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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I'm not really sure ethics figures into it, when is it ethical to kill? Is it ever? Legal sometimes but having to kill even in self defense if a nightmare from where I stand. Being a male I am sure I can't even begin to understand but to take away that option seems less than realistic...
  2. Hillary's Emails on Weiner's Laptop Sounds like a punch line to a bad joke...
  3. My "Web Root" anti viral system that came from Best Buy with my computer has suddenly started holding my sound system hostage. It continuously makes a loud beeping noise and flashes a warning telling me the subscription runs out in a few days. Best buy says it cannot be turned off unless i buy a new subscription... Or delete the program, but if i delete i no longer have anti virus protection... choices choices...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. StringJunky


      There shouldn't be any more paradigm shifts with Windows now they are doing a continual, as and when, upgrading process in small steps. Hopefully, no more steep learning curves.

    3. Moontanman


      I hope not, my last one was XP

    4. StringJunky


      You've had a very big jump to make.

  4. And yet they wonder why we have gun problems...
  5. Another good cover band!
  6. I think she is about 14 now, sings even better!
  7. Check this out! I have become their fan boy!
  8. Yet another one hit wonder?
  9. Well considering Darwin didn't think there were any human sub species, not that it really matters, he was not in possession of the ultimate truth, I don't see how Darwin is relevant... I am sorry, it misspoke Cleopatra is indeed among the ancestors of everyone alive today...
  10. Some evidence other than your assertion would be expected at this point.. Actually yes they do count Confucius among their ancestors, what part of "Gene Pool" are you having problems with? Gene flow is not only in one direction...
  11. I would like to know if can tell me the race of this person: There is a concept known as the genetic bucket chain, gene flow around the world is such that no human population is isolated genetically. For sub species to form would require genetic isolation for long periods of time. You can count among your ancestors Confucius, due to this "bucket chain" This video by an expert on genetics, it's a short video and very eye opening.
  12. So since I do not agree with you I am a race "denialist"? Please define the term Race denialist...
  13. Mysterious pulsing stars could be signals from various civilizations talking to each other! Recently over 200 sun like stars have been seen pulsing in an unusual manner than might indicate intelligent life. http://www.space.com/34541-alien-life-search-possible-seti-signals.html?utm_source=sp-newsletter A study published in October 2016 reported the detection of odd light pulses coming from 234 of 2.5 million stars observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's 2.5-meter telescope in New Mexico (pictured here). These pulses are consistent with signals that intelligent aliens might produce, the study authors claimed. Credit: SDSS/Fermilab Visual Media Services/NASA
  14. How do you know?
  15. I've seen little kids eat them like candy and I know several people who chew tobacco but do not spit the juices out! little kids are the most vulnerable with people who smoke the least vulnerable. Nicotine is indeed poisonous to mammals... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotine_poisoning
  16. Nicotine is a poison, cigarettes can be used to make a very effective insect poison. A non smoker can killed by eating as few as 30 cigarettes, small children are more vulnerable. But hey! It's organic!
  17. More on hydrogen "breathing" organisms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methanogen
  18. http://www.fasebj.org/content/20/10/1581.full Moontanman, although I respect and admire you (although you are a bloody frustrating friend...), you got this wrong in my opinion. Islam of the time wasn't as likely to suppress knowledge like it is today, Christianity has done the opposite and gone from suppressing knowledge to being more supportive after it was gelded by the enlightenment..
  19. Good one!
  20. If you define race in that manner humans do not have sub species... The genetic differences between humans is tiny and as I have said before humans are all members of the same gene pool. To call a subspecies there has to be some genetic isolation. Who said anything about hybrids? You can't call hybrids unless you have genetic isolation...
  21. http://www.fasebj.org/content/20/10/1581.full As for the concepts of chi and prana energies, perhaps a rigorous scientific study will show that they are wrong. Fine! However, don't write them off because they are not well-characterised. To quote AronRa "if you can't show it you don't know it" True So the Arabs and their culture was based on mysticism? I don't think so, in fact until Europeans adopted the idea of experimenting and gathering evidence which they got from arab culture european culture was back water of mysticism. Then when islam dived back down the rathole of religion, which is just mysticism, and lost the lead they had gained though methodological naturalism.. As i have already stated western civilization was also based in mysticism and they didn't prosper until mysticism was largely abandoned. Just because some people successfully use irrational means to come to power and hold it doesn't mean it is anything but nonsense... I do not write off chi and prana energies because they are not well characterised I write them off because no one has demonstrated they work...
  22. Our philosophical systems and reasoning are considered to be correct. Eastern philosophy ( I won't call it mysticism) is held to be quaint and not contestable to our reasoning and philosophy. Why? Colonialism, the Industrial revolution and the Enlightenment made us right, acceptable and incontestable. Sense-based empirical evidence is a materialist philosophy which cannot accept something that cannot be sensed such as chi or prana. Perhaps we lack the instrumentation which can detect such things but can we just dismiss them as nonsense when thousands, even hundreds of thousands have been cured or healed? Not by me. Our philosophy of life is based on the supremacy of class and race, I tell it like I see it. . Seriously Jimmy, are you asserting that what amounts to nothing but faith healing is worthy of consideration just because it is claimed to be correct? Shouldn't this Eastern Philosophy work for anyone who uses it or do you have to be a Fakir to make it work? Please tell us how a mystical philosophy heals people or has better results than methodological naturalism. You make the claim that hundreds of thousands have been cured, how do you know that if it can't be measured? Our philosophy of life, as I have said before, works for anyone who uses it. It is repeatable and falsifiable but more importantly it works and it works in a manner that can be used by anyone. Did mysticism wipe out smallpox? What has this mysticism cured? Does mysticism cure cancer? Is this Eastern Philosophy anything but "feelz"? Class and race do nothing, results is what counts. Is it not interesting that these Eastern Philosophies have been around far longer than methodological naturalism and yet this Eastern Philosophy has done nothing but hold those societies back pretty much the same way that the west was held back until they started to use evidence based knowledge instead of mysticism to find out how the world works? To quote AronRa "if you can't show it you don't know it"
  23. I think you are incorrect, so far you have done nothing but arbitrarily group people by your criteria. You keep comparing them with sub species of other animals but a sub species would be a genetically isolated group and no group of humans are genetically isolated. You make lots of assertions but you do not support them with anything but assertions. So far your evidence is not exactly mainstream science. Even the idea of races is flawed, how exactly do you define a race? Skin color? No, Dark and light skinned people do not separate out all around the world in the same way. An example would be Australian Aborigines, probably one of the most distinct populations and closer to being genetically isolated than almost any other group and no more related to other dark skinned people than europeans. People of India often have dark skin but no other "African" traits. So i ask you to define your three races "Caucasoid/Mongoloid/Negroid" what is the defining characteristic of each of these?
  24. Jimmy, are you saying that bonafide science is somehow turned into mysticism because the word energy is used? All of the things you assert as being supportive of Eastern thought was discovered by science and has nothing in common with the way the word energy is used in eastern mysticism. I am not even sure why you would think that real science ie "transcranial magnetic stimulation" " blind patients are able to see using their tongues" has anything to do with anything but scientific methodology. All Hucksters blend truth and nonsense together to make the latter appear more believable. Neural plasticity is well documented and was found by... wait for it... science, not eastern philosophy. I would really like you to point out a case where mysticism has directed us to any basis in reality. Mysticism often uses science terminology to pretend to be correct but so far all the stuff you mention is not part of any eastern anything. Just because mysticism uses words like energy to explain how thing like acupuncture or ground up dried seahorses work but it is no better than the technobabble used in star trek to give the illusion of science. Using science terminology to make nonsense seem real is not evidence that mysticism works. I am not really sure why you try to show that Euro-centrism is somehow only successful due to some bias perpetrated by white men in europe. Methodological Naturalism works no matter who you are, where you live, or what color your skin is. Mysticism does not work for anyone no matter where you are or what color you are. While being in power no doubt helped the west it did not make western mysticism correct and the pursuit of mysticism by any society only holds that society back. Western philosophical nonsense is still nonsense and still does not work... I will ask again for an example of Eastern Philosophy that negates Methodological Naturalism, simply using "technobabble" to make it look sciency is not what I am asking about. I am not really sure what you mean by Eastern Philosophy being able to make more people happy because it can be applied over large populations of mankind without their consent. I feel like happiness and the things that make us happy work better when it is actually real than when it is just a feeling...
  25. A commercial that gave me a chuckle!
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