.Has anyone tried the kit? like water4gas,runyourcaronwater etc. Is it really a scam? if you don't satisfy you can asked for refund..no more pain You can truly get better mileage....http://deleted thank you for visit my site
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