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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I almost hate to ask but can you give us a link to the idea of a sterile human being free of all bacteria and still being healthy. I was under the impression that infants are born with bacterial colonies...
  2. Moving copper and magnets are already used to generate power, see electric motors, the key here is how you move the copper or magnets. I takes an outside power source to do this like a waterfall, or a windmill or a nuclear reactor... Sadly no free lunch here...
  3. I've read figures of we consist of more than 80% microbes by number but it is a point that I think will change our perception of health, medicine, and how we see our environment. You wouldn't even imagine how many people view antibiotics as a way to get rid of all bacteria in the body. When you point out that they are mostly bacteria and they would die with out them usually brings looks of disbelief. This is a great way to move to the concept of how important microbes are on this planet and how the so called "dominant" multicellular creatures could die out in a day and the biggest biological part of our planet wouldn't notice.
  4. It's purely anecdotal on my part. I remember the first time I gave my dogs the flea pills, I found out a large population of fleas were living on my dogs head! Hundreds of fleas suddenly popped out of his fur on the top of his head. The vet said they live there because the dog has a difficult time scratching. On my dogs, basset hounds, fleas have a field day on their hind quarters as well.
  5. Fleas live on the body of dogs, they have to get off to lay eggs but they definitely spend their lives on dogs..
  6. If you chill your body to -196c cancer is the least of your worries...
  7. Can you explain why you assert that science being objective is somehow contrary? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teleonomy I'm not sure that "apparent" is the way you are presenting this. Are you asserting this "apparent purposefulness" is real? If I am reading this correctly then you are only asserting an illusory connection between human purpose and AI? Not if the hypothesis calls on a word used in place of supernatural to describe something equally illusionary. Teleonomy only describes an illusion of purpose, which much like the supernatural, is not falsifiable...
  8. As an example, the atom was hypothesized prior to it's observation... but let us not split hairs! The OT deserves respect and there are other hypothesis around the OT question that are just as easily inserted into the blank on this. I've always been interested in the possibility that the purpose of life is to reproduce, spread and infuse into any unoccupied habitat. Looking at it from that perspective then it looks like the purpose of human life is to spread Earth life to other planets is plausible. Maybe a technological civilization is the Earth's version of gonads and we are the mechanism by which Earth Life spreads to new planets and the universe! Seriously dude, my hypothesis has just as much support as the purpose you propose... The purpose of life is to reproduce, to create new life and DNA! Even that is nothing but anthropomorphism taken to its extreme. I am having a real problem with the idea of purpose in this context. Where is that purpose coming from? Did AI seed the Earth so that eventually a new AI would emerge? If AI is the purpose of life then you, at the very least, are proposing that a metaphysical process is in charge of the Universe. Isn't that the same thing as supernatural?
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_theory You are using the colloquial meaning which is closer to something you pulled out of your rectum while drunk last weekend.. .
  10. Moontanman


    It's only 20 years away!
  11. I have, I liked it but it was many years ago. I tend to like a sear on the surface of the beef, lamb is good very rare as well...
  12. I like my beef very very rare, a cold bloody red dead center with a sear on the outside... am I doomed?
  13. I would say hypothesis not theory. A theory has a more specific meaning in science...
  14. 896 replies to a question whose answer is simply yes...
  15. Define what you mean by different cultures. In the US culture changes between the north and south east and west. Sometimes from one state to another, barbeque between coastal NC and the mountains of NC is likely to start and argument, maybe a fight..
  16. It does exist theoretically? really? I would say hypothetically is giving it a bit more respect that it deserves. So is yours...
  17. You make a good point, of course the negatives aren't as stressed as the positives in the papers and videos I've seen and read. They do stress that the molten salt drained from the reactor does not support fission but they do not talk about the simple radioactive decay in the fission products.
  18. That really does look a bit like what you would expect a asteroid mining site to look like...
  19. Culture is considered to be apparent in many non human animals. Knowledge passed down in some way that the animals do not gain by simply being born is culture. In some animals like Killer Whales or Elephants individuals separated from their pack or heard never manage to gain knowledge they need to function as a group or details about their environment they would need like migration routes or a way to kill specialized prey. Various groups of social animals have differing ways of dealing with the same problems and passing this knowledge down is considered culture.
  20. The cooling tanks are not filled with a coolant and are passive and ment to simply keep the Molten Salt from running all over the place. Without the "moderator" the Molten Salt solidifies on it's own. I would think that an Earthquake might allow groundwater to enter the building resulting in a bad reaction, not sure if it would explode. In this particular example it is apparent they are talking about reactors that use molten salt. The terrorist attack quote seems a bit weak, if the terrorists managed to breach the core and spread moderator around with the MS then you would have a huge problem I am betting...
  21. DNA exists, it's properties are well known if not completely understood, "AGI" is a concept with no real world existence. I've seen waves on a beach sort out shapes of broken bricks into amazingly complex shapes and I was able to predict which shapes would be next in line but the surf had no idea what is was doing. In fact the surf is about as purposeless a process there is but it was not random and it appeared to have both purpose and a goal... Both were an illusion...
  22. Humans exist to reproduce DNA, we do that by being social animals and cooperating in the effort to build a society that helps us reproduce DNA. That is how I see it at its most basic. However there are lots of nuances to that purpose and those nuances are what make us individuals...
  23. If you know me you I am quite serious and the complaint I give cannot just be brushed aside, how can you justify the vast amounts of wealth collected by preachers compared to what Jesus said? Here is a passage, tell me how it has been taken out of context... How are these taken out of context? http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/ex/21.html
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