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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I can offer you a scientifically accurate video explaining the process, would you care to watch it? Here is a simple version, if you want i can provide you a lecture from a scientist who actually studies this stuff. Obviously offering you links to the information doesn't do it for you so check this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL82yk73N8eoX8RpvQfjdupAKFWKjtMhTe If you seriously want to know how this works check this series of videos explaining abiogenesis in detail:
  2. I don't know about you but I am very tired of trying to answer PRATT, the OP is willfully ignorant, a short google search would have answered this post before it happened...
  3. Why does a boat builder have to be Homo sapiens?
  4. Amazing three pages of definitions but no concrete answers. Many would say that ascribing human attributes to animals is a mistake, I think it's a mistake to assume animals do not have such attributes. I do not think there is a line with humans on one side and animals on the other. I think the idea of qualities like sapience are too human centered to be applied to animals. I've had interactions with fish, both wild and in captivity, that would convince me they are aware of reality in much the same way I am. Dogs most certainly are rational self aware beings. From zebra to apes the world is full of examples of animals who qualify as sapient in human terms, the problem is that humans make that decision. I often wonder if elephants think we are rational beings...
  5. Base to Temple... yes... We have another one, yes he has revealed the plan... hold... coordinates set, missil away! Send in the black helicopters to clean...
  6. WOW! It sounds like you need to back away from the bitter pills dude. Help others, don't judge, and even suggesting there are humans that are garbage is a sign you have problems. I am a humanist so I guess you hate me, ever notice how hating only harms to hater and not the hated? Do something positive, stop whining about others being negative...
  7. Going out to do some fish collecting today. Checking on a reported population of invasive shrimp at the stat ports near where i live.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NimrodTheGoat


      i have always wanted to try fishing

    3. imatfaal


      We take great cares to sterilise our ballast water to avoid contamination of Eco-systems with alien sea-life. Looks as if someone was not being too careful. Hopefully the reports are wrong - invasive species are not good

    4. Moontanman


      They are here I caught several... 

  8. Albert Einstein's opinion on religion is no better than anyone else's opinion on religion.
  9. I would say you are mistaken, swept up by a cult of personality. I can and have read the gospels and I feel mythology, plagiarized mythology at the very best, made up of whole cloth by people who wanted to believe so strongly they put new flesh on old myths. Quoting Einstein is a meaningless appeal to authority. Jesus is nothing but another religious icon glorified by time and rote repetition...
  10. With mercury surface tension is an important consideration. As i said from what I've been able to find so far mercury would have to be heated quite hot for it to boil in a vacuum. Something like 225C...
  11. So you have had these feelings but now do not?
  12. Get help from a doctor, a science forum is not the place to seek medical help...
  13. I have my doubts about mercury boiling in a vacuum, I have been googling this and so far everything points at mercury being a liquid that will not boil in a vacuum. Evaporate faster possibly but that is not the same as boiling...
  14. I did read it, I would suggest you continue to take your medication...
  15. How does such a life square with your idea of new age value? Why would that happen if there was something special about us? We live and die, just like every other living creature on this planet. We are social creatures, if there is anything special about us it has to do with making things better for our society and the people who inhabit it. Look at wolves, wolves arguably have a similar sense of self and duty to that self but they also display, much like we do, a sense of duty to each and other and their pack. It's why dogs and humans get along so well, loyalty and duty to each other and the greater good is why we have accomplished so much. What happens to me after I die is meaningless and to say it's somehow more important than what i do while i am alive is very self centered and counter productive to the greater good of humankind..
  16. Very true, good answer! You old softy you!
  17. I will guess no, surface tension would pull it into a string of spheres...
  18. Przybylski's Star Appears to have to have short lived radioactive elements in it's spectral lines. no reasonable source of these elements is known. As well as short lived elements heavier than uranium and thorium, plutonium is also present. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Przybylski%27s_Star How could such short lived elements be present in this star?
  19. As soon as I heard that Trump had attacked Syria I thought of this song...
  20. Jimmy, what makes you think we are not robots?
  21. You can release a fish. Killing is not necessary
  22. Killing something for fun is a sign of a sick mind!
  23. I would wipe the floor with you in chemistry...
  24. You are amazed because you do not understand what stable elements are or why they are stable. There could be a basket ball in orbit of Uranus, but since that would go against everything we know about out solar system I see no need to speculate it's existence. Why should we speculate about stable transuranic elements when that goes against everything we know about nuclear physics?
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