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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Dude, do you know your history? I do, but that is not part of this thread. I was just trying to get you to see that insulting the US even if it was subtle is not what we are talking about. Whether or not the US takes in emigrants or should know better or whatever has nothing to do with gun control. Now let's get back on track, if you want to rehash old times start another thread.. For an appreciable impact on the industry we would have to pass laws supporting the population instead of the industry. Rosa Parks didn't do what she did in a vacuum, it wasn't even the first time she did a personal protest. It was trigger that brought out lots of people but in the end the government had to pass laws. I think i already do a pretty good job of not buying anything from the gun industry and I do not plan to start. Engaging with people in a reasonable way and supporting others who do is the best I can do.
  2. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Yes and no one that one, while the low population is the key the lower population allows for an environment much like the good ol' days . The crowding into small spaces of lots of people contribute at least in a small way...
  3. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    That is interesting, I am Cherokee, our people were destroyed by the US government but that has no place in this discussion..
  4. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    You do make a point but trying to get 350 million people to do something is not productive especially when those people have been brainwashed by the people in control. You have to stop the flow of bribes before you can get a grip on the rest of the problem...
  5. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    No, I am showing how OT is it to criticize something about someone that has nothing to do with the OP. As an aside I would suggest you do a bit more studying about North American Native peoples before you go down that road.. Citizens United has a big role in this problem as well...
  6. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Oh yeah, then you won't mind me asking why your countries gun laws are so good when the white majority destroyed the native population using those guns... Clean your own house before you tell me mine is dirty..
  7. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    You are really clueless aren't you... If one person urinates in the ocean it's nothing but if an entire country pumps their sewage in it can and has done huge amounts of damage. When you attack a problem you do not start with the smallest things, those things are usually out of your control and stopping them would be meaningless. You go for the biggest problem. Me stopping my purchases of ammo will have no effect, and yes that is the extent of my support for the gun lobby. I cannot and would not buy large numbers of guns or ammo. I have no need of them and no reason to buy them...
  8. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Ten oz, if you were in the ocean would you not urinate because it would pollute? My guns purchases are miniscule, if everyone like me or Zapatos refused to buy the gun industry wouldn't notice...
  9. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    And as I and others have said that is a reasonable direction...
  10. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    You're on! The reason I do not know what country you are from is because it's not because I haven't read what you posted but anyone who uses the tactics you do are not honest and where you are from and it's superiority or lack thereof doesn't matter in this discussion anymore than the morals of the US in things outside gun control have any place here...
  11. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Ranger, I don't know who you are or where you are from but this thread is not about the moral behavior of one country over another. Please tell me where you live and I'll se if I can come up with some derogatory insinuations for you that have nothing to do with the problem...
  12. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    It would not be the problem but I know people who buy up things like assault rifles speculating they will be more valuable in the future. These people then sell their guns in the private market where there is no no checks at all. Think of it this way, back in the 80s and 90s there was a problem with motorcycles, teen aged boys were buying these rocket ships and dying on the way home. They were very expensive and should have stopped this but young boys can make money and can get enough to pay cash for $10,000 motorcycle. It was crazy but it resulted in a special drivers license for motorcyclists so someone who had no training couldn't buy one of these widow makers..
  13. Again, organic compounds more delicate than the ones we use, read that more unstable, would be more stable at low temps and possible react at the same speeds the ones we use do at higher temps. Let's not forget life much hotter as well. Sulfuric acid could be used on worlds much hotter than ours with chemicals that are too stable to be useful at our temps... Such a life form might look at the chemicals we use and say the same thing about us as we do about the colder ones..
  14. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    It has to do with your silly statements like the "USA should know better" "your country bans immigrants" what do these things have to do with the OP? Sound more like bashing the USA to me...
  15. I disagree, while those liquids might be much colder but organic compounds that are much more fragile that the ones we use would be more stable and able to react at reasonable speeds...
  16. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Do I detect a little hostility towards the USA here?
  17. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    There is even another problem with guns that makes them hard to control. Guns are often used as currency! Guns have a value much like precious metals, the gun itself has little value but the perceived value is quite high. I have been in the situation many time in my life where I had to pawn a gun to get money, it's a crazy thing to do because of the interest rates but sometimes desperation = crazy... If it becomes illegal to own an assault rifle the value of the ones already in circulation will skyrocket many times their initial cost. This happened last time their sale was banned. It's quite a lot like the stock market in this way..
  18. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    The vast majority of Americans are disenfranchised from the American dream. They have been twisted and manipulated into allowing a governing body that does nothing but piss on them and hasn't the courtesy of even telling them it's rain. Many are simply fooled, some are ignorant of what is really happening, and some actually think it's a good thing for the rich and powerful to control everything. This lack of control and economic challenges makes people cling to the things that are remaining they think defines freedom. They want thing to be like the good old days never realizing the good old days never really existed the way they remember them. Guns were freely available, a big part of many peoples lives, they remember no mass shootings then (of course there were) and they liked the feeling of power and freedom they have regardless of whether or not it was real. Guns are currently one of the few things they cling to as symbols of freedom, guns bring memories of their grandparents and the smell of dew berry pie. "Guns were good then, why aren't they good now?" This is what we need to get past, guns need to stop being symbols of the good old days, I'm not sure how to do this but it lies at the heart of the problem... The problem is not a homeowner who keeps a shotgun for home defense it's people who glory in the false sense of freedom and security having more and more guns brings. For me anyone who really thinks that the number of guns correlates to their freedom and safety is a potential threat. Then there is the very real problem of violent crime perpetrated by criminals with guns. Guns are freely available on the black market (lets ignore for the moment stupid shit like gun show sales, stopping that is a high priority already) if you want a gun getting a gun doesn't involve gun dealers, it doesn't involve background checks or whether or not you are sane. It involves you have enough money to buy a gun from someone who has a gun to sell. There are so many millions of unregistered guns in this country it would be for all practical purposes impossible to take them. For sure it would result in blood shed on a scale not seen since the civil war. When such strong emotions are involved people tend toward being stupid. As i have stated earlier a Sheriff actually told me I should get a gun for home defense, he acknowledged the problem of law enforcement not being able to prevent crime, they investigate it after the fact.
  19. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Who has suggested that? Not me for sure...
  20. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Change always starts with individuals, groups are made up of individuals, as individuals we have to agree on where we stand or throwing up our hands is the result..
  21. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    Oh bullshit..
  22. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    While a regale everyone with how it used to be, I actually took my gun to school with some regularity so we could go quail hunting directly after school in a nearby area, but that is just not workable these days. Far too many people think that rights come before responsibility. I am a gun owner but I know that something needs to be done. I am just not sure how to proceed...
  23. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    I am not so sure this only applies to Americans. One of the most staunch opponents of gun control I ever knew was a Latvian guy I worked with. We did a lot of motorcycle traveling together and he constantly pontificated on the dangers of gun control. He had lived in Latvia as a young boy and his experince with NAZI's made a huge impression on him. He said that when the NAZI's came they simply walked from house to house to pick up everyones guns because they had to register their guns to own one. He would really get worked by any sort of gun control, starting with registering them at all..
  24. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    I have to ask, you seem to be quite good at pointing out flaws in other peoples ideas. What is the scenario you think should be pursued to achieve reasonable gun control?
  25. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    As i have said, I would and do support reasonable gun control. I see no reason to own an assault rifle, hell I see no reason to own a hand gun. I'd even go as far as no semi auto anything. This is not a dichotomy, it's not any and all guns vs no guns, instead of beating a dead horse lets try to agree on how much gun control is reasonable! I doubt either side of this would ever completely get their way in the US but we are a long way from ordering a gun through the Sears catalog as well... I think I have to right to own a shotgun to protect my house and it's contents. For me everything else is on the table..
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