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Everything posted by OxygenBlue

  1. Hello all! Im not sure it this question is more chemistry... bear with me My question is: If I, hypothetically, enclose a bubble of saturated salt (NaCl) water in a salt monolith, would the bubble over time rise to the top because of the density of sat. NaCl(aq) < desnity of NaCl(s)? And, if it does move or spread, assuming standard conditions, can anyone make an estimate of when the bubble would burst and/or the water touches the atmosphere? Cheers, OB
  2. I'm just asking to know the theoretics, and the wave thing baffled me. I'm not sure what the "effect of nulls in a field" means? I attached a picture of the situation. I know the antenna should be the size of the wavelength, but please imagine it being a coil-antenna
  3. But is ther flourescent materials, that emit (a certain spectrum) in the IR-range?
  4. But in the case, that the detector was in the size range of the wavelength, would it be possible to place it in the line of propagation, in a fashion where it wouldent pick up a signal?
  5. Hi everybody When a material absorps a certain kind of electromagnetic radiation - let's say blue light - the energy in the light has to go somewhere. My guess is that it would heat up the material by making it vibrate. How ever it came to my mind that it could work like fluorescence, where a wavelength is absorbed and a lower wavelength is emitted. So my question is, does a coloured material have a emission spectrum in the IR-range corresponding to its absorbtions spectrum when it is illuminated by continious white light? Another question in the same topic. Wikipedia states, that the energy difference between absorbed and emittet light in a flourescenct matterial is nonradioactive decay i.e. heat... but wouldent a heating up of the material make it radiate? Thanks for any input!
  6. The aqua regia would also dissolve the other metals and probably some of the plastics - the dissolving of the gold would depend on how much other stuff is dissolved.
  7. Nope, it wouldn't work that fast. HCl, HF and H2SO4 would burn skin quite fast, but not THAT fast. Take a look at
  8. Do you have an excact problem? Some materials and prints are sensitive to light, other to pressure/scraping, others again to oxidation. Each case would need a different approach.
  9. Isen't this a Physics question?
  10. Hi there Would it be possible to make a continious radiowave in a certain direction, and then find the spots where -in the line of propagation- the radiowave couldent be measured? I mean, if the radiowave have a wavelength of two meters, the wave would only cross the line of propagation three times, so along most of the line of propagation, the wave couldent be measured. Thanks for any input!
  11. Hello Do anyone of you know how nitric acid (HNO3) interfere on the BCA (bicinchoninic acid) assay? I'm trying to find a protein contamination (probably 1-20 ug/ml) in 15% NHO3 Cheers, OB
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