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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. Ok, you are the first person to explain it in that manner but it seems reasonable as long as i don't have to assume they do exist until I prove other wise...
  2. How do you explain away gods word demanding murder genocide, rape pillage and taking of little girls as sex slaves?
  3. That would mean that it is assumed not to exist would it not? In the face of a lack of evidence that bigfoot exists the null result is that bigfoot cannot be said to exist..
  4. I do have a site where you can input things like mass, density, for a planet and get the maximum mountain height. It is so far below the asked question that the concept is really nonsensical. Glad you put a better take on it...
  5. The point is that in the face of a lack of evidence, and by evidence i am talking about methodological naturalism, the scientific stance is that what ever is lacking evidence does not exist...
  6. I honestly have no idea if it is anything but a joke, I thought it was funny, my rude sense of humor I guess... I'd be afraid that chimp would go to my ass over that...
  7. I misread your post, I have indeed seen a single cloud raise unholy hell many times here on the coast..
  8. still funny! as is arc's question...
  9. You can claim that no scientific evidence exists to suggest it is true, therefore the null hypothesis comes into play..,.
  10. Quite the contrary I neither accept or reject the almighty assertion, I simply state up front there is no evidence there is any truth to it. Nonetheless my assertions of the invalidity of the Bible and therefor god as described in the bible do not hinge on the story of creation being true, or the flood story or jonah and the fish or whale. I am willing to grant for the sake of argument that these things are nothing more than parables or morality tales. I am willing to pass on the evidence that these stories are simply plagiarized from earlier pagan religions. There are things that cannot be anything but evidence that god is a deceptive jinn or mythology. Pi is not equal to 3, the bible states clearly that Pi is equal to 3, no one with even a rudimentary knowledge of geometry would make such a claim, exposing pregnant goats to striped sticks will not and cannot cause the kids to be born striped. No one who knows anything about genetics would claim such a thing. The Bible clearly states the Earth is a flat disc covered with a crystal dome surrounded by water with the sun, moon, and stars inside that crystal dome. There are a great many moral issues as well, anyone who follows the moral code of the Bible would be at least imprisoned or a criminal on the run in any nation on earth. Jesus either lied or had no clue as to things like germs and the importance of cleanliness, Jesus claimed that he would return before the generation of his day had passed, he made this assertion at least three times. Jesus told slaves to obey their masters as they would obey god, even the cruel masters. God's army that he backed with his omnipotent power was defeated because his enemy had chariots of iron... is god an elf who's power is negated by ferous metals? God demands genocide, rape, pillage and even the taking of little girls as sex slaves. Unruly children are to be stoned to death at the edge of town, the god of the bible is a homicidal monster, anyone who would worship such a being if he existed is morally bankrupt...
  11. Do you seriously think that because it cannot be proven that there was no divine intervention we have to consider there was some? Do we have to prove there is no bigfoot before we can assume there are none? Do we have to consider fairies to be real until we can prove there are none?
  12. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-RfCdrHcfSyY/V2tAE4RzPWI/AAAAAAAA8GQ/1yZg7EyNgeMWEo60GTjboRcuaxtaY9bVQ/w519-h494/16%2B-%2B1
  13. Actually all of them are just as alive as jesus... Faith is not a path to anything but gullibility... You take on this is wildly deceptive and blatantly dishonest, please give an example of biblical faith being evidence of anything but wishful thinking...
  14. That is interesting, we get lots of marine weather here, lightning is very common, water spouts, thunder snow. Huge bolts of lightning streaking through snow falling at a rate of a foot an hour! Your sighting is indeed odd, too bad you didn't get it on video. I have seen some really bad lightning storms with very little in the way of clouds but I've never seen it without clouds at all..
  15. There was never a world wide flood, men cannot live in the stomach of a fish, the earth is not a flat disc covered by a crystal dome that the sun moon and stars are attached to. A man cannot fight with stars, the universe nor the earth were created in six days, putting a striped stick in front of a pregnant goat will not cause it have stripped young, the moon is not a light, there could not have been day or night before there was a sun and rotating earth. Should I go on?
  16. The Bible it's self shows the biblical god is either made up or a liar, are you afraid of dealing with me? Or do you already know the bible is wrong about everything it asserts about "the nature of" reality? Edited for accuracy...
  17. I can prove that the abrahamic god as described in the holy books of that "god" is either false or a liar. All you have are arguments from ignorance, baseless assertions, and arguments based on popularity. None of this is evidence of anything but the theistic panic when they realize they have no place to stand. Also your assumption that there is only one god is kind of pitiful, why is your god the only possible god? Why is your god more likely than any other concept of god? To assert you have evidence of your god over any other god needs to be backed up or retracted... Please tell us what you mean by this? Faith is not a part of science... No, the language used to discuss god has nothing to do with the concept of god, gods, or goddesses! There are something like 7 billion people on this planet, less than half give your ideas about god any credence what so ever. And yes, people who worship various pantheons of gods also speak english...
  18. I can prove that the abrahamic gods do not exist... either that or they lie, take your pick... The religious leaders need to convince there followers that their beliefs are being persecuted and science is an easy mark since science negates the holy books of all mainstream religions...
  19. cheese nips to anyone who knows why tonight is the night for a moondance!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raider5678


      Naked witch's? Glad I wasn't there.

    3. StringJunky


      Was you mooning with the the witches Moon? ;)

    4. Raider5678


      Cheese nips for whoever got a video of moontanman moon in the moon.

  20. Damn, eight pages for a simple question!
  21. I was disowned by a family member due to my facebook posts, now a family feud is coming to a head simply because I do not drink the koolaid of religion. Now either they hate me or are trying to drag me back into the fold, facebook can be a bitch...
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