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  1. Thank you.... I am pretty satisfied with the video link information... But there are still some missing links... Will come back to later with other doubts... Thanks again...
  2. Thank you... But do you have any references to prove the same....??? And again, if the ancestor with the fused chromosomes went on to found the human race, If the rest of the Homo Genus have 46 Chromosomes like we do, then how they can be considered as Humans? So, How can Chromosome fusion alone can prove that we had a common ancestor? I think Common ancestry is based on Structure, Similarities, Share of Genome and DNA? not based on Chromosome Fusion....
  3. Hey I have already done an extensive research online regarding the subject topic and sadly it could not get any comprehensive answer. We all know that Homo sapiens have 46 Chromosomes, but what about the Neanderthal and other Homo Genus species??? This is a considerably significant question basically because it has serious relationship with proving the evolution of human against the creation theory. We all know that creation theory is a absurd concept, but some unanswered questions like the above sometimes makes the science's side weaker.
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