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Moontanman last won the day on September 3

Moontanman had the most liked content!

About Moontanman

  • Birthday 01/23/1955

Profile Information

  • Location
    South Eastern North Carolina
  • Interests
    I enjoy surf fishing, beach combing, scuba, aquariums, native fish breeding, and writing. Here is a audio book of a short story I wrote.
  • College Major/Degree
    some statistical analysis but no other higher education.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Astrobiology, evoluntionary biology, space travel, nuclear power,
  • Biography
    I live near the ocean, I am a science junkie and just another bundle of ignorance trying learn.
  • Occupation

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SuperNerd (12/13)



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  1. I have been on a raw food diet for threeeeee days, i am just abotu ready to kill something and eat it raw...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JMJones0424


      Did you lose a bet or are you intentionally depriving yourself of taste and nutrients?

    3. Moontanman


      I ordered a pizza, so much for killing but it was good...

    4. Weirdmaskman
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