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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. There is also that pesky hawking radiation to worry about but int the scenario you have set up it should go off like an atomic bomb,,
  2. I am back..finally... 13 days is a long time from some perspectives!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MigL


      Hope everything is well.

      Or do you just like hospital food ?

    3. Moontanman


      You got me, it's that pureed food!

    4. Moontanman


      I woke up one night, in a panic attack and scrounged some scissors that has been left where i could get them and cut my hair... 3 am standing in the bathroom chopping off my long white hair. I thought the nurse was going to freak when she walked in and saw me...

  3. Leaving for the hospital in a few minutes, I'll be gone for several days, hopefully not as long as the last time. I'll be back!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. imatfaal


      hope all goes well Moon

    3. MigL


      Hope its just routine and not something major.

      Looking forward to your rejoining us.

    4. jimmydasaint


      Best wishes and hope your problems are minimised.

  4. Interesting, can we eat sea weed too?
  5. The SETI people define it as the ability to build a radio telescope...
  6. I went to the site, it would appear they have little desire to do anything but defend the faith. I honestly do not see what AGW has to do with faith but W.L. Craig seems to be their hero or something. I am never come across anyone qute as influential and dishonest as WLC. I may join and see if I can join a rational discussion... Strike that, the site is nothing but an outlet for WLC's horsefeathers and merchandise.
  7. I also think that harm is a relative term, I know a guy who started smoking cigarettes when he was 8 years old, has smoked two to three packs a day and is 86 years old, still smoking... Looking at him could you say that cigarettes are not harmful? Marijuana smoking has to be less than healthy, breathing smoke cannot be good for you, to me the real problem is less than neutral studies and people who don't want to hear their drug of choice is harmful. The man I mentioned above is convinced cannabis is horrific and anyone who smokes it should be put away for life, this he says while swilling bourbon, taking opiates, and smoking like a frieght train... he is a mean drunk too... My main worry is people whose lives are ruined by the law when they get caught smoking pot....
  8. I knew bigfoot was real! Real video of a real bigfoot!
  9. So far I see little debunking of this going on. Probably because it is so crazy to assume such sensational behaviors from the scant evidence we have. I am still intrigued by the facial reconstruction aspect. Hmmm... Young whipper snapper! I am not sure facial reconstruction is done that way. I know they do use the flesh and muscle thicknesses of the human face as a guide. This guys reconstruction is supposed to be using an apes scull flesh and muscles as a template. I would like to see more about that but so far it's no joy on the net. If his contentions are true then it would call into question facial reconstruction of many hominids.
  10. I would say the he really has no "theory" speculations at best and sensational speculations at that. I've always had my doubts about behaviors being asserted from fossils and such outrageous ones really need a considerable amount of support other than legends transmitted over 40,000 years. My main interest is the appearence, do we really have reason to assume Neanderthal flesh and muscles match ours as opposed to more ape like primates? Would our ape relatives look human if we reconstructed them using human flesh and muscles? I think it's an interesting line of inquiry...
  11. this is true but the inbreeding is part of his assertion. As i said his ideas need some support but my main concern is the reconstruction of neanderthals, did they look human or ape like? If the later then cross breeding seems unlikely but humans do have sex with orangutans even though no cross breeding can take place... I know ewww... The possible difference in appearance is what caught my eye, behavioral differences seem unlikely to be decided by fossils on that fine a scale...
  12. You are probably correct but as I said he does make a few points that make you wonder. He draws on the same X-rays and such but his assertions have not been questioned as much as the standard if i understand it correctly. As i said, the reconstruction of a gorilla skull to human parameters and the result would give a bit more visual clues as to his ideas being simply BS or interesting...
  13. If the universe is a computer simulation, to me at lease, it makes me wonder if it might be possible to "hack" the simulation...
  14. When they reconstruct, according to this guy, a neanderthals skull they use a human template. he thinks that an ape template is more accurate. He does make some points but I would like to see quite a bit more. Seeing what a gorilla skull looks like when you use human parameters would be interesting... I have found some debunking of this idea: http://sci.waikato.ac.nz/bioblog/2010/10/killer-neandertals-does-this-o.shtml To be sure this guy is speculating but it does bring up the question of how do the other people who make all sorts of rather specific claims about neanderthals do so with a little to no more factual basis...
  15. Can you elaborate, I don't think I understand your point...
  16. Is this what a neanderthal really looked like? What has to be the most unique representation of what neanderthals looked like! I ran across this last night. Basically what this guy is saying is that neanderthals are being misrepresented because we always reconstruct them using human paradigms and in reality they are better represented as more apelike. Neanderthal super predators: Evidently according to this guy the neanderthals shaped our evolution by preying on us! His video it like a horror movie but he does have some points. The idea that neanderthals looked like us is based un.. us! He reconstructs them using ape parameters instead of human. I would like to see a gorilla or a chimp reconstructed using human parameters to see if this is plausible in any way. This is his short video. He misses the mark in several places in my estimation, not the least of which is his idea that trauma induced by neanderthals could be the bases of legends of predatory human like monsters. Hard to believe that legends could persist over 40,000 years...
  17. Religion is not as special as either side seems to think in my estimation. Religion is just yet another way to control people, give power to an elite, and use to make money. The concept of god is far to vague to be meaningful and the more specific it becomes the more abusive it's potential. Would the world be a better place with out religion? maybe maybe not, i am sure we humans would have replaced it with some other method of gaining power over our fellow man if religion didn't exist...
  18. I would like to ask how the gender of humans figures into logic... or creativity...
  19. No and as I am sure you are already aware of, I think religion is horse feathers, a parasite on the mind of believers. But to say I would take away something from some because I disagree is a lot like saying I wouldn't let two consenting adults make love in a particular way because I think it's wrong to do so... Wrong because the great invisible turtle comes to me every night and tells me I have to stop let people make live while standing on one foot on fridays. Such people must be convinced of the unnatural horror such behavior! And remember that Earth Quake that killed 250.000 last year on my birth day? Yes, that was me trying to communicate how much I hate for people to expose their boobies. So are we clear on this? No making love standing on one foot and no bare boobs shaking! Other than that I am a forgiving god and quite reasonable to get along with unless you do the things I detest! dimreeper, it's not because They do things I believe god doesn't want them to do, it's because they try to change the laws of my country to make sure everyone does what they think is right or make sure no one can do the things they think god doesn't want them to do!
  20. I wish I could convince SFN to cut back on my yearly stipend, $150,000 dollars a year is too much to pay even me to hang around the place to give it style. $75,000 should be quite enough... Don't even think of cutting back on my cheese nips!!!
  21. If you followed the morality of the Christian bible most modern people would be locked up. http://www.evilbible.com/ Just a small taste of morality from the Bible, from murder to slavery to rape of little girls God is one kinky, magical, anthropomorphic, Immortal...
  22. I did think of someone manipulating the pictures digitally but the original pictures on the NASA site makes that unlikely. I am not suggesting a real crab or any of the other photos as really what they look like but it does seem that the better pictures are in no way helping the situation become any clearer. At 00:30 there is a picture that just has to be false, False news is negatively impacting our society in many different ways. I think it is far past time we demand that such things be exposed for what they are. Intentionally misleading people should be considered a crime!
  23. Secularism doesn't teach people to be content? On the face of the question the answer is no. But teaching children to believe in Santa Claus teaches them to be content as well, what would be your point? Teaching people that there is an after life where they get 72 virgins or an after life where they have great mansions waiting for them as long as they do what religion teaches them is hardly honest or useful to anyone but the ones in control. Teaching someone to be content with their lot in this life no matter how bad it is because it will be so wonderful after they die is criminal...
  24. Yes, the Moon does affect the crust of the Earth and the crust of the Earth rises under the influence of the Moons gravity.
  25. As cameras become better and better and the pictures are more and more accurate wouldn't you expect pareidolia to become less and less of a problem with pictures of Mars and the Moon and or other objects in the solar system? Lately some of the new cameras are taking some pictures that are really difficult to explain away. Shouldn't the clearer pictures have made the patterns go away instead of becoming more puzzling? There are lots of them, here is an example:
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