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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Define what you mean by different cultures. In the US culture changes between the north and south east and west. Sometimes from one state to another, barbeque between coastal NC and the mountains of NC is likely to start and argument, maybe a fight..
  2. It does exist theoretically? really? I would say hypothetically is giving it a bit more respect that it deserves. So is yours...
  3. You make a good point, of course the negatives aren't as stressed as the positives in the papers and videos I've seen and read. They do stress that the molten salt drained from the reactor does not support fission but they do not talk about the simple radioactive decay in the fission products.
  4. That really does look a bit like what you would expect a asteroid mining site to look like...
  5. Culture is considered to be apparent in many non human animals. Knowledge passed down in some way that the animals do not gain by simply being born is culture. In some animals like Killer Whales or Elephants individuals separated from their pack or heard never manage to gain knowledge they need to function as a group or details about their environment they would need like migration routes or a way to kill specialized prey. Various groups of social animals have differing ways of dealing with the same problems and passing this knowledge down is considered culture.
  6. The cooling tanks are not filled with a coolant and are passive and ment to simply keep the Molten Salt from running all over the place. Without the "moderator" the Molten Salt solidifies on it's own. I would think that an Earthquake might allow groundwater to enter the building resulting in a bad reaction, not sure if it would explode. In this particular example it is apparent they are talking about reactors that use molten salt. The terrorist attack quote seems a bit weak, if the terrorists managed to breach the core and spread moderator around with the MS then you would have a huge problem I am betting...
  7. DNA exists, it's properties are well known if not completely understood, "AGI" is a concept with no real world existence. I've seen waves on a beach sort out shapes of broken bricks into amazingly complex shapes and I was able to predict which shapes would be next in line but the surf had no idea what is was doing. In fact the surf is about as purposeless a process there is but it was not random and it appeared to have both purpose and a goal... Both were an illusion...
  8. Humans exist to reproduce DNA, we do that by being social animals and cooperating in the effort to build a society that helps us reproduce DNA. That is how I see it at its most basic. However there are lots of nuances to that purpose and those nuances are what make us individuals...
  9. If you know me you I am quite serious and the complaint I give cannot just be brushed aside, how can you justify the vast amounts of wealth collected by preachers compared to what Jesus said? Here is a passage, tell me how it has been taken out of context... How are these taken out of context? http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/ex/21.html
  10. Are thorium molten salt reactors part of this thread or are they a different animal?
  11. The bible lets you sell your daughter into slavery, the bible lets you buy slaves of other cultures and keep them as chattel, even to the point of leaving them to your children. The list of things the bible allows that modern society does not is long and often horrific. If you followed biblical laws to the letter you would be imprisoned in any first world society. Tithes to support the poor? Yes those poor evangelicals that need multiple multi-million dollar houses, private jets, scores of expensive cars and luxuries their own congregations can only dream of not to mention vast mega churches that are so pricey that just one of them takes enough money to build could take care the homeless in our country. Those crazy christians that want to impose their religious views in schools to all children no to mention teach their favorite fairy tale along science as equal to science. These people are responsible to the gutting of public schools either directly or indirectly to support private schools where their religion can be taught as fact instead of what it really is.. iron age mythology...
  12. I've made several over the years, mostly 30 to 40 years ago, biggest one was 3000 gal. I all I have are power hand tools.The one I want to build will be 96" long, 48" wide. and 24" tall, it will hold about 600 gallons. I'll probably have to build it and set it up on my carport, I'm thinking marine fish, sharks, rays, skates, a trio of queen angels Maybe mackerel, cobia, pigmy barracuda, moray eels, and maybe see if my old knack of propagating live corel is still with me. For my fish farm I plane to breed them not catch them but I can still catch and sell marine fish and I happen to know where the best ones are. It will give an excuse to start snorkeling, great way to get into shape... I am hesitate to say it but I plane to breed pygmy sturgeon and if I can't a few of them I'll go with shovelnose sturgeon...
  13. Well lets see, the US and UK have expelled Russian diplomats, they are expelling ours. Putin claims to have unstoppable nukes, Rocket baby wants to ply with his little rocket and Trump pays money to be spanked...

    What could possibly go wrong!

    I just applied for a renewal on my aquaculture license, I'm adding three new species to my aqua-farmette. 

    So should I go one like nothing will happen our spend my time digging a hole under my house? 

  14. Does anyone ever stop and think about how well most of us get along here and wonder why the real world is so different?
  15. I am planning to build a plywood aquarium like this over the course of the summer.
  16. I gave you a plus for that, very thought out and definitely true. But I have to point out that kissing Hank's ass via Hank's representative on Earth does apply to all religions that promise life after death. Such a promise is a powerful carrot and sick. The religions you talk about all promise something after death with no evidence but you are correct in that it represents abrahamic religions Torque him? Which wrench does that take?
  17. This troll behavior is spreading to everything, much like politics and religion, it's just a means to wealth by bullshitting others...
  18. I'm not sure we are communicating exactly, very nearly all religions promise some sort of afterlife for worshiping the correct way. This promise of an afterlife cannot be confirmed so it tantamount to kissing hank's ass... or Hank's representatives on Earth. Carrot and a stick, classic way to control people...
  19. My point would be that all religions cannot possibly be real. To realistically talk about anything being of part of reality you first have to demonstrate what you're calling god. Natives on a remote island might worship s strangely shaped rock, to them it's real, they can show it to you. They can regale you stories of people who were cured by touching the stone. Of course not everyone is healed, only those who truly believe are healed at a rate comparable to people who do not worship the rock., So the real problem becomes how do we decide what god is. Let's say 7 billion people suddenly decide to worship the rock. Some say we should wash the bird excrement of every day, some say we should offer the best crops to this god, others think the rock likes the smell of burning meat so piles dead animals are burned around god . and yet the rock remains a rock and no studies, no tests, no amount of prayer, no amount of crying and wailing has any effect what so ever on the rock... This is religion in it's purest form...
  20. I would simply ask which god... Many here keep saying the word God... which god? There are over a thousand or so worshiped by humans, some are objectively real others are only real in the mind of the people who believe in them. I think that before anyone calls the name of god as evidence for something they should define and show evidence of the god they define. Otherwise we are all just spitting into the wind...
  21. Isn't smallpox thought to have jumped from cows to humans?
  22. I started getting my garden ready today. I still hurt but i will not give in, the garden can't wait for me to get better. I was able to do some needed weeding for about 30 minutes! 

    1. Raider5678


      Yes, the garden can certainly wait for you to be healthy enough to do it.

      Take care of yourself moon.

    2. koti


      Good to hear you're up and running Moontanman. Don't smoke all the weed at once.

  23. Why would killing an animal for food be any different than an animal killing a human for food? Or really just for fun or maybe out of fear...?
  24. Dateline 11/05/2019 Our glorious leader "The Donald" after presiding over a much needed overhaul of our nations antiquated Constitution has been elected Supreme Leader for Life in a fair and impartial election garnering 150%of the vote!
  25. Human beings can't survive without something dying, life it's self feeds on or depends on death. There is no way to escape this, no end run. All we can do is make sure animals aren't being killed for fun and dispatching them is as human as possible...
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