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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Lately I have been wanting them to find one of these https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livyatan_melvillei still alive. The wait for megalodon is getting boring...
  2. Lately I am thinking stupidest moment of the hour might be easier to sort out...
  3. I would be interesting to know which god you are talking about as well.. .
  4. Or it is support for a universe with no god... Does the devil have free will? So God allows innocents to suffer so we can all be better?
  5. The great invisible unicorn in the sky wins yet again!
  6. One of my favorite songs...
  7. Just make me into a centaur and I'll be happy...
  8. I am having a difficult time logging into the SFN blogs, anyone have some tips to help?

    1. StringJunky


      Ask a mod or PM Cap'n Ref.

  9. I to would like some elaboration on that. "Creating life" encompasses a huge area from replicating molecules to simple single cell life to complex multicellular organisms, exactly what do you mean by " life creation"?
  10. I already have shown you what the bible says that isn't true, you have dishonestly hand waved it away. Here is just a small part of the dishonesty of the bible, No one who knew anything about genetics would make such a claim Genesis 30: 25-43
  11. Moontanman

    Yay, GUNS!

    yeah guns... http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/texas-mother-killed-cops-fatally-shooting-daughters-article-1.2687929
  12. If you are prepared to answer I suggest you do so...I used the lower case god because you have yet to show why your god is any more real than any other god... I have asked you about specific things in the bible, not any pagan religion. Your obfuscation is testimony to your dishonesty, if you were honest you would either refute my claims or admit i was correct, you do neither and in doing that you break your own 9th commandment...
  13. Maybe that is why they anal probe the people they abduct, could it be a form of communication?
  14. So you are just going to ignore the questions I gave you? Typical for theists to ignore that which they cannot explain...
  15. That could be the reason we don't get visitors, maybe the abundance of some element here on earth is high enough to deter them. I'm not sure we can make assumptions about how they could or could not protect themselves from toxins elemental or biological. Here on Earth we have some pretty toxic biologicals, poison ivy is hell on earth to us if we get into it. I think allergens could be a big problem, what we see as just hay fever could be a deadly plague to them. In fact we have some resistance to biologicals they might not have any resistance at all to things that don't affect us in the slightest. Contact between ecosystems could be a bigger barrier that we think. I have a particular fetish for stanford torus type habitats, another planet enough like Earth to support us seems unlikely. In the range of planets we have discovered so far none are really identical to the Earth. It raises the question of just how much like Earth would a planet have to be or maybe more importantly how different could it be and still support us?
  16. Maybe we taste like chicken to them... I have my doubts that any advanced civilization would have need for planets. At best they might have a specialist who studies ancient cultures or something like that. It's quite possible they might already be in our solar system but simply have no reason to contact us beyond the curiosity of an emerging culture. Do you think that things like viruses might deter any contact between ecosystems? Even small changes in the abundance of rare elements like mercury could render a planet uninhabitable by us. Makes sense the same could be said for aliens.
  17. Lovely... So many years ago and still beautiful!
  18. I had forgotten that very forgettable movie... Unless the aliens were aggressive I can't see how a visit would change anything...
  19. Nonsensical word salad, just what I would expect...
  20. Can you give some evidence of this?
  21. Up until now I have taken you seriously despite your displays of ignorance but all you need do is google the moon and see how wrong you are. In fact I would say almost certainly that you know the moon orbits the earth in roughly 28 days and at times it would be lost in the glare of the sun and so not visible. The moon is often visible during parts of the day but it is so lost in the glare of the sun few people take notice. Get yourself a globe and a smaller ball and use them as visual aids. Not to scale on orbital distance:
  22. I think you make a valid point, at least the part of our civilization that is capitalism unchained, exploitation of aliens would be expected and pursued.
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