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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Modern Humans are a combination of at least three species of human...
  2. I enjoy your music immensely but You tube tells me not to share it, is it ok for me to share your stuff? I do have a few followers and many of them would enjoy your work i am sure. I am jealous! You are smarter and more talented than me, prettier too, damn it all
  3. Across the head?
  4. Wood glue and wood screws... This is what i build, this guy uses the same method as i have, he makes a pretty accurate video, I can fault in a couple things he does but for the most part he drives the nail in the wood!
  5. Hmmm, difficult to bend glass and plywood i guess, my own biases have bitten me again...
  6. I make a lot of aquariums, often from 4 x 8 pieces of plywood, the largest size from a 4x8 sheet is 48" long by 24" high and 24" wide that is 16 cubic feet, at 7.5 gallons per cubic foot that comes to 120 gallons, I don't see how imatfaal got 130 gallons from that...
  7. About 120 gallons...
  8. We have the black fire ants here, they are really a problem...
  9. Fire ants are a pain, around here they can be dangerous. I have honestly never read that carpenter ants destroy solid wood or live trees. I have seen then tear apart rotten wood to eat the termites...
  10. Did I mention I was a trekker?
  11. That is a great comparison, I'm not sure if an aircraft carrier is that complex or if it is just big... My desk top is a schematic of the Enterprise, as fictional as it is it still looks like something that would take decades if not centuries to build...
  12. Well I think (big whoop) that we will find out that dimensions are far more complex than just rolled up tubes or extra spatial dimensions. My thoughts go along the lines that both may make up our reality. I wrote a rather long and boring explanation of my idea, it's here on the site someplace but I can't find it...
  13. But could such a complex machine be built? The more complex something is the more likely something will go wrong. There is no doubt much knowledge could be garnered by such a machine but are there limits to engineering complex machines?
  14. The more complex something gets it seems to me the more likely things are to go wrong. I once heard that the Space shuttle was the most complex machine made by man. But if we had the technology could we build something as complex as The Star Ship Enterprise? I was looking over a cut away picture and it occurred to me that there might be a real limit on how complex and reliable a machine can be... This video is very pretty, and makes my Treker Heart jump with Joy but could such a complex machine really be made?
  15. As soon as I see someone's head turn around in the same direction two or three times I'll get down off my unicorn and look into it...
  16. If the twilight zone was consistently moving then any culture might be nomadic, following the terminator. If the terminator moved along the lines of a few weeks or months with might be tolerated like winter is here on earth. Lots of interesting strangeness! What a great time to be alive! Good point, not sure if the planet was found due to dimming or due to doppler effect...
  17. A new planet was discovered recently orbiting Proxima Centauri, Earth like in both size and habitable zone orbit it has of course fueled considerable speculation. The planet is thought to be so close, orbital period or year is 11.5 Earth days, that it is tidally locked with it's star keeping one side facing the primary much like the moon does the earth. In our own Planetary system The Planet Mercury was once thought to be tidally locked due to it's close proximity to the Sun but it is now known Mercury rotates on its axis exactly three times for every two revolutions it makes around the Sun. Could this new planet also be orbiting in this manner due to the same or similar forces that cause Mercury to do so? This would indicate a possible ecosystem that follows the terminator instead of one side bathed in light and the other forever dark. Have any weather studies been done for this possibility? I have seen some weather studies for tidally locked planets but not for ones that rotate very slowly...
  18. Johnny was a little boy who sadly is no more for what he thought was h2o was h2so4
  19. I've been riding since I was 14, I am now 61, I have always felt that riding was safer until you actually wreak, then the potential for injury becomes much worse...
  20. I'm back dudes and dudettes! I hate staying in the hospital, semi invalid now but I will increase my activity as time moves forward. I missed you guys!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. imatfaal


      ah but it is good to see you posting again Moon.

    3. MigL


      Welcome back.

      We missed you too.

    4. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      The Moon is back! Time to howl! We missed you fiercely.

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