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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I killed off a colony of rats a poorly installed AC system allowed to get under my house and in from there. I poisoned them all, not sure but I think i killed dozens, I feel no shame, rats simply cannot be allowed to exist near humans...
  2. Did anyone else think "Rendezvous with Rama" when they first saw this?
  3. The nail is made of gallium, the rock is warm...
  4. The evidences for Christianity is the same as all other religions... zip, none, nada... Objective moral values do not exist, if we were to use your own holy book as a moral guide you would be arrested in any first world country. The ontological argument has been falsified so many times I wonder why you would include it here at all. WLC is a christian apologist, his idea of how slaughtering children is a moral act is only slightly worse than making little girls into sex slaves as demanded by your god.
  5. A few minutes ago I found a flatworm in my yard. It is easily 18" long! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zapatos


      Cool looking worm! Thanks for posting. :)

    3. Moontanman


      They say it's very important not to put one in your mouth, I wonder where they have that problem... 

    4. zapatos
  6. I think you are a few decades late with your revelation...
  7. Yes, some citation for this baseless assertion is needed....
  8. They would effectively be clones, or twins if you prefer, of the mother...
  9. I hope these drawings are a bit more informative, this is the smallest practical size but it can be scaled up as long as the ratios are kept the same. The idea is to recreate a tidal environment where the water flows clockwise for 6 hours and counterclockwise for six hours. This reversing motion creates a more diverse setting for the fish as well as making the plants more productive. This echos the current trend among zoos to make the animals habitats more natural and gives the fish the illusion they are in a tidal river instead of a square glass box. I think even large pelagic fish could be kept successfully in a scaled up version of this enclosure...
  10. Here are revised pictures.
  11. Taking my wife in for a hip replacement this morning wish her luck! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moontanman


      Nancy's surgery went well, I came home to get her a few things. Thanks for all the well wishes! 

    3. zapatos
    4. koti


      All the best to your wifey Moontanman.

  12. I am trying to see it from your perspective but my head won't go quite that far up my ass. Right now, in the USA, a tiny group of people own practically all the wealth, they own our government and regular people are being pitted against each other by the governments owners to distract them from what is happening. Anyone who says that capitalism protects property rights free enterprise must be one of the 1%. Romantic notions about communism are as flawed as romantic notions about capitalism. Neither system will work without checks and balances not to mention that most governments that are successful in the long term are a mixture of both... You say In what country has this ever been true? If you think it's the USA you haven't been paying attention. Then you say Can you support this assertion? I admit that totalitarianism is a terrible system but such governments can indeed exist as capitalistic, or communistic. Are you asserting that socialism and communism is the same thing? If so we can trivially falsify that because the US has a capitalism/socialism mix.. Human rights and private property can be had under either system but not in a system that has no checks and balances. Capitalism in no more deserving of uncritical acceptance than communism. -
  13. I've been googling this to death and I can't find any info on this so it might be possible it's a new concept. But here goes! What if the status of the cosmos at T=0 was an all encompassing now. Time was just another spatial dimension and time did not pass. At the moment of the Big Bang time symmetry was broken resulting in the release of energy bound up in that static time dimension. This break in symmetry resulted in time as we know it and time's arrow. But, and yeah this is pure speculation, if the expansion of the big bang resulted in two universes expanding in two opposite time dimensional directions? Matter goes in one time direction and antimatter goes in the other time direction. In one direction matter predominates and in the other time direction antimatter predominates. An observer in either universe would see time progressing from the past to the future but if a person was somehow transported to the other universe compared he would see time traveling normal but his body would be made of antimatter compared to anything in that universe. Matter of opposite charge could be made in either and conform the time direction of that universe. (times like this I really wish I has studied math) This what it would look like to an outside observer.
  14. I'm not so sure you can make that claim with any right of veracity. Early USA, and before were basically capitalist yet they went on the murder millions under the excuse of divine right. I am of the Humble opinion that no ideology can be given absolute power without horrific things happening. Pure capitalism results in a tiny oligarchy controlling all the wealth and the common folk becoming totally owned by those with money and power. The very same thing can be said of Communism, such absolute ideologies tend to transfer wealth and power to a small group while crushing everyone else. Any government must have capitalism to grow and socialism to protect the common man from the people who would seek to control everything. A mixture of ideologies that take the good points of both unbridled capitalism and unbridled socialism and discard the parts that allow a small number of people to control everything. Arguing about which is better is like arguing that being actively tortured to death is better than being locked in a cell until you die of neglect. In both cases you end up dead...
  15. Some estimates I've seen assert the Sun will gradually make the Earth uninhabitable as few as 500,000 years, others put it closer to a billion years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_of_Earth
  16. Good to see you back Mike!
  17. An energy release so powerful physicists considered keeping it a secrete. Fusing two bottom quarks release 8 times as much energy as hydrogen fusion! https://www.livescience.com/60847-charm-quark-fusion-subatomic-hydrogen-bomb.html?
  18. Another thing that needs to be said, if you want to to love more than one person, are you willing to love someone who loves someone else as well?
  19. Ugly like beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder but looks are a fleeting thing and only last in the vast majority of cases for a short amount of time. If a person expects to find someone who looks past their current appearance that person must be willing to do the same. As for money, if a person marries for money then they have missed the point of love. Love is not based on money or looks, it's difficult to describe but I know it when I feel it. I love many people, it seems to me the OP may be mistaking desire for love but none the less loving ore than one person is quite common... as is desiring more than one person...
  20. My point here is that while sharks are large streamlined predators, a large streamlined predator is not a shark... WE agree on that point. The point about Starfish and cuttlefish is that the term fish is meaningless in the classification of life, this is not just me being pedantic, fish is as worthless as reptile as a classification and science does indeed agree with me! Or to be more precise I am agreeing with science on this... But yes we could expect streamlined animals to live in water but to say they could even remotely be classified as "fish" is quite a stretch. Even back bones is not a given, hence the example of cephalopods swimming like fish and taking on the torpedo shape... I just think it is a mistake to assume alien life would resemble earth life in anything but the broadest possible definition... It's difficult to imagine how life on other planets might evolve but a good way to understand is to go back to the fossil record and look at what extinct animals who occupied the same niches as modern life looked like. If this one little animal had not made it through the cambrian extinction none of the vertebrate aquatic predators we are familiar with would not be here...
  21. Never heard of that show, I guess it doesn't play here in the states.
  22. I agree, on Earth dolphins use objects as tools and so do octopus... By your definition, all of these are sharks, yet none are. Big toothy fish shaped predators? Of course. Something that you could call a shark, no way... Are Starfish fish? How about cuttlefish?
    1. jimmydasaint


      Brilliant mate - that's called diamagnetism isn't it? I remember seeing frogs levitating above superconductors... Ain't Science amazing!

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