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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. You say this and I read an article the other day about babies dying because they were fed a vegan diet. https://www.diet.com/g/american-dietetic-association?get=american-dietetic-association Not exactly a non profit organization with no agenda are they?
  2. Why? How can you say what a dolphin can or cannot understand? Maybe sperm whales with their huge brains already know everything and spend their time hashing out the details.. Actually it's more like 250 million years, just a blink in cosmic time really...
  3. What would you do with all the cows, goats, sheep, chickens, hogs, iguanas, horses, and any other animal that has been bred to thrive in captivity? More than that they condone killing and burning animals because god loves the smell of burning flesh!
  4. Yes, he could bounce you like a rubber ball... I saw one playing with a huge truck tire when I was a kid, he could sling that thing around like we would a frisby..
  5. It's not that you can't find them, it's that they would be such high demand the prices would shoot through the roof. Do you think you could live your life on rice? Corn? Wheat? not a chance... Humans need complete proteins, vitamins, and minerals only found easily is animal products. Can you imagine how expensive nuts would be if everyone had to eat enough of them to be healthy without meat? Human nutrition is complex, you can't live on nothing but bread...
  6. I hear the song dancing queen by Abba playing when the gorilla does that!
  7. So you would have billions of people die from malnutrition with in years if not months? To survive on a vegan diet takes some pretty special plants and they are not easy to grow in large quantities. Of course that would solve the build up of the feces and urine of billions of humans.. I'd like to see some citations for those assertions before I am willing to accept them...
  8. When you say environmentally friendly are you taking into account that it would be far more difficult to grow protein without eating animals to feed the entire world? We can and often to raise animals on land that is not fit to raise plant crops on, the grain used to feed animals is not as nutritious as eating the animals. Veganism would mean far fewer humans could live on the earth...
  9. Human beings are predators, omnivores if you want to be picky. Not eating meat is unnatural, eating meat is what allowed us to evolve into the thinking beings we are today. I grew up on a farm, abusing animals was a good way to get your hide tanned... We always treated the animals well, our lives depended on it, we never even killed an animal in the sight of other animals. But we did kill and we did eat and I never felt bad about it. Factory farming might be less than humane but as Phi said abusing animals at the very least affects the quality of the meat, I think that raising animals for food is better than killing wild animals but I do that as well, I like to eat, meat is good for me and good to eat. To be completely honest the only wild meat I generally eat is fish I catch myself, but I kill rats, mice, bugs and anything that is dangerous or interferes in bad way in my life, I don't feel any worse about them than the deer burger I made spaghetti out of last night... Humans are part of the ecosystem, we eat them, sometimes they eat us, in the distant past we were probably eaten quite often. Another thing to think about, why do plants have less of a right to live than animals? Oh and by the way I feel quite spiritual, the supernatural or killing has nothing to do with it...
  10. Nothing cannot exist is my take on this. The idea of particles popping into existence out of nothing is flawed, the particles pop into existence but not out of nothing. Space is full of energy fields, these energy fields are the source of virtual particles... For there to be nothing there has to be something to compare it to and nothing automatically becomes something..
  11. I disagree, I see no reason for a who or a next realm. The only think that possibly comes to mind is the simulation hypothesis...
  12. The largest category would be bacteria, bacteria dominate everything, from raw numbers to simple volume bacteria are the dominant life forms on this planet. Everything else is an afterthought at best...
  13. Since time came into being along with space it is correct to say something has always existed. To ask what came before is like asking what is south of the south pole. The surface of a globe is endless and finite at the same time...
  14. Upward hierarchy, My fish know me, they come to me to be fed. Some of them actually hide from strangers, many of them actually have personality quirks. I'm not really sure what you mean by hierarchy, intelligence? Among the fish there is a pecking order, some school, some lead the school, others are loners or live in small groups, some eat the others and even when they aren't big enough to eat their tank mates the prey fish tend to avoid the predators. In the wild things are different, some fish seem to actually seek out confrontation, others hide, and octopus love to be fed. In the sea I am low man on the totem pole, sea life chooses to tolerate me or not, an Orca is definitely above me, on land a tiger is above me as is an elephant. I'm not really sure we are talking about the same thing. I see life as a web, not a ladder... BTW I just released a new video of one on my fish tanks, can you tell which fish know me and which ones are new? Not as easy as you would think...
  15. It is accepted that stars form in dense clusters which break up as the individual stars move away. Why do clusters of stars not gravitationally collapse further into one huge star? What causes these star clusters to break up?
  16. This is one of the wildest magnetic effects I have seen. Another interesting magnetic effect!
  17. This is so funny, I remember seeing it on MTV all those years ago!
  18. I used to have a friend who looked like a neanderthal, so much so I ragged him on it all the time. He was from Latvia, short squat powerfully built, he even had the eye ridges. He is dead now, I do miss him, great guy. I'm not sure the assertion a Neanderthal would have to be kept in a zoo is accurate, no reason his cognitive abilities would be lower than ours and many people today look the part enough to play neanderthal without makeup. While I doubt you could breed humans and get a neanderthal but with CRISPR technology it might be possible resurrect the species from fossil DNA. The ethics of doing that would have to be debated and understood thoroughly before the attempt was made I think.
  19. When I worked for DuPont compressed air was one of the major energy sources we used, Dowtherm, electricity, compressed air, steam, a coal fired power plant was used to generate everything but electricity. One major use of compressed air was to generate vacuums. We made Dacron Polyester. Any industrial site uses energy in many forms. Not sure why a nuclear power plant would be any different...
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. imatfaal
    3. Silvestru


      "The atmosphere was a ten-bar mixture of helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, neon and other noble gasses." - Story is great but only helium and neon are noble gasses in that list.

    4. Moontanman


      Point taken, I should have been more precise.

  20. Cost is a major factor but non nuclear explosions will not do the job, chemical rockets barely do it and they are more energetic than any chemical explosive like Nitroglycerine. Lasers vaporizing metals would less energetic and if you can do that why not use the lasers to ignite a fusion in a pellet of deuterium? Don't look now but the military already has lasers than can shoot down artillery shells...
  21. I've read about such behavior before, dolphins rescuing dogs from sharks and the like. In my aquariums I've seen unlikely individuals form what appeared to be friendships. A Yellow Tang and a Panther Grouper come to mind... To be honest IMHO animals are capable of thought and it can drive their actions much like humans. I know it's not a popular view but I've seen it many times and no other explanation seems to work. Octopus seem to be able to carry on friendships with divers, specific divers, and many large reef fish, even dangerous ones like Moray Eels like a human, sometimes a specific human... Oh yeah there was a wild bull elephant that recently sought out help for a festering bullet wound to the head, really hard to explain.
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