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Everything posted by SamBridge

  1. I know that aspect of it, but that doesn't seem to answer the question, but it seems like if you were near a black hole the measurement at the black hole should have happened some time in the past compared to the measurement you made. You know what the other one is when you measure it, but is that the same "time" that the one near the black hole would measure it?
  2. Well let's make it two then. If one near the black hole measures a particle, how can it know at the same "time" what the other entangled particle must be if it discovers a specific spin state?
  3. I think "instantaneous" may, and I don't know what's going on that's why I'm asking about it.
  4. Perhaps if there is growth it is caused by the increasing wealth gap in heavily populated industrial countries like China and India, after heavy capitalism some things were better, but many people became poorer or classified as being poor, and when you look at history, because poor people occupy such a large group, a religion that can appeal to them and make their life better or more full filling in some way such as having a tight community gatherings or family orientation to make things less stressful has a chance to catch on. Another possibility could perhaps be globalization. With the internet and cell phones or iphones it is much easier for communication to be made, and Eastern Asia has heavy religious influences which are actively voicing themselves, such as Tibetan people and their issue with China and Middle Eastern religions that are neighbors with Hindu India as well as some Christian and Muslim influences from the Philippines. Perhaps the two hypotheses combined can account for it.
  5. Cause it's happening while the Earth is caught in a natural cycle of warming, so it's harder to distinguish, but to e there does seem to be a clear pattern because normally the natural cycles take longer, although we are very close to a periodic spike according to timelines about every 100,000 years, we are still technically in an ice age but obviously we are coming out of it, and we were coming out of it before industrialization.
  6. I don't think I said anywhere that you can "override your physiology", but it is still true that you have a limited range but still relatively moderately wide range of capabilities that are connected to concentration and triggering physiological processes through your manipulation of your thought. For instance, you could slow your rate rate which based on my evidence ranges to your resting heart rate, or you could make your self angry or sad like how actors do which releases a hormone into your blood.
  7. I don't know, I don't know how you can have a same time across frames of reference with different flow rates of time.
  8. But definition of simultaneous is that it happens at the same "time", so you can see where the dilemma is when you have time dilation which makes time flow slower. How can something happen at the same "time" when there is extreme time dilation?
  9. Well regardless of "no you wouldn't", it still happened, 7 miles per hour isn't my "top speed", but I walked for around 20 seconds and immediately after I noticed heavy but short-term fatigue in my legs. If I ever get a chance to measure lactic acid, maybe next time I get a check-up at a doctor, I'll see what the results are.
  10. So even if you have a 4 or 5 dimensional shape that causes the universe to fold back in on itself, in the order of a 4 or higher dimensional, that object would still have a definite manifold or some amount of either definite 3 dimensional surface area or volume, or ect, which would imply that if there is a boundary, that it is a separation between two regions. However, the universe contains all distance in all dimensions, which means there cannot be any distance in any dimension outside of the universe, which means the universe must be infinite in size. This is of course if we make the definition of the universe everything we are capable of measuring or that has the characteristics of our observable universe, I suppose there is some small possibility of membranes or multiple worlds theory, but if this universe is the only actual universe, then it can only possibly be infinite in size, it wouldn't make sense if there was anything outside of it because by its definition it holds everything.
  11. Well actually I do have a very immediate and large fatigue in mostly my leg muscles after a trial, and that is the same exact result of when I hold my breath and walk at around 3.5-4 mph for about 20-30 seconds, but the effects do not seem to be long term in either scenario, they last for less than 120 seconds. I think in order for them to "skyrocket" in the manner you described at have to job about 2 miles at at least 7 miles per hour.
  12. That's...not really what I'm talking about. Information isn't being transmitted because as per entanglement all the particles act as the same particle so there are no separate components to transmit information between, however the disentanglement is the correlation that the particle no longer has those components and instead becomes separate components, but saying it's truly instantaneous in the manner I'm describing would be like saying there is a frame of reference that can measure them all happening at the same time, regardless of time dilation and relativity, which doesn't seem to make sense.
  13. Your not getting anywhere though, there's already "one" particle to complain the massful components of a nucleon, and it's called a quark, they can change their color charge all the time as well as certain interactions changing spin state. However, there is still not evidence that gluons themselves are quarks, I don't even know why you would think that is true. I also don't know how true it is that we "see" those three quarks, we can't isolate quarks so I don't know how you expect to see them individually. The gluon isn't a quark, again, it's what holds quarks together, and if they were described by the same particle there then there should be a critical amount of energy needed to attain an oscillation mode to interchange a quark to a gluon.
  14. Yeah there's all sorts of fringe theories and things like string theories that use membranes, with plank distances at that scale gravity still acts how it acts its just that the chaotic nature of the complex manifolds in multi-dimensional space may cause slight variances at that scale, but that variance could only be measured from what would be a normal strength.
  15. If it was moving past the speed of light you would not be able to see it because the light would't be able to catch up to it in order to be reflected off of it back to Earth.
  16. The questions is how can something be instantaneous across different frames of reference including extreme variation of time dilation?
  17. This "spark" you are referring to is nothing, if you've noticed there's many so called "theories" on this site that are complete garbage. Einstein did use math and he quit school by his own will, in fact Einstein was nearly prodigal when it came to using mathematics and thinking.
  18. Ok so first gluons aren't quarks, gluons are the medium for the strong force between force and nuclear force between nucleons, and second what are you trying to argue then if the symmetry is impossible? If your "theory" only uses one particle they should be interchangeable.
  19. So I know most shapes have an inverse, some of which do and don't have defanite edges, I know that you can program a transformation of a shape to its inverse, but I don't get what you do exactly especially for 3-D shapes. If I have a square, the "inverse" of a square seems be some kind of infinitely stretched thing with an open hole in the middle with arc lengths whos endpoints correspond to the vertices of a square. How would I see what it looks like for say...an inverse of a tube?
  20. So if there's hardly any interaction or just no interaction, how is the light path distorted?
  21. I'm already completely aware of that analogy and the nature of correlation vs causation, but good try I guess. Besides that analogy doesn't completely make sense anyway because that would imply there is a chance the outcomes were already determined.
  22. Now that I think about it, what would lactic acid actually do? Lactic acid builds up over a long period of time I thought, I was talking about oxygen levels.
  23. So I was thinking: you have one measuring device "A" which contains an entangled particle, another measuring device "B" which contains a particle entangled with that of A and C, and of course the implied third measuring device which contains entangled particle "C". A is kept on Earth, B is in the vacuum of space, and C is put near the event horizon of a black hole with at least 5 solar masses A measurement is made, technically the disentanglement is "instantaneous", but you can't have a universal "time" that something happens, so how do we get around this dilemma? Let's say device B made the measurement. Could device B say that it happened at the same time both on Earth and near a black hole? I don't see how, but I don't see how it wouldn't.
  24. Mathematics itself can only take you so far before you actually need to test something. Einstein didn't automatically know every single detial of what he came up with, he started with a general idea, worked out some mathematics over time, and the rest of the scientific community tested it for him and made adjustments to his equations to fit the results.
  25. It is perhaps not important to most people, but whether they know it or not it is actually very important for people, especially people with extreme medical conditions and for modern societal function.
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