I am not going to apologise for having a gun, I think it's my right as a free citizen who follows the law and safety regs. I have been around guns my whole life, guns were an integral part of growing up and responsible adults taught me to use and respect guns. I'm not all that keen on carrying one with me all the time. Hand guns are dangerous in a way that long guns are not. Even the police have accidents with handguns relatively often. I have shot guns, I got rid of my pistols many years ago, this idea of carrying around a rifle "open carry" is silly. I do not go places i feel would likely require me to defend myself with a gun. Fortunately where I live such areas are profoundly rare and maybe nonexistent.
I support reasonable gun control, a license wouldn't be a bad idea, even gun insurance, background checks are a no brainer and should be strictly pursued. I think it's quite a bit too easy to buy a gun and concealed carry is a good way to ruin your life by killing someone by accident.
Assault weapons are illegal already, you cannot own a real assault rifle. The ones that are called that are just semi auto rifles that are mean looking and most likely appeal to people who have rambo fantasies as much as anything else.
For person defence a pump shotgun is the way to go, two safeties, three if you count having to load it before use. If I thought open carry was ok I still would limit it to shotguns.
This silly idea that citizens could defend against our government if it went rogue is just stupid. A rifle can easily kill someone miles away, a pistol isn't much safer in that respect. #5 shot in a twelve gauge is the best load for self defense although I keep a box of 000 buck at hand just in case I have to kill a car or a raging bull elephant.
I do know people with dozens of guns, they collect them, keep them locked up in safes and usually only have a very limited amount of ammo if any for most of them.