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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I think dogs are already sapient, but If I was going to bet I'd say meerkats and giant river otters are already going in that direction...
  2. I seem to remember a while back the Alcubierre drive when used for FTL presented several problems not the least of which was a huge release of gamma radiation at the destination. But there was also a mention that the drive could be used for slower than light travel as well and so used didn't cause any radiation problems. I have googled it quite a bit but i can't find a reference to the slower than light use of Alcubierre drive. Is this a possibility? I did find this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive
  3. Are you seriously giving Edgar Cayce as a source? You say in post #70 that you haven't received a refutation of this post. I can give you the perfect refutation of this post. I have read it over and over and i am convinced this page of obtuse word salad can only be answered by 42. Yes! 42 is the answer! Yes I am serious, 42! How could it not be 42? I have complete faith that 42 is the answer! I believe 42 is the answer! have you ever heard of a logical fallacy called argument from authority? Google it... See above... and BTW yes 1767 views has no bearing on the worth of your posts. In fact much like a train wreck people like to look at disaster...
  4. Pymander, this sentence says a lot about what is wrong about your way of thinking. Someone who asserts that Atlantis was more than a myth has the burden of proof. There is no way to prove Atlantis never existed anymore than it is possible to prove there is no bigfoot, or there is no such thing as pixies. Due to a lack of evidence the null hypothesis is that Atlantis wasn't real. Until evidence is provided the subject must remain mythology... God is another one of those things that has no proof, lots of believers, tremendous amount of faith, but no evidence. Now having said that i can show that god, as described in the bible, is either false or deceitful. The Bible is full of things that simply cannot be true, this makes the case for the god of the bible lost before it gets started. The bible not only cannot be evidence of it's own veracity, the bible is the claim that needs evidence...
  5. God is not an explanation for anything, the concept of a god is nothing but a place holder for ignorance. Ok lets go for this... First tell us which god is real, give some evidence of this and why other gods are not. ​Why? I think a brobdingnagian creature that consumes dark matter and excretes universes and doesn't know it's own shit is the best explanation for the universe. Please see answer above. This simply makes no sense, preprepositionalist much? What exactly is the universe fine tuned for? The formation of black holes? If you are suggesting the universe is fine tuned for life that is obviously not true. Less than .00009% of the universe can support life, doesn't seem to be fine tuning to me.. So you are ok with slavery, genocide, sex slavery of little girls, making a woman marry her rapist, killing homosexuals, the list of immoral demands by the abrahamic god is long and disgusting. Let's list a few more, death to anyone who wears clothing made of mixed cloth, kill anyone who tries to convert you to another god. Please explain why, even if it exists, anyone would worship such psychopathic monster? Then there is the concept of Heaven and Hell, both are unjust and immoral... Because god claims the he is always the same, unchanging, Jesus confirmed this as well by saying none of the laws would change. If you believe god is no longer the psychopathic monster he once was what is to keep from changing back?
  6. So you just assume that Jesus existed, god is love, the bible is true...? You would be correct, the bible does not make that claim. Carbon Dating doesn't work on things as old as the earth. For that you use other radioactive elements like uranium. Your dates on when the bible was written are mistaken. The bible is a series of stories written down separately over a long period of time starting a few hundred years BCE. Many different authors wrote the bible but the oldest copy we have dates back to around 800 years ago. The New Testament was started at least a generation after Jesus was supposedly crucified and finished 400 years later via the council of Nicea where a popular vote decided to exclude as many as 20 other gospels.
  7. Which scientific theories would that be? How does god tell you, hearing voices? Nothing the Christian Bible claims about reality that can be tested is true. You assert that the Bible teaches proper morality, so slavery is ok? Gay people should be killed? Other religions are not the true world view? How did you determine that? The Bible is mythology, it tells the horrendous story of a powerful but jealous being that spreads evil, demands genocide, and our unwavering obedience under threat of eternal punishment. Both Heaven and hell as described in the Bible are immoral and unjust. So far you have failed to show any evidence to support your favorite god and your assertion that your god is better than any other fails utterly..
  8. It's a meme...
  9. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-5QWj_uRBD3s/WRShh7H_qbI/AAAAAAAComM/t_1Qx0u58ccyqcUOoWqPaSiLjE9ivjEvwCJoC/w759-h437-p-rw/17%2B-%2B1
  10. Exactly, if there is a god it ignores everyone equally...
  11. If you can't show it then you don't know it, invisible pixies might run the universe, I can't prove they do not, does that mean I have to consider them as real? If I say I don't believe bigfoot is real does than mean I can say he doesn't exist? No it does not. I do not believe in any gods or goddesses because there is no evidence for them. Show me some evidence then we can talk about a god and what he she or it wants or lets humans do. Until then you are just shining yourself on...
  12. Any chance you have any evidence of your god? If not why should I believe a fairy tale written 1400 years ago? Just because you think it might have said some stuff that sounds right to you? Let's look at the flying horse and splitting the moon in half part nor maybe the sun setting in a mud puddle over the horizon... You don't get to cherry pick, the whole tree or nothing...
  13. Moontanman


    I always tip at least 20%, my oldest son worked as a waiter through college and they get paid less than half minimum wage. The tips are generally shared by all the staff around here so tipping does indeed reward everyone on the wait staff.
  14. Sooo... you didn't visit any of the links I provided?
  15. Here are some good starting points, it must be said that the way you ask the question seems to indicate you have an agenda but I will assume you just want to know. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA_world https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenesis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron–sulfur_world_hypothesis
  16. Isn't "true religion" an oxymoron? No the answer is Egg... there were eggs way before there were chickens... This a weird thread, in religion there is no evidence, only belief. Belief is meaningless without evidence. In science only evidence matters belief is not allowed. Religion has no basis in reality, science is a description of reality based on evidence. Humans are social animals, our purpose is to procreate and or further our society in a positive manner, religion can do this but it can also do the complete opposite. I keep hearing the term "true religion" can anyone define this?
  17. Awesome find!
  18. See the movie "Groundhog Day!"
  19. Is this a question or statement? Regardless it is simplistic and incorrect, in fact amoeba are eukaryotes as are all cells with a nucleus. Eukaryotes didn't evolve until long after prokaryotes evolved...
  20. If you are really interested in finding out about abiogenesis this is a good starting point. If not then my judgement of your motives is probably true. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abiogenesis The information is out there, easy to find, but not yet complete. The subject is extremely interesting and advancing rapidly, I doubt that we will ever be able to pour chemicals into a test tube and make bacteria but the natural processes do exist...
  21. HHO gas? Isn't that water vapor? If it is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen then pressurizing it would be a very bad thing...
  22. Statistics has nothing to do with chemistry, chemistry is not a random process, chemical elements react in specific ways determined by physics. Is this so difficult to grasp?
  23. Any relationship requires give and take, giving and taking depends on the individuals and what they want.. .
  24. Yes it is, a virgin birth would result in a female not a male so unless Jesus was a crossdresser your assertion holds no weight...
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