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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Yes, Strange is correct, we do know what elements can and do exist and all of them are listed on the periodic table. The fact you question this speaks volumes to your own grasp of science. As for the second, another civilization less advanced than us could contact us as long as they are relatively close by. Radio signals are not exactly 21st century technology...
  2. Assuming another world would be the home of intelligences is putting the cart before the horse a bit. Not to mention the only life we know anything about is us... Lots of speculation about your basic question and even life as we know it might be difficult to spot. Here on Earth we are still finding odd life forms, desert varnish is a good example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desert_varnish https://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/apr/14/shadow-biosphere-alien-life-on-earth This also interesting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_biosphere. Chris Mckay of NASA fame has suggested that Titan might have life that uses methane and ethane in place of water. https://www.nasa.gov/topics/solarsystem/features/titan20100603.html If you want to visit another world i would suggest scuba diving, our land based ideas about life and what it should look like breaks down under water. a weird example but not as odd as it looks once you know what it really is: http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/201576/a-horrifying-living-rock-that-bleeds-when-you-cut-it-open/
  3. There are pressure waves in space, that is what causes the galactic spiral arms but we cannot hear them. Sound is the movement of matter, matter moves in space, from the galaxies spiral arms to the bow shock wave of the sun moving through space, all of them are far too low or weak or both for us to hear...
  4. Why do you have so much trouble understanding that science honestly saying they do not know for sure lends no credence to your Ken Ham fanboy assertion that god did it?
  5. If the conversation had continued you would just have said "Well I have this book" Were you there, damn.. just damn... where you there? Was anyone there? How do you know... oh you have a book..
  6. Yes but you would be antimatter!
  7. If you hadn't asked loaded questions made up by Ken Ham and his ilk we could have shown you the answers. But you and your kind cannot approach the problem honestly, I cannot provide evidence for dishonest questions...
  8. I see no reason to discuss this with a Ken Ham fan boy... Ken Ham is a dishonest steaming pile of monkey shit, thanks for wasting my time..
  9. Much to my surprise it would appear that this idea is really a thing. I had no idea at the time, it just seemed to be... I don't know, the first time I ever saw that image it occurred to me that a big bang in the opposite time direction was necessary in some way... I know way to use conformation bias but I honestly had no idea anyone else had really considered it. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/2-futures-can-explain-time-s-mysterious-past/
  10. You realise you contradicted your self?
  11. You are trying to set up a strawman, the assertions you make are either totally false or have no relevancy to abiogenesis. This is totally misleading, these things are not necessarily part of abiogenesis. You are trying to suggest that whole cells and systems must pop into existence for abiogenesis to occur. It is totally dishonest to suggest this, creationists know it, but they have to assert it for their arguments to work. The questions you ask are disingenuous and do nothing but set up a strawman for you to knock down... yet another dishonest ploy, the odds are obviously 1/1, random chance has no place in chemistry, chemistry is deterministic not random. The organic molecules come about naturally, in fact interstellar space is full of these chemicals, meteorites containing the chemicals rain down on earth every day.
  12. Well, you can google the math, spend a few decades learning it or since this guy is a legitimate authority on the subject, quite possibly one of the few who really does understand it, I tend to go with his assertions. I admit I've always thought the assertion of the beauty of the theories is poor wording at best..
  13. Lots of hype little to no data..
  14. I never said they were the same thing, you can be happy but not content, not sure about content but not happy... More importantly you do not need religion in general or the bible in particular to have either. In fact most theists spend way too much time worrying that somewhere, somehow, someone is happy doing something they do not approve of to be happy or content...
  15. I honestly thought the link I provided did show evidence, possibly this will be easier to understand, it was for me...
  16. Great sad song! No one is perfect!
  17. Contentment is not taught, you find it in understanding life and reality... Secularism chases lies and deceit fostered on society by theists, contentment and happiness come from admitting you do not know or have to have an answer for everything, especially when claiming to have answers you don't really have interferes with an understanding of reality and the happiness of others...
  18. Yes, they actually are space and everything else.. That is just it, nothing cannot exist... The message is there cannot be empty space..
  19. "You have to believe we are magic Nothin' can stand in our way You have to believe we are magic Don't let your aim ever stray"
  20. Next time we elect a president we need to make sure he has no circumcision scars around his neck...
  21. If CO2 can escape I would have to assume that oxygen can pass in the other direction. The drinks tasted very bad, not sure exactly why but drinking them was out of the question. Plastic wrap would have to be almost immediately permeable when compared to an aluminum can. Plastic wrap cannot hold pressure more than a few hours, I doubt it would prevent oxygen traveling across the barrier much longer. Gases can pass quite readily through things like plastic wrap..
  22. Quantum field fluctuations, they permeate everything and quite literally make up everything. So called empty space is a frothing mass of quantum field fluctuations... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_field_theory Yeah, i know, I don't understand it either but there are some really good lectures on you tube that explain it as well as someone with limited math skills can understand...
  23. For what ever it is worth I see the skull as well, it's called pareidolia, humans are hard wired to see patterns. This often results in us seeing patterns where none exist... Grandfather mountain in NC must be the largest skull ever to exist!
  24. I am not real sure space is made of nothing, I am sure that Lawrence Krauss would disagree. Can you give us a citation to back up your assertion that space is made of nothing?
  25. Your lack of ability to see how it could have happened has no bearing on whether or not it happened. Abiogenesis is not a belief, real science backs up much of it, the study goes on and I can direct you to a great deal of evidence but it is significant whether or not you can see it... In fact several possible pathways to biology have been proposed and many of them have considerable evidence to back them up. So much in fact that there may well be several paths and or a synergy of various avenues to biology. The problem is that many people think that it should be easy, if life came about from prebiotic chemistry, to simply pour chemicals in a test tube and dump out bacteria. Modern life forms such as bacteria are quite complex, far too complex to simply be whipped up in a test tube. Also any complex organics that are produced now are quickly consumed by bacteria way before they have any chance of becoming complex enough to replicate.
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