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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Unless he really is stupid he must know that a nuclear exchange with the US would be suicidal. Little Kim wants South Korea, we are demanding he stop his aggressive stance in that part of the world (along with all the other platitudes of human rights and such) NK has and does some really bad things to it's own citizens, from concentration type camps to starvation. Most of NK problems stem from them neglecting it's own people in favor of military might. Worshiping Little Kim as a god who has no rectum is just one of the odd things about gods I guess.
  2. Compared to today's bombs they were just pinpricks, now days one Missile carries several warheads each of which is at least 100 to as much as 1000 times the power of the Nukes dropped on Japan. He would have to actually hit a target accurately as well and the US is more than capable of shooting down NK missiles. He doesn't have the numbers to overwhelm our missile defence systems nor the technology to accurately hit a target, there is some doubt about his ability to hit the ground with a working warhead. Add that to the Head Cheeto In Charge and Little Kim being man children hurling insults at each other over social media and anything can happen. I have to ask, since you say I am out of range so my opinion doesn't count, would you rather kowtow to Little Kim or make it as plain as possible that his country would cease to exist if he uses weapons of mass destruction against us or our allies? We should just make nice and allow Kim to dictate to us because he might be able to destroy a city? Hell unless it's a rather small city and his missiles are really accurate, he doesn't have the power to destroy a city. All he really has is a BB Gun to whack a hornets nest with. Appeasement of dictators has worked so well in the past if we give Kim what he wants he might find Jesus and become a force for good in the world..
  3. So Germany and Japan were not capable of doing significant damage? If Kim has nukes, and he surely does, and he can do more than hit the ground in the general area he wants to hit doing so would bring about a massive retaliation that would obliterate North Korea. US Missiles are almost accurate enough to kill an individual, if we knew his location, without even an explosive warhead. In other words a warhead through your living room window is not too far from true. This makes US nukes far more dangerous and it's why we don't use 20 megaton warheads. Nuclear weapons have a mystique around them that is almost supernatural when in reality they are simply high explosives. admittedly very high explosives but one nuclear weapon is not going to destroy the world and unless you can deliver multiple warheads with a reasonable amount of accuracy you are not even going to destroy a major city. Little Kim does not have bombs powerful enough or accurate enough to do much more than destroy himself. Kinda like shooting a bald faced hornets nest with a BB gun. Yes one of Little Kim's little nukes could kill a lot of people but he would be killing himself and far more of his own people than he could ever hope to do to the US. In fact there is a pretty good chance we could shoot down any missiles NK could fire at us but a zero chance he could shoot down even one of the dozens of warheads we could shoot at him with one sub. Not to mention our warheads are about 100 times as powerful as his. It really is like going grizzly bear hunting with a 22 pistol, yeah you could really piss a grizzly off but you would still become bear shit...
  4. Prior to the renaissance the human condition was subject to the whims of nature, disease, disaster, injury, weather, hunger, and just plain bad luck caused much misery and suffering. the average life span of humans was 25 years or so. The cause of death as often as not was bad teeth or some other simple thing. After the renaissance the human condition began to change for the better, life spans increased, food, water, medicine, hygiene, sanitation, technology made the lives of the average man much more than just a thing to be worked to death by his king or lord. BTW, reason is a product of the age of reason which is where science and rational thought began to take hold. You can't claim reason for your pre enlightenment world. At no point in time has religion, philosophy, discussion, ever corrected science or reason. Our entire world modern world is owed to methodological naturalism. The 10s even 100s of thousands of years before that humans were not much more than animals who used sticks and rocks to kill food and were very often food for other creatures. First of all there was more like 250,000 years of actual human development, not 6,000 years. Yes the basis of science was being laid down, in some very real ways religion can be said to be humans first but totally unsuccessful attempt to explain the natural world. The idea of information or an intervention coming down from a higher source is nonsensical. All that "information" and or "intervention" was wholly pulled out of the ass of men, con artists who took advantage of the gullibility of his fellow man to live high on the hog while supressing any other person or viewpoint that tried to contradict their personal scam. It was quite normal at that time to believe in dragons, unicorns, elves, fairies, demons, gods, pantheons of gods, and rebirth and a great many other things with no substance or power to make anyones lives any better. Science or methodological naturalism has given us untold riches, the average modern person wields wealth and power that even kings of that time before science couldn't even dream about. Mike, think of what you are asserting, there is no evidence for the supernatural, no reason or need for a supernatural anything to exist. Your "weighty argument" evaporates like the morning dew before the rising sun...
  5. Perhaps little Kim hasn't received the memo that use of weapons of mass destruction against the US or it's allies will result in the obliteration of the attacker. Boisterous threats do little to impress anyone no matter what the cheeto in chief seems to think. Little Kim, if he is indeed insane enough to think he can seriously damage the US even using nukes without repercussions, needs to be reigned in by his allies who no doubt do understand this concept. At this point I think Russia and China are having a great time playing with our insane leader but they have to be smart enough to know this shit needs to stop before the two man children ignite the vat of gasoline we are all standing in..
  6. The universe is not adjusted to favor life, in fact almost none of the universe is suitable for life just as almost none of the earth is suitable for human life. Your disappointment that science cannot answer your personal pet questions in a way that you want has no bearing on those answers.
  7. So you think that scientists that by definition use the scientific method to find answers should think outside the scientific method and use the concept of the supernatural to make up answers you would like to see. I'd like to see a citation for things becoming "non answerable" via the scientific method! In fact I would assert the exact opposite is true and our knowledge of the universe is constantly expanding. Just because science doesn't have an answer you approve of or currently have an answer doesn't mean we have given up or that we will never have the answer. At no time has considering the supernatural brought us knowledge and at no time has the supernatural corrected science by showing science to be wrong about anything.
  8. Again, you are doing nothing but constructing a version of science that is not accurate and then arguing against that strawman. That accomplishes nothing, indeed it takes away from your credibility severely, and a straw man fallacy is dishonest...
  9. Light cycles are important for health and plant growth, red and blue light are most important for plant growth but paradoxically it's not day length that determines plant growth it's the length of darkness. Let's say, for example, your spaceship is a rotating cylinder or torus, plant growth could be maximized by using 24 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. It's the length of the night that determines things like blooming and growth. LEDs would be a good way to illuminate rooms and such but a more powerful light source would be needed for internal illumination of the interior of the ship if you want to make it resemble an O'neill cylinder. controlled fusion power would almost certainly be necessary for power but once you have fusion many possibilities open up. A full spectrum is not necessary for plants or to trigger biological systems in animals. But it would be easier on the human eye and if you have the power to spare there is no reason not to include all the spectrum that is reasonable. Infrared would probably need to be minimized to reduce heat, in space getting rid of excess heat is a bigger problem that staying warm, and UV isn't necessary since the vitamins it creates can be eaten in our food. I would think that UV B could be eliminated completely and UV A minimized. The imitation of dusk and dawn is probably important to some plants and animals and would be easy to do anyway.
  10. because saying science will not consider any possibility is a strawman...
  11. No one has said that god is impossible, no one says that the idea of gods or gods cannot be speculated on, invisible unicorns farting rainbows is not impossible but we have no reason to assert such an improbable thing is real. The idea that life can emerge from organic chemicals is not quite the same as saying a being as complex and powerful as a god can emerge from nothing. First of all we can understand how chemicals can self organise and replicate under completely natural conditions. No one is asserting that complex organisms emerged fully formed from nothing.. well except for theists. I do not understand why you would assert loaded statements like Complete lack of evidence of such a Universal computing system not to mention no need for such a system would be reasons to be sceptical of an Universal computing system asking why "science would not consider the possibility of a Universal computing system" is deceptive to say the least and suggests you have an agenda that is less than honest. The idea of a fully formed "brain" emerging from chaos is a concept called a Boltzman Brain it is a valid concept but lacks any supporting evidence. Science does not say that "very sophisticated forms of life surged naturally" The hypothesis is that complex molecules naturally became complex enough to catalyze copies of themselves and slowly over vast amounts of time become simple forms of life. Very sophisticated forms of life evolved slowly into existence over vast time scales. As far as I know the problems of action at a distance are not reason enough to start asserting things like the supernatural, gods, or start running around like a chicken crying the sky is falling...
  12. Put both of them knee deep in a huge vat of gasoline and give them a book of matches and see who really understands MAD...
  13. So there is no other known way the universe could work? Ever hear of an argument from ignorance fallacy?
  14. Take your time, men much more learned than us have been at it for thousands of years...
  15. You better make sure you switch hands occasionally, you wouldn't want asymmetric arm muscles...
  16. Sadly that sounds like nothing but hype to sell magazines. I would suggest you watch a few videos about Lawrence Krauss and his ideas. He is arguably the premier authority on the subject and has written several books. If the universe had a cause there is no reason to assume that cause was an entity.
  17. Seeing how I am a sceptic, atheist, and an apistevist, I simply cannot go where you are going without evidence...
  18. So basically you are searching for gods?
  19. Interestingly I once tamed a nest of paper wasps, those big red mean bastards. Three consecutive generations of wasps allowed me to even touch them while they were on the nest. Food was the primary driver, they liked mealworms. Me being there on the porch a lot helped also. If wasps build a nest where people go by everyday and the people do not molest them they become habituated to your presence. They were aware enough to know me from other people too. Horses will stand under a tree with a bald faced hornet nest so the hornets will eat the horse flies. I've managed to have hornets take flies out of my hands... But I still don't see a hierarchy, I see a web of cooperation. BTW Mike if that spiders bring her mate it will likely be a dried husk...
  20. I applied my vast intellect to the problem of North Korea and I think I have a solution! Give them a couple MIRVS! Delivery in 30 minutes or the next one is free...
  21. The only thing I know of about god, if there is one, he/she ignores everyone equally..
  22. This is one of the most loaded questions I've seen on this forum, and people are taking it seriously! Islam should get no more respect than any other ideology created by men to control man....
  23. Perhaps you missed my signature quote, right below the original poem:
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