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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. But they do cause us harm! They try in every way to force us to live by their rules, to force their religion on children as superior to science in explaining the natural world, they support bigotry and hate of all that are different from them. The intolerant cannot be tolerated...
  2. So anything gods do is good?
  3. Both are equally nonsensical...
  4. I have thought about this as well, anti matter and matter, times arrow, and the Big bang. What i have in mind is something like this: While times arrow goes in two directions at the big bang and each direction has both matter and anti matter in one matter dominates and in the other matter dominates and each is rare in the other time direction. Is this representative of what you are talking about? This would require anti matter to generate anti mass or antigravity which so far tests seem to indicate it does not... Although reverse time coordinates doesn't necessarily require anti gravity but it would make the idea a bit simpler...
  5. I do not think trivial is the right word, but eggs existed before mammals or reptiles, the amniotic egg was first, before there were chickens or dinosaurs, or reptiles...
  6. Isn't dark mater supposed to analyte if it comes into contact with it's self? Has the hypothetical Mirror Matter been discounted completely? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_matter When I was corresponding with Robert Foot he had suggested Mirror planets would be invisible as would Mirror stars but they could affect each other gravitationally... http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/astro-ph/0102294
  7. The egg, because eggs existed before there were chickens...
  8. This is true but oxygen levels on the Earth are not high enough to make any fire turn into an explosion, 20% is not high... 20% is normal for us, if oxygen was twice as high even wet things could burn fiercely. One of the points I made was that high oxygen levels could be expected on worlds with no land area but I am asking if land surface areas cause oxygen levels to be more moderate. Oxygen was around 30% + in the carboniferous and giant insects were able to live due to this fact. But oxygen has never risen that high again. Is there a mechanism that would cause oxygen levels to decline or is it simply random? Yea, I learned this in scuba classes, one of the first things you learn is that you can't breath pure oxygen under pressure...
  9. You tried to distil H2O2? Not the way it works and not something to be trifled with...
  10. Actually I've given a bit more thought to this that you might think, in fact at one bar pressure earth life would be difficult at more 30% O2 or so, the higher you go up the more likely a lightning stroke is to ignite the entirety of surface life. In fact there is some evidence that when the earth did have an oxygen content of above 30% wide spread wide fires were quite common. I'm not if anyone has taken this speculation to it's at least semi obvious conclusion but land based life would be more difficult as the oxygen content went higher. Then again fire resistance could also evolve but on Earth it seems that fire resistance has evolved but is limited. At some point any fire would be an explosion instead of a roaring fire..
  11. Then there is the whole oxygen under pressure will kill you thingy....
  12. I am familiar with electric fishes, not so sure about bacteria...
  13. Could land based life exist on a world with high levels of oxygen? At what point would organic matter burst into flames if exposed to air? Would pressure be a factor? My speculation is that water worlds, global oceans no land, would or at least could support very high oxygen levels and or pressures while worlds with a significant land area would not due to oxidation of exposed surfaces. Thoughts?
  14. This thread is seriously deficient in necessary information... To me, not masterbating at least occasionally, is unhealthy. I have often heard there are two types of people, those that masterbate and those lie about it..
  15. I've had the flu, first day I've felt human, get those flu shots guys. You don't want any of this!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      I got a flu shot quite some time ago that seemed to give me the flu (probably already sick with it), and for many years I didn't get the vaccines. I was lucky for a long time, but a few years back it clobbered me good, bed for six days straight (Netflix and tea are all I remember). I get a flu every year now. There's no co-pay either, so it's all free.

    3. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Glad you're better, Moon. The flu isn't like mending from a wound where you're just limited, or recuperating with bed rest so you can read or whittle. Flu can't be enjoyed even the least little bit.

    4. StringJunky


      Interferon taught me that it's not the virus that gives you hell it's your body because it kicks your immune system into overdrive and that's what flu symptoms are: a response to interferons.

  16. For all you who think gun cannot save your life!!!
  17. You do realize that the universe is expanding, in fact the expansion is accelerating, so EM radiation formed at the beginning of the universe has been stretched out (cooled) and now is at a temp of 2.72548±0.00057 K so yes it is a snapshot of the current temp of the universe but it is also what the universe looked like at T+ 380,000 years. Yes it is the same radiation, why would you think it is not? Now in your description of a black body and how it absorbs radiation you are being deceptive by leaving out part of the description. You say this in quotes When in fact your own link says this: By not using the entire definition of black body radiation you were trying to cherry pick the definition and build a strawman...
  18. Let's hear about that error, can you tell us about your model? If not the BBT (Kaley Cuoco wouldn't have a job) then what is your speculation on the subject?
  19. From what I have read it would appear the NASA people were successful in testing this "drive" and others are testing it as well. Some sources are saying it has better force than a light sail per watt of power. This could be the key to building a real space ship!
  20. I can think of some dirty deeds... Great Cover! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qsJwbqgq8Q
  21. I find myself to be rather good company, I enjoy being alone, especially in a forest, deep in the green swamp or on the beach...
  22. I have fact checked a couple of them they were spot on. He is reporting, often anyway, on cutting edge stuff and he manages to explain it in a reasonably easy way to understand. There are a hand full of You tube channels that I have found that represent science rather well..
  23. I love those videos!
  24. Or with a hard wood stick....
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