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Everything posted by Moontanman

  1. You'll have to define complex, I was using the idea of how convoluted the surface of the brain is, ours, compared to most mammals is highly convoluted. The brains of whales are also convoluted as are the giant brains of elephants both of which have brains much bigger than human brains, both are considered to be highly intelligent as well. On the other end of the spectrum are the brains of Mormyrids, small but bigger in proportion to their body size than humans... Interesting factoid: both whales and mormyrids use echo location as a means to navigate and to find prey...
  2. If ajb isn't up for it feel free to astral project yourself to my house... tell me what is in the room I currently occupy and I'll be impressed...
  3. Sperm whales have brains several times as big as a humans and every bit as complex...
  4. Cheese nips for anyone who knows who Professor Chaos and General Disarray really are

    1. fiveworlds


      You've been watching too much south park....

    2. Moontanman


      Way too much evidently!

  5. You beat me to it! The source of this revelation is a christian news outlet known for their rather extreme bias.... I suspected quote mining but it appears that it was made up of whole cloth....
  6. No dinosaurs did not have brains bigger than humans...
  7. Hate only harms the person doing the hatting, the person being hatted is totally unaffected!
  8. I would suggest you read the entire thread instead of assuming it coincides with what you think is true... The Earths core does not and cannot consist of hydrogen...
  9. I am an atheist, I hold no belief in anything supernatural. Gods, souls, angels, demons, fairies, elves, ghost, or anything else not part of the natural world. I do not believe these things because there is no empirical evidence they exist. I am most importantly a sceptic, I could no more choose to believe or disbelieve in those things than I could believe I can fly by flapping my arms. Your assertion is nonsense your assertions about Einstein and Darwin need a citation, you simply asserting them as true is as meaningless as me asserting that the flying spaghetti monster loves you...
  10. I keep hearing gravity waves described as ripples in space time. Does this suggest that space time is a substance like the discredited notion of the aether? It seems to me that if space time can be said to ripple then a preferred reference frame is suggested by this "ripple" I know I must be off base here but how am I mistaken?
  11. Thanks guys, I guess this would apply to a matter and anti matter neutron as well?
  12. What would happen if you managed to collide an electron with a anti matter protron?
  13. When this happened I was at my sons house sitting up drinking wine with him and his partner. We were laughing, singing telling jokes and having a great time. I left this morning and didn't get home until 13:30... The first thing i saw when I got home was this horrific crime being reported, it could have been my son was all I could think about, I cried, something has to give, hate cannot be allowed to win!
  14. I don't believe you, prove it..
  15. Can you provide any evidence that what you are asserting is true?
  16. Lets say for the sake of argument I allow your premise that the Bible is indeed true, we'll have to ignore all the stuff that is demonstrably false but what the hey this is just a science forum. How can I take your book seriously but ignore Islam's book, the Jews Book, the Hindus book, the Zoroastrians book, the list of holy books and writings is long and tiresome. How do I tell yours is true and the others are not? BTW, the number of people who believe something has no bearing on it's veracity! Nor does the rate at which it spreads, Christianity spread because the church spent a large amount of time not only destroying other cultures and destroying their books but it also spread Christianity through violence and conquest... From your post I can say that you have no idea how evolution works. Your holy book is hearsay, hearsay is never taken as testimony in court... People all through history have believed all sorts of silly stuff, why is your "stuff"any better? If you really think that the Bible cannot be shown to be wrong you are not paying attention... In point of fact, every assertion in the bible about reality that can be tested has been shown to be false, this leaves only stuff that cannot be tested in anyway. Historically the Bible is bunkum, little to none of the history in the bible has any basis other than the bible and seeing how wrong it is about reality how can anyone trust it on anything? Much of the bible is plagiarized from earlier cultures, pagan and polytheistic, and can be shown to be so... BTW Gen 30:29-43 is nothing but nonsense, no one who knows anything about genetics would make such a false claim...
  17. I once read a science fiction story about how immortality was given to a man as a horrific punishment. He got on the bad side of a very powerful man by loving the mans daughter. The man injected him with nano technology that made him immortal, any time he died the nano tech would resurrect him with the materials on hand complete with his memories no matter what happened to him. The the poor guy was dumped on a planet comparable to Earth in the Cretaceous period, he would be chased down and eaten over and over only to be resurrected out of the excrement of the beast that ate him. Consumed alive to be brought back with all the wonderful memories of being eaten alive still fresh and vibrant in his mind...
  18. So scapegoating is the path to being saved? Disgusting and immoral not to mention deceptive. What did Jesus really sacrifice? See any mountains moved? Only a bad salesman requires you to have faith... Christian Faith is the very definition of religion. Please elaborate or give a citation.. So you are dressing up no true scotsman now? And you know this how? The Judeo Christian Scripture is not evidence of anything, it is the claim that requires evidence
  19. My surgery has been cancelled until the solve some other health issues..

    1. imatfaal


      Dammit Moon you are not having the best of luck recently. I hope things start to go your way and things begin to sort themselves out

    2. MonDie


      It's true! He is moontanman! Let us make him lower priority. ;)

    3. Enthalpy


      Wish you all the best!

  20. Various metals and trace elements in lava rocks, iron , manganese to name a couple..
  21. Oh, I forgot, thanks for reminding me, to the before mentioned ingredients I used cowboy charcoal ground up fine as power.. I would think the type of rocj the powder comes from would make a difference, lava rock is very different from limestone or granite...
  22. Genesis chapter one verse one is BS the rest is just piling the BS on deeper...
  23. My aquarium soil consisted of earthworm castings, composted azolla, and lava rock powder at about the consistency of flour. The reason I am so anal about ingredients is that I used to work as a lab tech at DuPont, well to be honest I have always been anal but the lab just rewarded the behavior ..
  24. This is Moontanman actual My E-Mail has been compromised, let me know if you receive any odd e-mails from me and do not open them...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Moontanman


      Is it really that bad? I changed my e-mail password and the spam messages stopped. I ran virus and male ware programs and they found nothing. I am getting ready to go into the hospital for surgery, I'll be gone for at least a week. When I get back I'll let you go into details. Weird that only one of my e-mail accounts was compromised and nothing else. I blacked out again today, took me most of the afternoon to get it back together, getting old is not what it is cracked up to be..

    3. StringJunky


      Yes, it can be that bad and it can get you blacklisted if you become part of a botnet. See how it goes while you are away.


      Take it easy mate and focus on getting well. PM me your infected email address, if you want, and I'll reply with one I don't mind losing if it's a problem. I'll let you know if it's suspicious.

    4. imatfaal


      best of luck with the Doctors Moon. Hope all goes well.

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