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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I think the idea was to use thorium instead of uranium but point taken..
  2. Thanks guys, this makes for some interesting possibilities... Would the observer feel lighter at the center of a face than at the corners as well?
  3. I was trying to look at it from the standpoint of water, in a torus the water would look like a long lake or stream. My intuition tells me that water would pool up in the corners of a spinning cube but I am not sure.
  4. In a spinning torus a reasonable imitation of gravity can be produced, even though from the outside is is obviously not flat but curved. But... What if you spun a cube? Even though the sides are flat from an outside observer would an interior observer feel like he was walking up hill and down as he progressed around the inside of the spinning cube?
  5. Well you may be right! I may be crazy! (enough song lyrics...) Seriously, all I can do is parrot what experts in the field say, In many places I see the people who are supposed to know say that these things are not a big problem. Many of them are not explicitly or obviously defending a position emotionally or for financial gain. But I do enjoy taking in the information...
  6. To discuss something we have to agree on the usage of the word in question. We can call anything... anything, as long as we both understand how the word is being used....
  7. The issue with the tritium is addressed in the video. I would love to discuss this in detail but as you know it is beyond me and all I can do is parrot what the experts say. Thanks for the link. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_IV_reactor Not obvious, they would still be contained as they do not explode or operate under high pressure... Bad chemistry is a subjective term. Bad in comparison with what?
  8. Citation? the info I've seen, admittedly dumbed down, says there is no possibility of a core breach in the ways it currently occurs and such a breach would be a local non explosive event because of the low pressure environment of the reactor and the coolant. No mention of any bad chemistry going on in the coolant but the purveyors of this system would appear to be a little less than neutral IMHO. A new one...
  9. The main reason it wasn't pursued had to do with nuclear weapons production. Molten salt reactors aren't as conducive to making things like plutonium or Uranium 235. Several relevant U tube videos are available...
  10. Trump is not a dictator, he is a child rapist, over a dozen women have come forward, two of them were raped at the same time by Trump when they were 12 and 13 years old. Trump has admitted... no actually bragged about sexual assault, but he claims they are all lies, the king of lies says they are lies... Anyone who still supports Trump is a sack of steaming monkey shit, then there are the tax scandals and the political scandals which amount to no less than treason. Troll on, maybe you will set the record for neg rep but I'd be ashamed of pretending to be so stupid...
  11. Helium Three fusing with Helium Three amongst other things. "Aneutronic fusion"
  12. There are reaction that release no neutrons, Helium three fusion comes to mind. So far all we do is capture heat, no difference in that respect between burning fossil fuels and fission. A Helium three reactor could, hypothetically, capture photons and make electricity directly, bypassing the middle man but it still wouldn't be 100% efficient. Then there is the thorium molten salt reactor, much safer but more difficult to make fission bombs from the products...
  13. Are we discussing whether the events happened, what would have had to be true if they happened, or what was originally claimed about the events?
  14. Very sad event, being a submariner has to take cojones...
  15. My Wife, Nancy, fell this morning and broke her new hip, they can't operate until monday. I'll be spending most of my time there, wish her luck... 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. koti


      Pizza for breakfast, dinner and supper and grilled cheese sandwiches in between :)


    3. Moontanman


      Actually I baked a turkey, turkey bones everywhere! 

    4. Outrider


      I hope everything is well with you and Nancy. 

  16. What! I am the only one who reads classic Arthur C. Clarke?
  17. I killed off a colony of rats a poorly installed AC system allowed to get under my house and in from there. I poisoned them all, not sure but I think i killed dozens, I feel no shame, rats simply cannot be allowed to exist near humans...
  18. Did anyone else think "Rendezvous with Rama" when they first saw this?
  19. The nail is made of gallium, the rock is warm...
  20. The evidences for Christianity is the same as all other religions... zip, none, nada... Objective moral values do not exist, if we were to use your own holy book as a moral guide you would be arrested in any first world country. The ontological argument has been falsified so many times I wonder why you would include it here at all. WLC is a christian apologist, his idea of how slaughtering children is a moral act is only slightly worse than making little girls into sex slaves as demanded by your god.
  21. A few minutes ago I found a flatworm in my yard. It is easily 18" long! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zapatos


      Cool looking worm! Thanks for posting. :)

    3. Moontanman


      They say it's very important not to put one in your mouth, I wonder where they have that problem... 

    4. zapatos
  22. I think you are a few decades late with your revelation...
  23. Yes, some citation for this baseless assertion is needed....
  24. They would effectively be clones, or twins if you prefer, of the mother...
  25. I hope these drawings are a bit more informative, this is the smallest practical size but it can be scaled up as long as the ratios are kept the same. The idea is to recreate a tidal environment where the water flows clockwise for 6 hours and counterclockwise for six hours. This reversing motion creates a more diverse setting for the fish as well as making the plants more productive. This echos the current trend among zoos to make the animals habitats more natural and gives the fish the illusion they are in a tidal river instead of a square glass box. I think even large pelagic fish could be kept successfully in a scaled up version of this enclosure...
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