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Everything posted by grandlear

  1. I am curious to know what the rate of time on Mars is with that of Earth time. So, for example, if the Curiosity rover were able to flash a strobe of light powerful enough for us on Earth to see it, and the rate of the strobe is 1000ms (according to Spacecraft Event Time...which in this case would be Mars Time), would that strobe of light appear faster or slower than 1000ms Earth time to an observer on Earth? I didn't quite know how to search for my question on Google, because the answers that I received were along the lines of offset time (if it is 1pm Eastern time on Earth, what time is it on Mars for the Curiosity rover). Also, is it possible to calculate this speed of Mars time given gravity, the mass of Mars, rotational speed, etc? Or is it only possible if we have access to something on Mars that could perform the speed test (such as the transmission of data from the Curiosity rover)?
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