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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Contentment is not taught, you find it in understanding life and reality... Secularism chases lies and deceit fostered on society by theists, contentment and happiness come from admitting you do not know or have to have an answer for everything, especially when claiming to have answers you don't really have interferes with an understanding of reality and the happiness of others...
  2. Yes, they actually are space and everything else.. That is just it, nothing cannot exist... The message is there cannot be empty space..
  3. "You have to believe we are magic Nothin' can stand in our way You have to believe we are magic Don't let your aim ever stray"
  4. Next time we elect a president we need to make sure he has no circumcision scars around his neck...
  5. If CO2 can escape I would have to assume that oxygen can pass in the other direction. The drinks tasted very bad, not sure exactly why but drinking them was out of the question. Plastic wrap would have to be almost immediately permeable when compared to an aluminum can. Plastic wrap cannot hold pressure more than a few hours, I doubt it would prevent oxygen traveling across the barrier much longer. Gases can pass quite readily through things like plastic wrap..
  6. Quantum field fluctuations, they permeate everything and quite literally make up everything. So called empty space is a frothing mass of quantum field fluctuations... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_field_theory Yeah, i know, I don't understand it either but there are some really good lectures on you tube that explain it as well as someone with limited math skills can understand...
  7. For what ever it is worth I see the skull as well, it's called pareidolia, humans are hard wired to see patterns. This often results in us seeing patterns where none exist... Grandfather mountain in NC must be the largest skull ever to exist!
  8. I am not real sure space is made of nothing, I am sure that Lawrence Krauss would disagree. Can you give us a citation to back up your assertion that space is made of nothing?
  9. Your lack of ability to see how it could have happened has no bearing on whether or not it happened. Abiogenesis is not a belief, real science backs up much of it, the study goes on and I can direct you to a great deal of evidence but it is significant whether or not you can see it... In fact several possible pathways to biology have been proposed and many of them have considerable evidence to back them up. So much in fact that there may well be several paths and or a synergy of various avenues to biology. The problem is that many people think that it should be easy, if life came about from prebiotic chemistry, to simply pour chemicals in a test tube and dump out bacteria. Modern life forms such as bacteria are quite complex, far too complex to simply be whipped up in a test tube. Also any complex organics that are produced now are quickly consumed by bacteria way before they have any chance of becoming complex enough to replicate.
  10. It's almost impossible to keep gases contained in reasonably cost effective packaging. Oxygen and other gases can and doe migrate across barriers quite easily. Once I can across many cans of coke while cleaning out lockers where i worked, all of them were completely flat, the CO2 had escaped from sealed cans. It didn't take more than a couple years at most, think of how quick gases could escape from plastic wrap...
  11. I would suggest you look at the so called prophecies with a little more skepticism. A great many Prophecies never came true, if I were to sit down and write out a large number of things I think might come true in the next ten years i would almost certainly be correct about a few of them just by chance... http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Biblical_prophecies
  12. Are you asking about chemical evolution? http://www.astro.sunysb.edu/lattimer/AST248/lecture_13.pdf
  13. Thunderf00t says the EM drive will not work!
  14. It's been 50 years but I used to build and fly rockets, I helped my sons build kits by estes that you can find in hobby shops. Is this what you are talking about? I watched the video! Very cool! Much easier than the way we built them when I was a kid!
  15. Containment of antimatter is a problem but Hoyle, in a very old science fiction novel solved that problem by using antimatter iron, he just kept the " anti iron bars" clamped down with magnets in the vacuum of space. Of course finding or getting antimatter iron is a whole new can of worms...
  16. No, you didn't answer anything, you simply made bald assertions..
  17. Yes! God ignores everyone equally.. You ignored most of my questions and you didn't show your work..
  18. My fav! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVT65M4mRnM
  19. If artificial upwellings could be made in ocean areas that are other wise nutrient poor would this cause algae blooms to absorb more CO2? Could air pumped to the ocean bottom be used to create these upwellings much like air is used to circulate water in aquariums and even in lakes but on a much larger scale?
  20. How do you tell the difference between false religions, false prophets, hypocritical churches, hypocritical church leaders, and how do you know which parts of a religion should be ignored and or followed? But most importantly, How do you know there are any gods at all? And how did you decide your god is real? Why is it no longer important to have the fringe on your garments a specific way? Who told you that killing gays was no longer a requirement? Can I boil a calf in it's mothers milk? Why do we no longer take the virgin girls of the enemy as sex slaves and kill everyone else? If I can't make my children behave is it ok to stone them to death at the cities gate? If a group of children make fun of my bald head is it cool for god to send she bears to kill them? If I plant more than one crop in the same row is it still an abomination? Why or why not? SHOW YOUR WORK!
  21. I'm rather fond of Dave Chapelle, his Black White Supremacist skit makes me laugh until I cry everytime I see it. I love this one too...
  22. I have no problem with the quotes, they would appear to be quite accurate, Non-Beliefism, cannot apply to everything, unless you are simply being pedantic. I think you are, as many do, using the word belief inappropriately. I would assert you are using the word belief disingenuously to obfuscate the issue. I am an atheist yet I believe in many things. Many things have a track record of reliability. At the very least many things have a level of confidence that allows you to accept them until better data comes in. Belief is also scaled according to the claim, if you told me you have a dog, I would assume you have a dog. If you told me you have a dog that flies I would not believe you until you showed me the dog flying... I believe I'll have another beer!
  23. I think he may have a point, I look forward to his defense of his speculation. I think you need to go back quite a bit further than 20 years ago to see the effect. Our ancestors often had to be a jack of all trades, one individual had to at least gain moderate control over multiple skills. Now we often specialize to the point that someone with a specific talent may in fact be almost helpless in other areas of needed skills. I would like to see some data from as far back as possible.
  24. I use big words to appear copacetic
  25. So you are saying I look like a Dumass? LMAO!
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