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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. When you act like a helpless old man a bully lets his guard down, poke a man in the nose with a heavy walking stick disables him long enough to "whop the tar out of him" my grandfathers words... A gun is deadly but you have to hit your target and most bullies are just posers using the gun as intimidation. A second of not paying attention and a walking stick or even a knife is his bane... I plan to make a walnut walking stick next time I visit my cousin and if I can find one a red oak walking stick...
  2. Does no one understand the use of a stick? If you get to within 2 meters or so I can get the bully no matter what he is carrying. It's difficult to aim a gun accurately when someone is hitting you with a 6' walking stick. I admit I only use it when I am walking around the neighborhood. I have met several other older gentlemen doing this this as well. I have a bad leg so I do have a reason to carry it. I made it my self and the wood is quite heavy and hard... I plan to make one out of a walnut tree next time I visit my cousin...
  3. A seasoned piece of usually hickory does the trick,... I am non violent until someone else becomes violent, I'm ashamed to say I would probably attempt to stomp a mud hole in his ass. I have a seasoned hickory walking walking stick that I carry when ever I intend to walk any distance. I harvested it my self about 15 years ago...
  4. Anyone who is knowledgeable enough to do this pm me about the possibility of collaborating on a illustration I have been trying to create. FYI I have no idea how to do what I want done...
  5. People have survived jumping out of air planes with no parachute. The fact that we can indeed see and touch parachutes makes them real. we can observe parachutes inaction, we know they work and can watch them work as well as use them to save lives. No God has ever been detected by any empirical evidence. The default position is not to believe until such evidence becomes available. Do you believe bigfoot exists?
  6. Face it guys, all we are going to get is more song and dance...
  7. Do you think the communion cracker turns into the blood of Jesus and the wine turns into blood? I am seeking a method to instill rational thought into humanity, belief religion is the very antithesis of this. I notice you say "if god exists" I say the same thing, if god exists then there should be evidence of that existence...
  8. I for one am stockpiling non perishables...
  9. Ok, why do masses exert a gravitational field proportional to their mass even when they lack a magnetic field? Mercury and the Moon come to mind
  10. No, your speculation needs rotation, Venus has no magnetic field of it's own and rotates very slowly, a little over 116 Earth days. Please explain how your speculations support this... Venus has nearly the same mass as the Earth, if your story was true Venus should not have much of a gravity field. Mars is in a similar situation since it has only very weak localized magnetic fields yet it's gravity corresponds to it's mass as does Venus...
  11. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-CcNQ8z1x1e8/WCdQqBs6MHI/AAAAAAADzOw/NO4FJAchFjgF6ZyxfAoA8SOcTQyFgdkawCJoC/w519-h390/16%2B-%2B1
  12. It would be nice if you answered my question instead of ignoring it.
  13. We should tolerate anything that is benign, tolerating something that interferes with significantly with civilization or results in harm to humans cannot be tolerated. I am very tolerant of dogs, even stray dogs, dogs that are not submissive but live independent and react aggressively trifled with can also be tolerated. But a dog that goes around attacking people cannot be tolerated, despite my love of dogs such dogs must be removed from the population. But fundamentalist religion is intolerant of all who disagree, in fact their goal is to force everyone else to follow their way of life often by violence. Tolerating this is like tolerating a rabid dog. It simply cannot be done if you want to live...
  14. If you found an earth like planet around a star twice as massive as our sun, which would mean it's life span would be very short on the order of one billion years. If the star was going to make the Earth like planet uninhabitable in say one million years would it be ethical to colonize that planet?
  15. I see no reason to protect any religion from criticism, in fact critically examining religion is IMHO exactly what should be done. We cannot afford to be tolerant to those who are intolerant..
  16. I continue to be blown away by this bad, the lead singer is awesome and damn if that girl can't play that six string bass!
  17. Again I ask how does this explain the gravity of Venus?,
  18. nightmare on election day...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. imatfaal


      Any alcohol will do - it's 0930 here and I am considering opening the bottle of plum liqueur at the back of the drinks cabinet

    3. StringJunky


      Mix it with everything in there.

    4. StringJunky


      Time to get all the Leonard Cohen stuff out

  19. IMHO Ben carson is either stupid or deceitful, since he is a politician, and a republican politician at that I think deceitful is more likely.... Yes, i agree only a matter of time, millions of years and trillions of labs... Reality is not predicated on belief, I do not believe there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, not because I have searched all rainbows but because there is not only no evidence of a pot of gold but no reason to think there is one other than what someone claims...
  20. The Planet Venus has little to no magnetic field and spins very slowly yet it has a gravitational field within a few percentage points of the Earth. How do your ideas explain this? I know this is an old thread... but it should be said that UFOs predate UAVs by at least a century...
  21. Well yes, this would the direction I am trying to show Raider5678, if you go with the zygote as a person you are really stretching it, some even go past the fertilized egg and masterbation kills babies (Yes I have heard that argument) As HI said it's more about controlling women, poor things are only children after all... We "MEN" have to show them the way! This debate is misogynist even if you do not realise it, in fact it started around the turn of the 19th and 20th century with a wave of anti birth control fervor. The fight was quite fierce and when the religious zealots realised they had lost they kept trying and failing to limit birth control in ever way they could. I remember trying to get condoms when i was a teenager, I had to go to truck stop bathroom vending machines! I do not think anyone is advocating abortion as a recreational activity, nor is it done freely at any point during pregnancy. To me the life of the mother is paramount, abortion should be done before the fetus is viable unless the life of the mother is at risk JMHO but my wife and I have discussed this many times and I defer to her, of the two of us she is the only one who has to do the "work" of carrying a baby so she is the expert not me. But we both agree that abortion should not be taken lightly, to suggest it is or should be is ludicrous! For me, abortion simply as birth control is simply not right. On the other hand making a woman or teenage girl give birth against their will comes close to being a heinous crime. I doubt the number of abortions due to simple promiscuity is large and few women think to themselves I'll go ahead and have sex tonight, I can always get an abortion if need be...
  22. To avoid confusion can you define when a fertilized egg becomes a fetus?
  23. So a zygote is not a person? Fetus
  24. I am talking about a fertilized egg, almost as many fertilized eggs simply do not implant as those that do... Even eggs that do become implanted often break free and are shed in a woman's menstrual flow...
  25. So every time a woman has sex but the egg doesn't stay put we should have a funeral?
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