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Moontanman last won the day on September 3

Moontanman had the most liked content!

About Moontanman

  • Birthday 01/23/1955

Profile Information

  • Location
    South Eastern North Carolina
  • Interests
    I enjoy surf fishing, beach combing, scuba, aquariums, native fish breeding, and writing. Here is a audio book of a short story I wrote.
  • College Major/Degree
    some statistical analysis but no other higher education.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Astrobiology, evoluntionary biology, space travel, nuclear power,
  • Biography
    I live near the ocean, I am a science junkie and just another bundle of ignorance trying learn.
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SuperNerd (12/13)



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  1. We almost made it as a species, almost managed to actually be civilized, I'd like to think a few pockets of our species made it to threshold of being civilized beings but it hardly matters now. The downhill slide back to something ever more distant from civilization might be slow but i doubt it, I am probably too old to see the slide pick up too much speed but the curve has begun it's unstoppable downward turn. There were a few rays of hope, the enlightenment being the brightest...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ant Sinclair

      Ant Sinclair

      Unity, Man was led down that path and Good Men should have grown a pair and fought instead of hoping someone else would fight for them!

    3. MonDie


      If we're "intolerant of intolerance", we'll destroy eachother.

    4. Ant Sinclair

      Ant Sinclair

      Love and Peace Brother x

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