If anyone has read Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey, you'll immediately see that he takes a sort of engineering perspective to stopping aging which I agree is a much better than "messing with the complex genetic pathways of our body" but I've taken his idea is little further by trying to further remove what I don't think is a necessary practice.
Please tell me what you think about my summary of my hypothesis.
"We age because homeostasis is lost. There is an abnormal balance of chemicals which leads to an abnormal expression of genes. That is obvious. What is less obvious is what causes many of these disorders. I’ve determined that many of the seemingly undestructable diseases are actually the result of damage to something else.
The SENS Foundation has outlined 7 forms of damage: Intracellular junk, Extracellular Junk, Tissue Stiffening, Cell loss, mutant mitochondria, zombie cells, and nuclear mutations.
I think however the problem of nuclear mutations isn’t a concern and that includes cancer assuming all other problems are repaired and this includes mitocondrial mutations. Solution to aging: Repair the Junks and Loss of cells.
The main reason why I think mitochondrial mutations is not a big concern in the near future is because is mitochondrial aging in different organisms. The mitochondria of rats are similar to the mitohcondria of humans and yet the mitochondria of rats age a lot quicker. By the end of a rat’s lifespan, the mitochondria has degraded to a shell of its youthful self in only 13 months. Evolutionary biology has ruled that evolution doesn’t purposely reduce an organism’s lifepsan so that fact that human and rat mitochondria have such different vitality periods means that the problem lies elsewhere. Perhaps something that is causing the mitochondria to run with less efficency in rats than in humans.
The same concept applies to Nuclear mutations but more specifically cancer. Cancer cells often comes about in both young and aged animals but why doesn’t the young animals get cancer as frequently as aged animals? It’s because it is destroyed! By what? The immune system so that’s the problem. We know immune system function is reduced tremendously in aged people than in young people and we also know that the DNA In young people can’t possibly be any “less damged” than old people because the DNA of young people come from old people so we can only assume that their DNA has similar damage – albeit the damaged is a lot less due to protection from it’s surrounding cells but that doesn’t matter because millions of years would eventually accumulate the damage until the information is no longer viable to product the next generation of offpring but that obviously isn’t the case because the next generation is just as vital as the previous generation in most cases and that is because SOMETHING ELSE is missing: the actual problem.
Also consider how the next generation offspring get their mitochondria. They get it from their older and more damged parents. If the damage were to be transferred down the line generation to generation then eventually the mitochondria would be so degraded as to not product any ATP and thus the line would end but it doesn’t happen that way. The next generation of newer mitochodnria is healthier than the older mitochondria from the previous generation of mitochondria because SOMETHING IS MISSING: the damage of aging.
Here’s the obvious part: egg and sperm joins to form a fertalized egg that then divides into the next generation. If the DNA was the cause of the problem than these clunky damaged DNA from the previous generation would cause the next generation to be unhealthy but that isn’t the casue because the actual cause of aging is missing or very dilute and that is exactly what happens. The junks of aging are diluted after each sucessive division of the cell so that after the billionth of so division of the cell there is basically no damage at all and the offspring appears young.
Therefore, the solution to aging is to get rid of the build up of junks and that includes only the Intracellular junk, extracellular junk, junk that causes tissue stiffening, and cellular junk (indestructable cells) in addition to replacing missing cells."