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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. A new type of virus has been found that could have a profound influence on ecosystems. https://phys.org/news/2018-01-virus-ocean.html
  2. Because there is no testable evidence for god, the default condition is a lack of belief until evidence is presented... How about a tea cup knocked off a table and falling to the floor jumping back up on the table and coming back together as it was before it broke? No real reason it can't happen, I'd accept that as a "for instance." So everything that happens is evidence of god... kind of a low bar isn't it? So you simply define god into existence? Unlikely events happen, not proof of anything but the fact that unlikely events happen...
  3. Who says we stop at four? Four is all we have detected so far but to say we've stopped is quite an assertion..
  4. Welcome to the jungle! I am older than you! but it really doesn't matter here!
  5. I would say there is only two possibilities, we expand or go extinct... or maybe both..
  6. Yeah, what he said...
  7. If I don't know the sex of the animal I will usually cat it an "it" I get quite attached to my fish and generally the gender is irrelevant so it is the preferred pronoun unless I am talking to another breeder and the sex matters in the conversation. My oldest son had a female dog he called fred, and everyone else pretty much assumed the dog was male. The dog never cared and it seemed to be less than important. I call my dog weird names a person would punch me out if I called them one of the names but my dogs don't care as long as the tone of voice is right. Shithead loves me anyway.. .
  8. We have no data about how the universe came into existence or if this is the way it has to be or even if other laws in other universes allow for life on some sort or not. The big bang could have spawned trillions of billions of fluffy pink bunnies, all we can honestly is that don't see that now...
  9. No real reason, they just stood out to me!
  10. Not in their world, the intolerant cannot be tolerated, tyranny by the majority is still tyranny...
  11. They are required by their faith to convert everyone is not a christian. They actually think that shoving that nonsense into all aspects of society is doing us non believers a favor... This an example of what magical thinking results in, the really dangerous ones call themselves dominionists. https://www.politicalresearch.org/2016/08/18/dominionism-rising-a-theocratic-movement-hiding-in-plain-sight/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_Theology And this https://www.rawstory.com/2018/01/jerusalem-expert-slams-pence-treating-city-like-end-days-biblical-theme-park/
  12. Why is the Starship Enterprise like Toilet Paper? Because they both circle Uranus wiping out Klingons...
  13. Sadly they seem to think they have to do us all a favor and insert their bullshit into reality as though it is reality. If live your life for the promise of another one you tend to make bad decisions about the only life we know we have. In my home state of WV they are requiring schools to teach bible classes as though it is science. If you think Noah's flood really happened, that all animals in their present forms were created in 6 days by a sky fairy, and the Earth is 6,000 years old not to mention that god talks to you for real then you should be allowed around sharp objects... much less be in control of the government... I could go into much more detail about things you have to believe to be a "real" christian or at least pretend to believe so you fit in but I think everyone here is already tired of that bullshit...
  14. He was born on February 29th, and he can see through walls with a window.
  15. None of this bullshit is surprising once you realize just how corrupt, stupid, and dishonest the majority of legislators are. The majority claim to believe in Noah's flood, the system allows them to be legally bribed, and these two points are a recipe for disaster...
  16. Does no one realise that the life by "random chance" meme is not only dishonest but impossible? Random chance doesn't figure into the equation of abiogenesis! Chemicals can only react with certain other chemicals in certain ways. There no randomness to it....
  17. For the sake of argument let's assume we've found a planet around another star, beautiful planet, perfect for and compatible with earth life.We have a star ship capable of getting 5000 people there along with tools, machines, and technology to build cities. In other words colonise a Terra Nova! Just one bad thing, studies had shown that the perfect Eden like planet would be destroyed rather abruptly by it's star in one million years. Would it be ethical to send people who did not know the time limit to colonise this planet? What about 25,000,000 years? How long is long enough to justify colonizing the planet?
  18. I really hoped I wouldn't have to live out the plot from Mad Max in my old age but it seems to be inevitable. Pitchforks and torches time my friends, I do not say this easily, not just my personal life is swirling around the bowl but many people I know who worked hard and gave life their best are heading that way as well. When a tiny percentage of people control the lion's share of wealth things will go bad. History tells us this but the people who have any power don't seem to give a shit. Sadly the people who vote against their self interests and no I am not talking about the extreme poor but they do it too, but the people who think they are well off and can't be touched will fall the hardest...
  19. It looks like I'll live, my left is smashed up pretty bad and I can't remember how I did it or why my car door is messed up. My only memory is driving home from the pet shop and seeing my vision go double but my memory stops there... 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alex_Krycek


      Just trying to say something positive.  It is possible to pray and trust in medical professionals.  They're not always mutually exclusive.

    3. koti


      A few months ago they operated on my spine which went great and I’m good as new (tissue from L5/S1 verterbra was pushing against my spinal cord paralising my left leg and foot) I was lying on the table, there were 5 or six doctors and assistants getting things ready for my procedure. I jokingly said to one of the young assistants who was getting the tools ready, that if I watch those shiny tools for a bit longer they wont need to use anesthesia on me. She replied that „now all you got left is prayer” To keep it short - they needed to use more anesthesia on me after that :P

    4. Moontanman


      Cars are expensive to fix, I did a little hillbilly engineering on it and wired it shut for now. I'll take prayers in the light of how they are ment. I had a doctor actually abuse me this last time, he insisted on cutting my face with no anesthesia. I sprained my biceps trying to hold on the the bed rails, I bent one of them. They left an 8" long piece of 1/4 inch tubing in my face by accident but refused to believe i was in pain. The damn titanium plate broke and had to be replaced, they took a piece of bone from my hip to replace the bone that had to be removed. The two and half years of this was a bitch... I know, complain complain...  

  20. It looks like I may have had a mild stroke, I sprung the door on my car by backing up into a pole with the door open and now it won't shut and my left hand is swollen like I have on boxing gloves. I'm not sure if my mind has been affected but I remember nothing of the last 24 hours or so, I certainly don't remember damaging my hand or car. I won't post again until i get some treatment. 

    1. MigL


      Hope it was just too much bourbon and not a stroke.
      Get to the hospital immediately, even 24 hrs later they'll be able to tell you ( or set your mind at ease ) whether you had a mini stroke or not.

  21. I'm not sure she shares it for any reason other than to make money... at the very least she is very easy to deceive...
  22. IMHO woo is lies..
  23. Our future's so bright I gotta wear shades...
  24. Yeah, what they said, she has also asserted some pretty disparaging remarks about atheism as well. Not lies, she does this on national TV nearly every day...
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