After reading several posts in this thread I wonder how many commenting have kid schedules, and or work schedules, I may be misreading this but everyone does understand that the time changes for everyone not just the school kids... right? The main problem with dst is that the sun pays little to no attention to human clocks, while time changes do concern us and they should, I worked for DuPont, rotating shifts, I changed my schedule every 7 days and the only way I could deal with it was to live like I was on the same schedule as everyone else or to be more precise I had to live like my shift was always 8 to 4, I ate, slept, and worked as though I was always on day shift. I slept, ate, and worked as though every day started at 8am even though it could be 4pm or 12am.
If the sun followed DST there would be no problem and no conflicts other than the ones we already have, if not for the Sun's lack of cooperation shifting back an hour should have no problems. Actually changing the time of school, work, or other activities would create problems for everyone... initially anyway.
If we really wanted to maximize daylight activities then we would have to actually change the time we start our days and probably on a sliding scale as the seasons progressed. In the past we changed our work schedules with the sun, we got up with the sun and went inside when the sun went down if not go directly to bed, we knew the day length changed as the seasons progressed but we changed with it instead of trying to change the time.
It seems to me at this point that DST as we know it now is the lesser of two evils in trying to fix this "problem" all the talk of starting school late or changing work schedules or relying on neighbors to take care of your kids is just not tenable in the real world.
I feel you dude, SAD is a big part of winter life for me, I feel like I need to crawl in a hole and sleep for weeks... Goa?