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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. I didn't say line up a couple skulls, I said every skull of every ancestor, neanderthals are not our ancestors and you need to stop looking at individuals and start thinking of genomes. Genomes are plastic to the environment, individuals do not evolve, gene pools evolve. I have indeed kept up with recent research which is something you seem to have skipped...
  2. Do you believe the communion cracker becomes the body of Christ when you eat it? Does communion wine really turn to blood?
  3. Engineering problems guys... engineering problems only...
  4. I have read it, I've read the entire OP, did I miss something?
  5. Ok, God is a personal experience that cannot be demonstrated to anyone else, much like the bigfoot singing outside my window. He may be real to me but to everyone else he is just a unjustified assertion...
  6. God is about as real as bigfoot! I can't prove there is no bigfoot, must be a bigfoot! I think this subject is about as... Wait! "I am the eye in the sky Looking at you I can read your mind I am the maker of rules Dealing with fools I can cheat you blind" Where is that voice coming from! Oh no a bigfoot is singing outside my window...
  7. I'd like some clarification on this as well. If indeed a method of FTL became possible wouldn't that in of it's self change the laws of physics as we know them? In fact wouldn't that at least show that causality is at least not quite as written in stone as well... Much like encountering an infinity in an equation wouldn't this indicate a problem with the theory...
  8. My advice would be to keep bees and sell honey, if that is not an option then you are probably going to have to let the wild flowers grow. What do you wish to grow on the wet land? Do you not get the option to mow at least once a year to keep trees and brush from growing? I'm not sure what you mean by this or why it is important: " But for 3 years, the amount of bees haven't fluctuated." What species of bees are involved? This is really a complex subject, a simple answer is probably not possible...
  9. You are making the mistake of assuming that there is a cut off point of human and not human. If you could line up every "human" and human ancestor who ever lived there is no place and or time that you could point to and say that one is a hominid and the next one is human. The definition of what it means to be human has been in flux in recent years and you perhaps haven't kept up. Neanderthals were human, Denisovans were human so were a great many others who lived beside us. Our gene pool wasn't located in quite as exclusive a country club as many seem to think and interbreeding was more common than you seem to think. The further back you go the more and varied the occupants of that pool were... We became genetically isolated at some point to be sure but that point is still not exactly well defined...
  10. Modern Humans are a combination of at least three species of human...
  11. I enjoy your music immensely but You tube tells me not to share it, is it ok for me to share your stuff? I do have a few followers and many of them would enjoy your work i am sure. I am jealous! You are smarter and more talented than me, prettier too, damn it all
  12. Across the head?
  13. Wood glue and wood screws... This is what i build, this guy uses the same method as i have, he makes a pretty accurate video, I can fault in a couple things he does but for the most part he drives the nail in the wood!
  14. Hmmm, difficult to bend glass and plywood i guess, my own biases have bitten me again...
  15. I make a lot of aquariums, often from 4 x 8 pieces of plywood, the largest size from a 4x8 sheet is 48" long by 24" high and 24" wide that is 16 cubic feet, at 7.5 gallons per cubic foot that comes to 120 gallons, I don't see how imatfaal got 130 gallons from that...
  16. About 120 gallons...
  17. We have the black fire ants here, they are really a problem...
  18. Fire ants are a pain, around here they can be dangerous. I have honestly never read that carpenter ants destroy solid wood or live trees. I have seen then tear apart rotten wood to eat the termites...
  19. Did I mention I was a trekker?
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