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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Are your shirts made of polyester or a polyester blend? Polyester tends to preserve body odor and is difficult to removed body odor. It was one of the problems we worried about when making polyester. The problem was never really solved that I recall.
  2. What do you want to discuss here?
  3. Any idea why Jupiter's major moons do not have atmospheres? They are well within the similar gravitational pull of Titan.
  4. I would have to assume that by the time we do seek to build a base on Titan we will be harvesting materials for our ships and bases from objects already in space as asteroids or comets so hauling materials out of a gravity well will slowly become irrelevant as obtaining materials in space become dominant. But the idea of having bots come in and build before we get there is a good idea for sure.
  5. I think I'd have to have some hands on investigation into this phenomenon to be sure!
  6. The OP is alluding to the idea that life could evolve to use ammonia as a solvent and the idea that in some ways ammonia might be a better solvent than water but possibility of ammonia as a solvent is dependant on more than just whether or not ammonia is a good possibility for a biological solvent.
  7. I would think that by the time we get around to a base on Titan a robotic setup of the base would be SOP but I see no reason why it would be necessary.
  8. He doesn't have it... somethings are truly impossible. I think this is a bot that is just messing with us.
  9. Nuclear is the only real option here for a long term stay on Titan. Titan does have advantages, having an atmosphere is a big plus for many reasons, lots of ice, methane, ammonia, nitrogen, I can even imagine deposits of alkaline metals like sodium and potassium being present in the ice crust... but Titan is a low energy environment (wind power maybe?) we will have to bring our energy with us.
  10. Yet is still requires energy to make the electricity to run "electrolysis machines" where do you get the energy?
  11. You would have to have an energy source of some kind, nuclear is almost certainly necessary. Controlled fusion would be ideal and of course will be possible in 20 years.
  12. This assertion about ammonia ignores the problems with a planetary body with significant amounts of ammonia. First of all, how do you stop ammonia from mixing with water? The two chemicals have a major affinity for each other, each dissolves into the other and they nearly always occur together. That doesn't necessarily mean that mixture of ammonia and water couldn't support life but while planetary chemical and geophysical processes favor the persistence of water they do not favor the persistence of ammonia which can be used as fuel by life forms as well as being destroyed by planetary chemical processes. The conditions that would favor the presence of ammonia in or on a planet are unknown at this time but do not appear to be part of a rocky planet's possible chemical persistence.
  13. Fluorine is going to make up for a lack of carbon? Where are you going to find the fluorine? There is 4800 times as much carbon in the universe as fluorine. It might be possible for life forms to metabolize free fluorine, carbon compounds like paraffin are stable with hydrogen fluoride which can be seen as a solvent gas but the rarity of fluorine and it's reactivity pretty much insure that free fluorine would not persist in an environment. Then you have the problems of just how much fluorine there would have to be on a planet for free fluorine and fluorine compounds to exist. On the Earth we have oxygen, the entire earth is dominated by oxidized chemicals, rocks, and minerals. Free oxygen couldn't exist in any significant amounts without everything on the Earth being saturated by oxygen. The same would have to happen for any planet dominated by fluorine but the key is that oxygen is more abundant than fluorine, 8800 times as abundant as fluorine to be exact. Fluorine is simply too rare and reactive as an element to have fluorine play a role similar to oxygen or in combination with carbon to replace any of the major players in life as we know it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_and_occurrence_of_fluorine
  14. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/you-asked/does-wearing-bra-make-your-breasts-sag
  15. I've read the Bible several times, while I don't memorize it I do recall passages where the rape of girls who haven't "known" a man is allowed as spoils of war.
  16. IC, a bit of a sensational title for an actual discussion, poisoning the well I think. While I think Trump, IMHO, is accurately described as a rapist it is my opinion his "Bible sales" is nothing but a another grift and I find it odd that Christians in general don't find it tantamount to a slap in the face but rapist Bible?
  17. Did the OP make the claim of "rapist Bible"?
  18. "The rapist Bible"? Where and who claimed this?
  19. Needs cream cheese!
  20. Dad jokes... eeewww!
  21. Does anyone have any idea what causes the words on my computer to be distorted and smeared across the screen? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moontanman


      After a few hours it went away and didn't return. 

    3. joigus


      That reinforces my impression of a hardware issue.

    4. Moontanman


      It is a four year old laptop that had been sitting for at least three years before my main computer failed on me due to cooling fan issues I have yet to resolve. 

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