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Everything posted by SamBridge

  1. You're the one that followed me to this topic just to troll me, so I'm obviously not the one with the problem.
  2. No, you don't, you need x,y,z from any relative location. x units along the x axis, y units along the y axis, and z units along the z axis. You can always use a relative 3-d x,y,z axis in any relative location in 3-dimension space. You have a great deal of scientists to laugh at then. Nope, space-time and particles are not interchangeable, there is absolutely no experiment or any evidence that matter and energy are interchangeable with the fabric of space-time. If you could even name one nut-case with even an associates degree in physics to support that I would be amazed. What you don't understand is you cannot make stuff up and call that science, you have 0 proof or even evidence of anything you are saying. Science requires evidence and at minimum coherent logic.
  3. Not groundbreaking, but something I observed, almost scientifically. I saw a huge ant that was bigger than any I ever saw in the region before (except queen ants of course) and I got it into a very smooth ceramic container to study it. At first, it had much trouble doing even basic climbing. But, I noticed it stopped and did something with it's front two or four legs like running them through its mouth. I assumed at first that the ant was just cleaning its legs due to residual water from rain, but I noticed that it stuck a little better. It stopped another time and repeated this process, it stuck to the sides even better. When I looked to see what it was doing each time it stopped, I noticed its mandibles were extended and it was secreting an orange-substance from its mouth wile rubbing its legs through its mouth. After doing it for more than a few seconds, its legs were finally sticky enough to climb out of the ceramic jar, and thus I learned that ants put some kind of saliva on their legs to make them stick better.
  4. So in other words the answer is no.
  5. The only thing separating religion from belief is that religion has rules.
  6. Regardless of who says it, Eugenics is still merely a petty bias in personal standards of who deserves to live and die or if not death, who deserves to be born in what specific way from arbitrary selection. If you truly think humanity needs to evolve, then let evolution take it's course itself, it's been around for 3.8 billion years and it obviously doesn't need help. That's what I say anyway, and similar lines are likely what many would say, it would most likely be deemed unethical through the UN if Hitler never came to power seeing how something like human cloning is deemed unethical.
  7. Not all properties are applicable because of waves which you're right about, but it explained quite a bit if you give particles both point like and wave like properties, but polarization is derived from light's oscillation mode and energy which has uncertainty from wave-like properties.
  8. As I said before, there are factors those studies failed to consider, such as diets, habits of exercise, sleep disorders, depression, diseases, ect, all of which effect the brain's ability to function. While the actual physical potential for IQ or intelligence has remained the same or increased, it seems more likely based on modern trends that there will be a decrease if there hasn't been on already that does not have to be largely related to genetics.
  9. That's what I'll do.
  10. At this point all it is, is ourselves. Intelligence definitely factors into natural selection anyway which is why we're here in the first place.
  11. Do you have any evidence to support your claims are not random incoherent rantings?
  12. The Flynn effect has to have it's limits as well, there is in fact an increasing trend in unhealthy foods in modern countries as well as a lack of exercise and intelligence cannot increase indefinitely at a constant rate, it would have to level off which is when negative factors could start taking a greater effect.
  13. As it was stated before, it is possible that the physical potential for human intelligence has not changed, factors that the study I posted failed to consider were diet, exercise as well as exposure to sunlight, psychiatric disorders like sleep disorders caused by an increasingly electronic society, depression which lowers neurological development, shorter attention spans also fueled by modern society, and I could keep going. While it seems reaction time may not necessarily be a good indicator, it still has in fact been measured that the average IQ has decreased.
  14. I'm not even sure what that literally translates to in English. In any case, I'm assuming your initial assumption is wrong. It takes 3 coordinates to describe something in 3 dimensional space. It's certainly possible, but we don't know that for sure, modern theories like to stop at 6 because of complex manifolds at a small level. Not sure exactly what this means. The fabric of space-time can easily exist if all the matter and energy in the universe was removed as the fabric of space-time is not composed of either. If it was, we would measure it having the properties of mass and energy. In fact, gravity can exist if you removed every particle except the Higg's Boson as well. Ok? So what's your point? I agree, it would be hard to completely describe all physical interactions of particles using only 4 dimensions. You can easily "abide" by it, you just do not have to accept that it physically exists. As I stated before, there are hypothesis that the interior of a black hole including the singularity is 0 dimensional and thus is uniformly a single complex object past the event horizon, everywhere within the black hole is pure uniformity, as there is no distance in any dimension separating points in any n-dimensional space inside. However, we have little evidence for the physical nature of this, which I am guessing you agree with. Yes, it is good to talk about ideas, but it is not good to troll, use improper grammar and thus make it harder to be understood or use no evidence to support your seemingly random and incoherent claims.
  15. This would be a better post if it were in the speculations section.
  16. Those bullets were not misfired, as you have not been able to provide any evidence for even one of your arguments. All you have done is gone on ranting about some mystical interconnected-ness without any physical evidence and state mathematics is wrong.
  17. So what if there's a counter argument? In fact it's good that there is one because it means there is someone to work out different flaws of something and that there's other people thinking about the topic besides the OP. Formal debates are not in any way similar to a battle, they exist merely to bring up different points, point out flaws in assumptions and discuss the plausibility of something, there is not necessarily a winner or loser in a formal debate. I've encountered plenty of debates in my life that were in no way heated at all and function exactly as I mentioned formal debates do, the only reason debates ever resemble a battle is because people like you turn them into one.
  18. Ok, here's your problem: this isn't chess, this isn't a battle, this is suppose to be an intelligent discussion where we attempt to find a solution or answer using logical concise points, evidence, and citations when asked for.
  19. And do you have any evidence for this? And do you have evidence for any of this as well? I would think twice before complaining about a lack of evidence if I were you, as well as signing your name at the bottom. All a dimension is, is a way to describe a location of something. In 3 dimensional space, it takes 3 coordinates to describe the exact location of something, in 4 dimensional space it takes 4 coordinates to describe the exact location of something and ect. As I said before, mathematics is just a pattern we observe put into terms of numeric value, as such it does not constitute reality itself, but it does constitute the logic of the patterns we observe if the patterns we observe are consistent with the mathematics applied to them, which there are plenty of cases of.
  20. So? No one but you ever suggested it was. Mathematics and logic isn't appropriate language? I must be in the wrong website, I thought this was a science forum. I drive a car at 35 miles per hour for 3 minutes. Constant rate. Definition of constant rate is that the velocity or change in the dependent variable divided by the change in the independent variable is the same number, which there are plenty of examples of for more than just speed. I estimate that if I walk 5 miles per hour for one hour that I will walk 5 miles in one hour................looks like it checks out. You can use an experiment on any physical thing you observe using any of your 5 senses, even more with specialized instruments.
  21. No, quantum physics is fun, this is you trying attempting to forbear the severity of purposely and blatantly skewing information in your own favor.
  22. Hypothetically singularities are actually 0 dimensional, but scientists have moved on from that and actually realized it doean't make physical sense for something be be infinitely small, and thus adapted different theores about singularities using string theory, quantum foam and extreme localization. No, it wouldn't, it would mean you can describe it's location in space as a line, which doesn't make physical sense and is why scientists looked for new models. ZERO dimensional objects have no length width or height, which itself has led to speculation that the interior of a black hole is all uniformly one object. However, as it was stated before, this does not make physical sense and there is little evidence for the phenomena of 0 dimensional objects occurring. You're trying to complain about lack of evidence and you're supporting an idea that has even less evidence than current theories.
  23. Yes there is, that's why it's accepted that humans are not continuously unconscious.
  24. While capitalism itself is not a form of government, you can still have a capitalistic society. Capitalism has nothing to do with risk, it means individuals can control production and distribution and that wealth is maintained privately. And I replied "it doesn't matter if you personally think it's 'failed', societies should be able to choose their own government, and each type of society or government has it's own ups and downs. You're only focusing on examples of abuse of communistic societies in the 20th century, while I'm considering at all sorts of forms of communism in all of history. Communism comes from the word community, and there have been "communities" with thousands of people in the past and tribes generally don't have a government, but a "community", and even in other species work in various communal ways like river otters, dolphins, ect. If you live in a communal home, tribe, or a place like the Ashram in India, you will find there is not a single person making all the decisions unlike in industrial sectors. Any government can be corrupted and there's plenty of evidence for that, so the notion that communism can't work because it can get corrupted is meaningless. If you think about the word "community", you will see that it does not make sense that a true form of communism would have a select few people making all the decisions, and thus communism was merely a mask for propaganda, as any idea or concept ever created can be. Do you honestly think there is little corruption in capitalism? To Vietnam, the US was ruthless and evil, and from their point of view, it was the capitalists that had become corrupt. Once again, you fail to understand the relativity of government, failure and success. Obviously a strawman and troll, you purposely misquoted to support your own argument because you were afraid of looking bad even though it is blatantly obvious whether not stars are alive has nothing to do with the debate at hand. First off, the quote was Not one place did I state that I thought or knew stars were alive unlike your misquote, and if you read later in the topic I even defend the notion that stars are not alive.
  25. No I'm pretty sure I answered one of them, you wanted to know how a particle could go through a black hole, so just take a wave packet and project it going through a black hole with and calculate it's relativistic speed and time dilation using Einsteins equations and the Lorentz Transformation. Ideally you'd have a computer to do it because it would take hours or even days to calculate the exact pattern over time by hand. See Schrodinger's Equations. Energy does not have the same properties as matter and thus multiple energies can occupy the same space, uncertainty being a mathematical principal also follows the property of not being matter. Because of this, amplitudes or "amounts" of energy and uncertainty can add up and subtract by occupying the same region of space in what is called destructive and constructive interference, and the specific results you get of that interference is the result of how mathematical logic works, that .5 + .5 = 1, or 1/2 - 1/2 = 0, which are based on the amplitudes in different coordinates in space.
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