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Moontanman last won the day on September 3 2024

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About Moontanman

  • Birthday 01/23/1955

Profile Information

  • Location
    South Eastern North Carolina
  • Interests
    I enjoy surf fishing, beach combing, scuba, aquariums, native fish breeding, and writing. Here is a audio book of a short story I wrote.
  • College Major/Degree
    some statistical analysis but no other higher education.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Astrobiology, evoluntionary biology, space travel, nuclear power,
  • Biography
    I live near the ocean, I am a science junkie and just another bundle of ignorance trying learn.
  • Occupation

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  1. It looks like I'll live, my left is smashed up pretty bad and I can't remember how I did it or why my car door is messed up. My only memory is driving home from the pet shop and seeing my vision go double but my memory stops there... 

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    2. Alex_Krycek


      Just trying to say something positive.  It is possible to pray and trust in medical professionals.  They're not always mutually exclusive.

    3. koti


      A few months ago they operated on my spine which went great and I’m good as new (tissue from L5/S1 verterbra was pushing against my spinal cord paralising my left leg and foot) I was lying on the table, there were 5 or six doctors and assistants getting things ready for my procedure. I jokingly said to one of the young assistants who was getting the tools ready, that if I watch those shiny tools for a bit longer they wont need to use anesthesia on me. She replied that „now all you got left is prayer” To keep it short - they needed to use more anesthesia on me after that :P

    4. Moontanman


      Cars are expensive to fix, I did a little hillbilly engineering on it and wired it shut for now. I'll take prayers in the light of how they are ment. I had a doctor actually abuse me this last time, he insisted on cutting my face with no anesthesia. I sprained my biceps trying to hold on the the bed rails, I bent one of them. They left an 8" long piece of 1/4 inch tubing in my face by accident but refused to believe i was in pain. The damn titanium plate broke and had to be replaced, they took a piece of bone from my hip to replace the bone that had to be removed. The two and half years of this was a bitch... I know, complain complain...  

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