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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Actually those "complex cell parts" can be made by scientists, quite easily in fact. And yes you can indeed add chemicals together and get the chemicals of life to form. "mitochondrion" are the result of endosymbiosis and ribosomes are constructed by cells to do certain jobs. Your idea of simply adding chemicals together to get these things is indicative of your own ignorance of biology, evolution explains how these things came into being and even why. ​You seriously need to do some study of biology and evolution someplace besides websites dedicated to lying about reality to promote mythology...
  2. I think it's a bit more important to ask how secularism could lead to the approval of torture/murder/abuse.
  3. Not exactly a secular society...
  4. No, evolution says nothing about this because it's a non issue. Atoms do not assemble randomly, they assemble in very deterministic ways due to atom following the laws of chemistry and physics. The suggestion that the odds of assembling organic molecules is extremely unlikely is simply dishonest!
  5. Going into the hospital tomorrow morning, August 16th, at around 05:30, nine hour surgery and a week in the hospital, my jaw will be wired shut so this will be an unique opportunity to talk to me and get a word in edgewise! Come see me if you are around New Hanover Hospital!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MigL


      So, how did things go ?

      Surely you must have your laptop or pad with you.

      Give us an update.

    3. jimmydasaint


      Yep, I hope the operation was perfect and that you are now well and resting. And that you return to the Science forum to state your opinions again. Take care Moontanman. Haste ye back...

    4. imatfaal


      Hello Moon - I do hope that you are now well on the road to recovery

  6. I think I have explained this before, home protection...
  7. It is easier to aim than a pistol or a rifle and I can hunt food with it. A pistol or a rifle isn't really good for hunting small game, a pistol isn't good for hunting at all. And people wonder why we have a gun problem!
  8. I wonder if thinking about it before hand will set me up to think I had an OOBE!
  9. A shot gun is the most versatile of home protection guns. It can be used to hunt small game, even large game if you are a good hunter. It can be used for protection, intimidation, and killing zombies...
  10. Jimmy, I'm going in for a 9 hour surgery in a couple days, while I hope it goes smoothly, if it doesn't I'll report back... then again maybe not! I wonder what the surgeon would say if i asked him to set up an object that I could identify if I had an OOBE...
  11. This is hilariously wrong! Every snow flake proves this wrong!
  12. Many are not aware of it but such violence plagued the new world colonies as well. Persecution over religion via violence and intimidation was rampant in the New World... If I remember correctly a Catholic army (Spain) wiped out a whole Protestant village in Florida in the mid to late 1500s. I may have the time incorrect but the massacre happened... They killed everyone, even women and children, over dogma! http://www.heretication.info/_schismatics.html The same sort of thing continued in the colonies not only between Protestants and Catholics but between various protestant denominations as well... http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/americas-true-history-of-religious-tolerance-61312684/?no-ist
  13. For a 400 light year trip taking into account the deceleration time of half the journey wouldn't it take considerably more than 400 years "earth" time to finish the voyage? Or are you thinking ftl?
  14. I'm not really sure how dense a 10 to 20 bar atmosphere would be, for sure there could be massive flying creatures. possibly balloon like organisms, secreting pure hydrogen to fill the balloon, metabolically heating it for extra lift. I think I could make a case for a rather bizarre ecosystem with quite a bit more colonization of the air than we see on Earth. Of course a lot of this depends on how successful life is at living on a terrestrial world with a hydrogen atmosphere...
  15. I really can't think of any, higher gravity might seriously change the direction natural selection might drive complex body plans. Higher density atmosphere would change the physical shape of flying creatures, possibly we might see some body plans never favored by evolution, balloon like organisms, air filter feeders a bit more serious than spiders. It is the $64,000,000,000 question....
  16. Yes, the idea is that potentially we need to use some bigger numbers in parts of the Drake equation if nothing else... But Titan wasn't the real thrust of the OP, it was actual super terrestrial planets with hydrogen atmospheres but a mega super Titan is also possible...
  17. Since we have little to no new data the ideas are speculative. This one somewhat less so: http://phys.org/news/2015-10-kind-life-titan.html
  18. I don't think he has the lobes for it! Donald Trump pledges to replace Constitution with the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition http://newsthump.com/2016/08/06/donald-trump-pledges-to-replace-constitution-with-the-ferengi-rules-of-acquisition/
  19. I could only find water and then only after considerable study of the lay of the land like my grandfather taught me, the walking around with a stick was only to make it look like we were looking everyplace other than the place the water had to be. I never could figure out why the damn willow branch would point down from time to time...
  20. Just exactly how does satan cat?
  21. Massive cuteness over load!
  22. That is a potential problem with the concept, although ending up a water world is a potential problem for Earth sized terrestrial planets as well. As I indicated earlier Earth may have shed much water in the collision that formed the Moon. The specifics is nothing more than speculation, the possibility is real...
  23. a dense gas at best, the atmospheres of the ice giants diffuse into liquid ices like water ammonia and methane then into possibly liquid carbon then a rocky core hotter than the surface of the sun by a significant margin... But this thread is not about ice giants, it's about super terrestrials that retain a hydrogen helium atmosphere... but with a rocky surface with oceans, the paper suggest 30 bar may be the limit but it could work at less pressure as well but far far from the atmosphere of our ice giants...
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