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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. This book is one of my long time favs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiero's_Journey
  2. My take on Heaven is waking up and telling the ride operator I'd like to try be a god for a day ride next, that be a peon for a life time ride sucks...
  3. My reason for this is to make an artificial star, as small as possible but still release energy at high amounts. A small body made up of 100% (more or less) deuterium, the idea is for it to radiate more like a G2 star but be small and used as an artificial energy source. A helium 3 star might be just as plausible/non plausible, the smaller the size that could be used to create energy the more useful it would be for ETI's. I do appreciate the math tables guys but this stuff is way beyond my megar math skills.. .
  4. Does anyone know what the mass of a gas planet would have to be for it to be stable and fusing deuterium if it was made up of 100% deuterium? Or if such a body was made up of helium 3? I've been trying to use google to get some info on that possibility but evidently no one wants to know but me...
  5. Why do you assert this? Why would it be important? Please be specific, what things exactly? What is the difference between complex and advanced life? You really need to justify these assertions, all of what you assert is completely baseless. Some evidence other than you simply saying it's true needs to be presented. Again you make assertions without evidence other than your own claims. Why do you think these things are true?
  6. Life is expected to occur quite often around the universe. In fact a half dozen bodies in the solar system are expected to harbor life. Complex life could indeed be much more rare. If there is a civilization on a planet I would ask why you would think they would not? The same laws that govern our universe here that allow for space travel hold sway there as well. Possibly you are suggesting that technological civilizations might be rare? You are correct and I don't know of any astronomers that assert anything different. I am not sure what you are getting at here, any Earth like planets should contain similar elements to Earth's just by virtue of being Earth like planets. No, fossil fuels are not made of dinosaurs, that is a popular misconception, most deposits of fossil fuels resulted from the Carboniferous age. There were no dinosaurs then only huge swampy forests. Such deposits of decaying plant material is thought to be the origin of most fossil fuels. The only way i can see this being a problem is if the planet is metal poor, such a dearth of metals is not likely since planets almost by definition should contain some metals. But I see no reason to assume technology would have to take the exact same path there as it did on Earth. I am not so sure this is a fair comparison, other factors do come into play and I see no third world countries that cannot produce the basics of civilization. Again you are making assumptions that simply do not apply. Fossil fuels are not made up from dinosaurs and in fact are thought to be the remains of plant material laid down way before there were dinosaurs. I think you have made some assumptions that simply are not true..
  7. Doubling the measurements of the proof of concept talk gives a volume of 1150 gallons...
  8. Wasn't it Carlin who said that you could prick your finger but never finger your prick...
  9. You have a point, they even think it's necessary extend the label to neo conservative or neo liberal. To me, and I realise it's just me, I think the extremists when I use a label for either side. But the blindly following usually applies to the followers who have no real clue as to what the leaders are doing. Like the extreme poor who vote republican, they are buying the executioner a drink so he won't be thirsty when he swings the ax. I guess why I use the term blindly following so easily is because both sides have strayed so far from what the terms really mean that you can hang almost anything on either label. In reality there really is no left, only a moderate trend from near the middle to right. No left really exists inside our government any more.
  10. For what I would call a full sized version double the stated measurements...
  11. The waste has been composted or the aquatic version of composting. No not murky river water, the sponge filters actually trap fish excrement, left over fish food, and plant debris and the flow of oxygenated water through the sponge and good bacteria as well as infusoria turn the raw ingredients into a harmless mulm (aquatic version of compost) that can be left to accumulate if you want but I prefer to remove at least some of it... Then you do not use composted cow manure? Once it is composted it is not nasty in any way and plants love it...
  12. You are of course correct, If I had known Raider was inexperienced instead of dishonest I wouldn't have tried to hold his feet to the fire. I was the one who was giving Raider such a hard time. So the Nazi's were too liberal... Your statement about a well regulated private sector is spot on. I think it's important to mention that a good dollop of socialism is necessary as well. No society can be workable that isn't made up of good ideas, where they come from is secondary. In the US conservatism is generally associated with unchained capitalism, bribing our representatives to pass laws they want passed, fascism, destroying the Middle class, tax cuts that favor the 1%. The list is long and sordid and some of it is quite true. Liberalism, in the US, is generally associated with Over regulation, communism, restricting the rights of corporations, destroying the upper class, excessive taxation, and helping those who are too lazy to work. The list is yet again long and sordid and some of it is true. The unholy merging of the religious right with the political right is one big problem but will probably not go away until the religious right realizes how little the political right really cares about them and is only using then as an end to a means. Trickle down economics and citizens united have to be stopped before we all end up as surfs of the wealthy elite. Anyone who blindly follows a label is part of the problem as well.
  13. God damn it is a curse fuck is just an anglo saxon word... coarse perhaps but not a curse...
  14. I see, i don't think of that as a curse but point taken...
  15. Well it depends on what you mean by organic, if you take it the way it is commonly used these days I think it's meaningless. I guess it depends on what kind of substrate you are using. If you are using something like rock wool I am not sure how that would be affected. ph might be a factor as well. the "tea" from your soil might be quite acidic. On the other hand I have had some amazing results using the water from my sponge filters I get when i clean them. It's like a thin black oil and plants jump out the ground when this mineralized fish excrement is applied...
  16. I will concede I was more than a little harsh with Raider but i took his OP as quite a bit more than just snarky. He described what he thought a conservative was and references to morals and communism should have been explained. I saw no reason why those things we being touted as part of being a conservative. If I listed my own political label I would say pretty much the same things as him and yet I see myself as progressive. He listed so many things that simply had nothing to do with conservative or liberal. It seemed more like he was reciting a talking points from FOX news than anything else. To me neither conservatism or liberalism are meaningful terms and taking sides about something this important seems quite a bit less than helpful. In this day and age things are far too complex to allow us to pigeon hole anything. In fact one of the worst problems of our current society is the idea that one side is right and the other is wrong. We are being manipulated by this, we have to get past it or lose everything. If you really think the way you asserted in your OP... well you have that right, I'd like to think you are better than that but I suggest you read over it and look to see if some of them are just talking points instead of real things than can be hung on a "side". I have tried to read through the OP, several more times to see if I was mistaken... I was not but my snarky reply was not how it should have been rebutted. I apologize for that snarky attitude. You are unlikely to meet anyone more pragmatic than I... And where did I curse?
  17. When sprouting seeds I worry a bit about fungus and use a fungicide, trying to sterilize the soil by boiling would kill good and bad bacteria but keeping the system stirile seems to be an impossible task. i would think that bad bacteria would be more likely to dominate such a culture. In organic soil good bacteria and good fungi as well as other organisms are an important part of growing. I have to agree with SJ, if you are worried about sterile conditions it's best to go with sterile chemicals. I would think there would be less chance of wayward bacteria taking over a sterile fluid than a fluid with lots of organic matter that will support almost any kind of bacteria and it wouldn't have the good bacteria to suppress what ever began to grow.
  18. Yes I think animals have consciousness, some more than others. I see no reason to assume the origin of consciousness is anything but the brain. Chemical processes in the brain result in the emergent property of consciousness, nothing else is evidently happening but i am willing to consider it if you have some evidence for it.. You keep asserting it comes from outside. Please show why you think this. Not being able to prove it is not coming from outside the brain is not evidence it is.. .
  19. It's really odd but once you see the paper it becomes more reasonable. I have read that non bound planets are quite common in our galaxy, I would have not thought moon sized bodies could be detected that way. Good post...
  20. It makes some sense, a better way to go is to use liquid fertilizers. Boiling could degrade some of the things plants need, I'm not sure but boiling it would remove things like good bacteria and it might break down some of the organics plants need. I often use old aquarium water to grow plants, I never thought of boiling it. Aquarium water and mulm are a black liquid that will settle out but it takes a long time. Plants really grow well in it, the boiling part has kinda thrown me off a bit. I'll have to do some googling...
  21. I have to ask, do you think other animals have consciousness? If so where does thiers come from? I would like to ask you yet again to follow forum rules and give your evidence that consciousness comes from outside the brain. simply asserting that i can't prove it doesn't is not evidence of anything...
  22. You are so full of it, you insinuated those things in your post, if not why did you mention them in relation to liberalism? How was I'm not a communist in anyway pertinent to your rant if not in comparison to liberals? When I say I'm a liberal is it necessary for me to say I'm not a fascist in that context? Why was it necessary to say you have morals in a rant about why you are not a liberal? Tell me what you are, not what you aren't, I am not a great many things, none of them identify me, I only identify with the things i am not the things I am not...
  23. Yeah, liberals are communists, liberals want to take our guns, liberals want to make everyone have an abortion, liberals have no morals... fuck it, not worth my time, go worship your Christian president...
  24. Do you really not see how silly your post was? Do you really think these things are that cut and dried? Can you really not see how claiming a label without any caveats put you squarely into the wing nut zone? Can you really not see how your claims about liberals is no better than liberal claims about conservatives? Good God, we're doomed, the great filter is here and it is us...
  25. You gave us an insane rant, I gave you one. I identify as liberal because I can disagree with liberals, it's a big tent... Sadly there is no "side" I can identify with as much as you evidently can... If you cannot see your own rant for what is was then you are as far gone as any extremist... communism my grandma's but...
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