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  1. Ammonium nitrates getting pricey and difficult to find so I tend to use all my AN in experiments but a good cheap substitute for an ice bath is UREA available as fertilizer (45-0-0) at ace hardware and others also available in handy 4lb sacks IIRC at around $5-$8.If they dont have it in stock they can order it if your local stores friendly o google 'Mastergardener'.Good thread ive put together some pretty crude distillation apparatus that neeed rebuilt nearly every run.Some handy ideas for an all glass/PVC/teflon imp. distillation apparatus, Given the cost of maintaining an imp set-up ive seen e-bay of all places has all glass dstillation kits with a teflon thermometer adapter and thermometer complete 2000ml distillation kit (all glass/teflon) complete kit only no stand etc. for less than or a little more than $100.If nescessary the stand is far easier to imp than the distillation set-up and far safer depending on distillate. Besides having a limited $ supply for this one of many $$ hobbys I do enjoy improvsing what I can safely.At the momet im rigging an 'agitator' hotplate using a $12 hotplate and the 2 vibrator motor assemblys from a massaging recliner attached to the hotplate base.Not a magnetic stirrer but it does heck of a job mixing w/the agitation saving much elbow grease although not in the league of a $300 magnetic stirrer but recall its total cost was $12.00 plus a piece of scrap plywood and 79cent L brackets to secure the hotplate
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