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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. http://www.theonion.com/article/new-study-finds-human-beings-were-never-meant-to-w-34288
  2. I am not sure what you mean by reflect in this context...
  3. Good point swansonT, I lack a belief in anything supernatural, I am a sceptic and an apistevist, my atheism is the result of those two things...
  4. 99.9999% or more of the universe is hostile and deadly to humans, even the surface the so called perfect Earth has vast regions deadly to humans. How is this evidence the universe is perfect for humans? Humans arose via evolution through natural selection. Natural selection is deterministic not random. We have no idea if intelligent beings can or cannot arise in a universe that is different from ours. The idea of the Earth being perfectly designed for humans or even life is an illusion. Life evolved to fit the Earth not the other way around. It can be said that life also changed the earth via various processes to fit life or at least complex life. You understand that the earth was drastically different billions of years ago...right? For almost 4 billion years the Earth was hostile to complex life much less humans. I can't see how you can assert the earth or the universe is perfect for humans. We can in fact think of ways the Earth could be better for life. Some authors think the earth may actually be a minimally habitable planet but that is nothing but speculation... Even the Pope accepts this version of the universe and Earth as accurate... Seems a bit odd that you disagree... God doesn't allow what you call sin and evil he created it, see post #23 in this thread... In fact the idea of heaven, hell, and the devil was borrowed from the Zoroastrian religion. Before the Jews were exposed to Zoroastrian culture they did not have a devil or hell and some would say no heaven either, Satan was an angel picked out by god to do his dirty work, never the same angel and not an evil angel like Christians seem to think... This is a very complex issue, your take on it is not particularly sophisticated, kindergarten level religion at best. As I have said before you are welcome to your beliefs, I would personally defend your right to believe as long as your belief doesn't impinge on the rights of others, but your quest to somehow justify your beliefs via the holy book you admire is fraught with flaws. You should be aware that the Bible your currently use is not in any sense an original document, it dates back to 800 ce at best and even that is questionable. Sin is in y mind simply breaking the parochial customs of your culture, evil is subjective as well. Go back a few hundred years and both sin and evil would different that what we think today. Keep your beliefs and feel welcome to them but your quest to prove a point about reality based in your religion is, I am afraid, doomed to failure...
  5. Krishna would appear for John Lennon of the beatles, doesn't make it real...
  6. Excuse me while i whip this out!!!
  7. Damn, now I feel like a weiner... no I spelled it correctly...
  8. Well at least now we know what you believe, can you give us any reason you believe these things?
  9. Wow... strawman much?
  10. Well, that explains a lot...
  11. Allow it? Makes it six of one half dozen of the other when you are talking about children... Disgusting stance on this btw... How about giving us some evidence you god exists rather than some other god or no god?
  12. I have to ask... Even if we say there is a god how do you know it's not the god of the Hinduism or Zoroastrianism or any one of thousands of gods that now lie of the rubbish heap of belief?
  13. That is a new one for sure! But god does do evil... Isaiah 45:7King James Version (KJV)7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
  14. Why do you believe in your god and not some other god or gods? How could making humans suffer be perfection to anyone but a sadist?
  15. But what about the innocents? Millions of children die everyday from horrific things that a god could prevent. God cannot even prevent his own earthly representatives from abusing children.
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicurus#Epicurean_paradox God, he says, either wishes to take away evils, and is unable; or He is able, and is unwilling; or He is neither willing nor able, or He is both willing and able. If He is willing and is unable, He is feeble, which is not in accordance with the character of God; if He is able and unwilling, He is envious, which is equally at variance with God; if He is neither willing nor able, He is both envious and feeble, and therefore not God; if He is both willing and able, which alone is suitable to God, from what source then are evils? Or why does He not remove them?
  17. So you just hand wave away anything that you do not agree with? The God of the bible is either a liar or nonexistent...
  18. How could I hate something that does not exist? I never evangelize my lack of belief why do you come here and try to convince anyone of the truth of the bronze age mythology you are a fan boy of?
  19. Insults? Really? You are insulted by the truth? I care not one iota what you do or do not believe. Asserting it as truth brings you into my kill zone..
  20. This one goes out to you UI and all the other theists out there because this is really all you have...
  21. better than the movie!
  22. I would post my go to video on this subject but I have to be asked...
  23. Or nonexistent... Ummm that could be proof of the OP? Killer whales are certainly sentient creatures...
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